Hi everybody~ Sorry for the hiatus. My freshmen year went pretty well. Kindy shaky. But grade wise I did very well :3 I'll be going back in august. I've been workin on campus for the summer and getting addicted to making plushies lol. I started taking commissions too.

I'm making a Travis and Wes plushie. Travis is almost done woot~ Please see my profile for my deviantart link for my progress on them if you want. Or message me :3

Anyway 3 episodes of ComLaw left nooo :'(

I will BAWL during the finale. I don't want it to end. I also can't wait to see bloopers from the season lol

Here we go enjoy! Reviews are loved!

Chapter 1: What?

"What?" Travis asked obnoxiously, thinking that he heard wrong. For the third time.

His eyes widened while he began backing away slowly taking in the sight before him. Wes stood before him in the locker room flustered, irritated and a tinise tiny bit pissed off. Travis saw him visibly take in a breath before speaking again and putting on a tight smile.

"I asked you, how was your day?"

"Huh?" Travis whimpered shaking his head silently. He felt for his locker door as if to stabilize himself from falling. Travis knew and heard what Wes was asking but…it couldn't be real. Sure he knew Wes cared about him, but to go as far as asking him how his day went? WTF?

And also he wanted to screw with him a bit. Heh.

Wes rolled his eyes before bellowing, "Travis! Stop acting dramatic! "

"Oh! Oh fine. I mean you were with me. Me being badass as usual" Travis replied nervously now eying Wes in concern. Travis couldn't believe what transpired for the last 10 minutes. First they were arguing about their last case and how it could have been solved (Travis of course had the best idea executed which is why they solved it so fast) but then Wes had to go and give his opinion.

That dick.

They argued even more while arresting their perps. Yet again to the station where they did the paperwork for the case and from there to the locker late at night where they were now. As soon as they finally agreed to their disagreement, Wes went quiet staring at Travis awhile before asking him something. Travis thought he misheard him due to the sound of opening and unpacking his junk from his locker. But no. Wes repeated himself, asking Travis how his day went.

Something was seriously wrong with that.

"Everything alright Wes?" Travis asked his voice going higher. As Travis watched his partner he noticed Wes was still somewhat visibly flustered. Wes nodded quickly before taking the rest of his belongings out of his locker. After a few minutes of silence Wes then suddenly turned to look at Travis causing him to jump.

"What so I c-can't ask you how your day is going?" Wes questioned hurriedly, face turning red while slamming his locker shut. Travis' eye twitched and he repressed the urge to run away screaming from his obviously mentally ill partner. "Is there a law against that now!" Travis looked around the locker area before breathing a sign of relief. He was thankful that everyone had gone home.

"You were with me the whole day though-"

"No , not really! I don't care! I still have the right to ask you!-I mean…" Wes covered his face in his hands. "Dammit."

"uh Wes, maybe you should go home and rest" Travis said softly after a minute. He reached out to pat the blonde's shoulder. Wes' head rose slowly up from his hands, his eyes suddenly darting over to Travis' hand on his shoulder. His blue eyes went large coming in contact with Travis'.

"Okay…" Travis murmured awkwardly moving his hand away only to have Wes' eyes follow the movement of it. Travis stood silently, thinking if he should risk unexpected movement to gather the rest of his stuff out of his locker or help Wes or something with his weirdness.

"I'll be going-"




Anyway xD I hope this was enjoyed. Also I'll do my best to update my Criminal Minds and SPN stories as best I can. Bye! Thanks for reading :)