Hey! New story! Stuff you should know.

Enter the MSRTC by C.C. Cheree. They're right. There are way to many Mary-Sues on PJO so help eliminate! Submit an OC. For more details search the MSRTC.

My awesome friend hayley0613, is writing this in her OC's POV. She and I are also co-writing each other's (kinda). So check out: The quest of pain:Meda.


I own none of this.



Until a bit ago, I was your average sixth grader with severe ADHD and dyslexia. I thought I was just a normal kid with bad luck. Bad luck? Duh. Normal? Yeah right.

I live in Raleigh, North Carolina, but due to me being, um, 'special', I go to school in New York. Long way from home, I guess. It doesn't bother me though. See, I am what they call a 'messed up' kid. You know the whole running away from foster families, getting into fights kind of thing? Yep.

That's me, Caroline Rose Lenet, Juvenile Delinquent.

Welcome to my world. Let's back up to when I was still in school 'learning valuable life skills'.

"Ms Lenet?" I heard a voice drag me out of my lovely rest. Why can't they just let people get their rest?

"Ms. Lenet?" I heard again, realizing it was my history teacher. Guess I just got caught sleeping again.

"Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence in 1776!" I said as I popped up from my desk. As I looked up, I realized I was in science, not history.

"Caroline, that was not the question, please do try to save your napping for your pillow," Mr. Kinner said. As you probably guessed, he was my least favorite teacher, hence making science my least favorite class. "Yes, Mr. Kinner," I said dutifully, though inside I just wanted to send him to a place where he could meet all of these figures the hard way. He was so evil, sometimes I thought he was a monster. Not exactly the non-rich-delinquent-friendly guy.

Mr. Kinner walked away and continued his long boring lecture on the plant growth, which I had known about since 1st grade. See, I'm really smart and get great grades, but I'm labeled as a drop-out so no one sees me as intelligent. Teachers often don't respect that I learn quickly and think I'm an idiot because of my ADHD and dyslexia. I learn, just differently.

"We will be going on a field trip next week to the Long Island Sound to pick strawberries and learn about Greek mythology, and plant growth from Mr. Chiron Brunner, the famous Greek historian and his cohort, Mr. D, a well-known biologist, who will discuss plant growth. Please get your permission slips signed by the end of the week by a teacher of your choice." He said. I inwardly groaned. What teacher would sign my paper?

I then got it. I would ask Mr. Chase, our homeroom/history teacher. He was pretty cool. He taught me like I was smart. Apparently he had a daughter just like me. "You'd like Annabeth," he would tell me. "She's just like you." I bet her parents hadn't disappeared before she was born, I would think bitterly.

When I went to go to his office to I saw a pretty, blond girl walking hand-in-hand with a tallish black haired Mediterranean-looking guy that looked familiar. They looked about 16 or 17ish. They were busy talking and didn't see me coming. I have to say it wasn't really their fault; I wasn't really paying attention either. So we kind of collided, knocking the paper and all the books I had been planning to return to the library out of my hands.

They both immediately rushed to help me. We were all on the floor picking up my books when I recognized the black- haired guy.

"You're Percy Jackson!" I said, finally placing the face.

"Uh, yeah, and you're Carol somebody," He said with a confused look on his face. I'm guessing he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

"Caroline," I corrected, "Yeah, you and your mom lived in our building, right?" I doubt he remembers anything, much less us.

Before he could answer the blond girl spoke up. "Hey, Seaweed Brain, aren't you going to introduce me, as that would be the polite thing?"

Ah. So she's the smart one.

"What? Oh yeah. Annabeth, Caroline, Caroline, Annabeth. Happy, Wise Girl?" Percy said, clearly annoyed.

Annabeth looked at me, rolled her eyes, and said "I'm sorry about him, I believe he fell from Olympus and hit his head." I had been thinking about where I had heard that name before.

"Oh!" I exclaimed and they looked at me weirdly "Annabeth Chase, right?" I said. A look of confusion passed over her face.

"Um," she said, shooting a worried look across to Percy, "How do you know that?" I looked at her like she was crazy

"Well," I started "Your dad happens to be my teacher," I said. What was with her? Is she just a paranoid freak? "He mentions you a lot because he has to use different learning techniques for me. Apparently, I am 'just like you'," I said, giving her an is-it-all-coming-back-to-you look.

"Ah," She said "ADHD and Dyslexia, switching around all the time?"

"Yeah," I was amazed "You have it too?" I was surprised. Annabeth really didn't seem like the changing schools every year type. She seemed more the school-genius-prodigy.

"Yep, and so does kelp head," Annabeth answered.

"No offense," I said, directing the comment at Percy "But the latter seems to be more…correct me if I'm wrong…more of the moving around type. You seem to be more of the genius prodigy type,"

She simply laughed, "Yeah. He doesn't come off as the smartest knife in the drawer, does he?" I nodded in agreement.

"I'm sorry that I'm insulting your boyfriend, but he really isn't. He tried to eat a staple when he was thirteen," I informed her. Annabeth raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

"Hey!" Percy said, defending himself "Grover claims that they are an excellent source of iron, so when my mom said I was 'low on iron' I decided to try it."

"Yes, while you were babysitting," I said, "You aren't exactly the best influence."

"That I can believe," Annabeth laughed "That I can definitely believe". Annabeth turned around to see her dad. She looked a bit annoyed. I wondered why because she came to visit him in the first place.

"Ah, Caroline, I see you've met Annabeth and Percy," Mr. Chase said. He, like his daughter, looked a bit annoyed. "Hello, Percy."

"Hi!" Percy said, oblivious to the annoyed tension in the air. "How're ya Mr. Chase?" he said in a southern drawl. I rolled my eyes at his ridiculousness. Boys.

"Um, yeah about that," Annabeth said nervously "I think-"

She was interrupted.

"We think" Percy corrected, knowing exactly what she was going to say.

"We think," Annabeth corrected herself "that she might be…" She trailed off and looked at her dad, telling him the rest.

"Yes," Her father answered "She is the one I've been telling you about, why I organized the field trip." I was already confused.

"Back up," I said "What's going on?" I very much disliked having no clue what was going on. It was partially my impulsivity, and partially just me, being me. Unfortunately, they all ignored my question.

"What about that other girl?" Percy asked "Like Lexi, or something."

"Percy…she's already…well…um…she already knows," Annabeth stuttered "Its Bex from Cabin 5."

"Bex!" I was stunned. Bex was my only friend at school. She was one of those total bad girl people. Apparently, she was like me. But that made no sense. We were complete opposites.

"Caroline…" Percy asked "Your parents disappeared when you were a baby, right?" I glared daggers at him.

"One died, one left. I don't know who did what though," I said, glaring.

"Oh, Styx," Annabeth muttered as thunder rumbled, as if on cue, "This gets better and better."

Lightning flashed, even in the snow. I saw a huge, black dog with long fangs.

"Uh, we have got to go," Percy said, nervously "I have a feeling that ain't Mrs. O'Leary."

"Bring her with," Mr. Chase said, pointing to me.

"Yeah," Percy agreed.

"Wait!" I exclaimed "What am I and what is that thing? I won't go with unless I know."

"Stubborn, much," Percy muttered "Well, that's the Grecian monster, a hellhound."

"And me?" I asked

"You" Annabeth responded, looking up from something

"You're a demigod."

Hope ya loved it! R+R.
