"And that's how your mother and father got married again." Marlene said while putting a flower crown on Arisa's head.

It was five years after Tifa's and Cloud's second wedding. They were at Aerith's church, talking and looking at the flowers growing at the church. Marlene, now 16, was busy tackling Arisa's parents' love life while Denzel, now 18, was leaning on one of the foundation of the church silently listening to the two girls talking.

Arisa was 6 years old now and was a very active child. She was wearing a denim jumper with a white t-shirt underneath sporting with rubber shoes while her shoulder length blonde hair was tied in a two low ponytails. She inherited her mother's facial features –causing a real anxiety to Cloud to protect her for harm and by harm meaning boys—while having Cloud's blonde hair and eye color.

"We're back." Tifa opened the doors of the church. Arisa rushed towards her and hugged her. "How was your day? How was everyone?" Marlene asked as she approached the two. Tifa nodded and raised Arisa from the ground. "Everyone was fine, growing old but fine."

"Where's Papa?"

"He went ahead. He said that he needs to do something." Tifa noticed the crown on her daughter's head and smiled. "You like Aerith's flower?"

"Aerith?" Arisa tilted her head and said. Tifa put her down on the ground and smiled. "Aerith's a special friend of Mama and Papa. Didn't I tell you that before?"

"I remember. I just like hearing her name." Arisa nodded and pointed at the ceiling. "I feel she's in there." Tifa shook her head and pointed at Arisa's heart. "She's actually in here, forever and always."

Today was Aerith's death anniversary. Everyone kept a promise to gather on this day every year to pay respect on Aerith's sacrifice to the world. It became a tradition and sometimes it's the only time for them to meet. Everyone started to drift apart but it was only natural. They all live in different parts of the world so it was perfectly normal to drift apart. But it didn't mean that their friendships faded. They just haven't have time to spent with each other like the old times.

"Then we should get going then." Denzel said as everyone made their way out of the church. "No!" Tifa shouted by impulse and stopped for a second. "I mean, we should take a stroll first. We still have time before dinner. There is a place I want you guys to see."

"What place?"

"I know another place where Aerith's flowers bloom. Well at least during those times but I'm sure you will be glad on seeing her today." "Her?" Denzel asked. "Elmyra, Aerith's mother. I want to visit her would you like to accompany me?"

Denzel sighed as he put one of his hands on his pocket. Marlene and Arisa hold each other's hand and showed excitement from Tifa's suggestion. "I guess we can pay Aunt Elmyra a visit. She took care of us during those times when Midgar was waged in war (DOC)."

"Is she kind?" Arisa asked Marlene while they make their way at the market. "She is. She's the sweetest and kindest Aunt you will meet." "Could I call her Aunt Elmyra as well?" Arisa looked at Tifa and asked. Tifa gave it a thought and smiled."Why don't you ask her when we met her there?"

It took a couple minutes before they managed to reach Aerith's house. The market was not as lively as before. Fewer people live there. Maybe they found another place to live in. They found Elmyra watering the flowers on the flower patch. Marlene called her out and she turned to them with a smile.

"My, my! Marlene and Denzel you sure have grown." Elmyra patted them on the head and smiled, showing her wrinkly face. She looked at everyone's faces and saw Arisa hiding behind Tifa's dress. "Is this your child my dear?" Tifa nodded and pushed Arisa to introduce herself.

"I'm Arisa Strife, 6 years old. Would you like to be my Auntie?" Elmyra was shocked but she laughed. Arisa felt embarrassed and hid her face again at her mother's dress. "I'm too old to be your Auntie. But you could call me Grandma if you like."

Arisa's eyes widen and she gave her the sweetest smile. She nodded and extended her tiny hands to her new grandmother. "I'm surprised that the flowers still bloom here." Tifa said as she looked across the fields. "I'm sure Cloud would be happy seeing this."

"It's been these many years huh?" Elmyra said as she played with Arisa. "As days passed I feel like I grew closer to her. Her smiles always appear in my dreams. I wonder if she's calling me there." Tifa looked at her silently and looked at the kids playing across the flowers. "When you meet her, could you tell her that we miss her terribly?"

It was almost dark outside when they said their goodbyes to Elmyra. She was waving at them with a cane on her other hand. Arisa was holding Tifa's as she waved back to her. She suddenly realized that it has been 12 years after their journey against Sephiroth. Tifa can't believe that time was taking toll on everyone. She sighed and looked at Arisa and the others. "I feel like an old lady when looking at them." She said to herself and smiled.

"We're home." Tifa said and opened the door. "Goodness, you sure took long enough. Cloud's beginning to worry about you. He thought you guys were caught at an accident and was about to attempt suicide." Yuffie welcomed them with a bowl and whisk on her hands.

"I did not." Cloud shouted at the kitchen making everyone laughed. Arisa let go of her mother's hand and went to her father. Denzel was completely confused about what he was seeing. Everyone was there and what he meant by everyone was Cloud, Tifa , Arisa, Marlene, Yuffie and Barret were there.

"Surprised!" Tifa popped confetti's and said. "Cloud planned a surprise farewell party for you Denzel. We hope you find the thing you are searching for on your journey."

"Thank you for the food!" Everyone clasped their hands and thanked God for another day he had given them.

Denzel decided to leave the house permanently. Like what Cloud did when he was 16, he wanted to seek adventure -to discover the world. Cloud and Tifa didn't oppose it. They thought that he was on the proper age to think for himself.

"If you live during the times where Shinra was in prime I'm sure your dream will be also becoming a 1st class SOLDIER." Tifa said as she glanced at Cloud. "Even Reeve thought that you will join the WRO as soon as you hit the right age." Cloud coughed and added.

"I will surely miss Denzel's company here." Marlene said, catching Tifa and Cloud's playful gaze. "Then why don't you accompany him?" Cloud said, playfully teasing Marlene. She blushed and started to act strange causing her father to notice it.

"My little Marlene…." He said with waterworks on his eyes. Marlene covered his mouth and shouted at them to stop teasing her.

Everyone was accustomed on living their new life. Many changes have become apparent from those five years. Barret became the Mayor of the Corel after rebuilding it. Many people from the slums started to live there to start a new life. He even kept commenting on his white hair while Cid and Shera on the other hand were expecting a baby. Vincent and Red XIII, the most distant among the bunch, frequently spend each others company.

"Yuffie, why don't you visit with Yuri next time?" Cloud seconded Tifa's request and added, "When will you get wed? You're reaching 30's soon."

Yuffie folded her harms and boasted, "You don't need to dictate my life. Didn't you forget that I'm the youngest among us, so I have plenty more time!" Tifa smiled as she caught a glanced on an engagement ring on Yuffie's hands. Cloud did the same thing after noticing it as well.

They were very worried about whether Yuffie will find someone on her life. Not because she was childish or selfish at times but because she was too fixated on restoring Wutai even today. But the couple's worry began to fade when Yuffie brought Yuri one time during Thanksgiving. He was polite and can reprimand Yuffie's selfish nature –something you won't see every day.

Even the five years took toll on the couple. Cloud's business began to slowly fall because the world started to stand on its own feet but thanks to his loyal customers Cloud's business manage to stay. And now he was working on the job he originally had, collecting ingredients for Tifa's bar. His motor, Fenrir is still on top shape, same as ever, but Cloud on the other hand changed. He became accustomed on wearing normal clothes. Wearing only loose t-shirts, khaki pants and sandals, Cloud ride his motor and roam across the world to find ingredients. He even prioritized on avoiding battles now that he believes that he have someone to return to.

While Cloud's business was declining, Tifa's timeless beauty became the selling point of the bar. Now only wearing a cream colored loosely fitting dress with a white t-shirt underneath and sandals, Tifa enchant her customers with her simple yet amazing timeless beauty. Even with only household chores taking her time she managed to maintain her figure but not as curvaceous as before. Cloud even wondered if he married an immortal goddess because of her beauty.

"Marlene what will you do from now on?" Denzel asked that night after the party. Everyone was asleep on their respective beds while the two escaped and went to the terrace to talk. "Since you're already in the age to think of your future."

Marlene shook her head as her long flowing hair shone from the moon's light. "I've been thinking for it for awhile but I don't know what to do. Deciding my future is really a heavy decision. What do you intend on going on a journey?"

"I want to find my purpose on living. Maybe going on a journey will help me realize what my purpose on living is."

"And then what? What will happen if you find your purpose?"

"Maybe settled down. Live like what Cloud and Tifa did."

"My father asked me the same question. But you know what? He never implied to stay with him. Maybe he felt guilty that he was not always there so he doesn't want to force me to stay with him. He wanted me to decide freely like you did." Marlene paused and smiled at Denzel. A single tear fell on her eyes and continued talking, "I have a dream once. I became a teacher on my dream. I suddenly thought that maybe being a teacher wasn't so bad. I will stay here and study teaching and after that I will stay at Corel and teach there."

"That wasn't half bad." Denzel smirked while Marlene blushed in embarrassment. "At least I have a solid plan about my future." She then playfully hit Denzel on his head causing laughter. "Then I should plan on staying at Corel Town permanently if that will really happen."

"Bye! Bye!" Arisa waved her hand. "Good thing he decided to leave the house. I'm beginning to be worried about him. I don't want to see another Cloud form in front on my eyes. It will give me goosebumps." Tifa laughed and asked the two girls to enter the house. "You're going to miss him right?"

"Of course, he was a son to me." Cloud said with a smile. Tifa patted his back and went back at the house. "Let's get to work Cloud." She turned around and saw Cloud looking at Denzel's back as he disappeared on their eyes.

"Good Luck."

"I'm home."

"Papa!" Arisa hugged and welcomed him. "How are my little Arisa?" Arisa nodded and pulled him at the dinner table. "Say something first to Mama."

"Oh, hi darling I'm here." Cloud kissed him in the cheek and whispered something on her ear. "It seems Arisa have taken the liking on our rules and regulations." Tifa said and looked at an old memo on the board.

"I guess Marlene already told her about it." Cloud shrugged and looked left and right. "Where is she anyway?" Tifa placed the plates on the table and answered, "After Denzel left, she emerged herself on studying. Maybe they have a promise with each other or something."

"Would you stop forcing them as couples?" Cloud said as he looked displeased at Tifa. "Well I can't help it. They look good with each other. They might have been raised together and think of each other as a family but it doesn't mean they have the same blood running on their veins. They could still get married."

Cloud face palmed and sighed. "You and your teenage desires." Tifa laughed and replied, "In this age this is the only thing that could make me occupied. Cloud make sure you drop Arisa to school before you drive away to your adventurous desires."

"Fine, fine. You made it sound like a bad thing."

"Because it is! You know how worried I am when you travel back and forth from dangerous places."

Arisa smiled and looked at her mother and father alternately as they have a friendly argument with each other. "Anyone home?" Arisa heard a familiar voice and opened the kitchen's door. She saw Red XIII crawling from the doggy door while she saw a silhouette of man shadows at the door. "Nanaki!" She screamed and hugged Red XIII.

The couple heard Arisa's shout and went to her side. "I'm still amazed that only Arisa calls him Nanaki." Red XIII let go of her hold and shook his body. "That's the only hope in humanity I'm clinging for actually. Reeve is outside."

"Hey little Arisa." Reeve greeted her with a smile. He asked for a high five but she was too small to reach him. Arisa gave up and bloated her cheeks as she folded her arms. "Actually I have a gift for you." Reeve revealed a box from his back that turn Arisa's frown upside down.

"Everyone's very fond of Arisa. I'm really glad that she receives so many attentions."

"Yeah. She's like an angel brought to us." Cloud added from Tifa's earlier statement. "Good morning." Marlene, who just woken up, came downstairs and went to eat her breakfast. "What's this commotion all about?" She turned to her side and saw a giant moogle growing out of the box and seemed getting larger and larger.

The house exploded as the giant moogle stretched as big as a WEAPON. "This is Moogle 3012. I made him to grow in the owners desired sized but it seems that it's not working properly."

"Not working properly my ass! Please don't give our Arisa experimented toys of yours." The couple shouted while Reeve laughed at the background.

Red XIII sighed and looked at you. "See? Like I told you before, she's the only hope in this humanity."



I'm saying goodbye to you, readers. This story now reached its ending. I'm hoping that you enjoyed reading this story. This is actually the most successful one I wrote since I garnered more than 1k plus of views for just one month and a half of posting this story. This is actually the best one I wrote as of this moment. If you like this, feel free to see some of my stories on my profile.

I'm thanking Omegaxis1 for having my back and pointing out my mistakes. I also want to say thank you for the few other people who reviewed this story.

It's been a fun ride thanks to you guys :)