Here it is, the final chapter. I hope it doesn't feel too rushed. I wanted to finish it, so I could start another idea I had before school started. If you have any personal pairings you would like in my new story, please post it in the reviews or message me. The more input the better.

Review Response Time-

Iroha-Kitty- I'm glad you liked Mikuo and Gumi. They are pretty cute together. And I can see from your profile that you don't enjoy the normal Vocaloid pairings. :) If you want a certain pairing (like Mikuo and Gumi) in another one of my stories, message me and I'll see if I can sneak it in.

Chemical Emotion- Not a big Neru fan huh? I have mixed feelings about her. Her personality is kinda mean, but I can look past that. I hate her though when she's with Len instead of Rin.

Hi- I'm so glad you think it's not like other stories. I wanted to try to make it different.

SharksxVocals- I think this is an opportunity for both Rin and Len to learn from their mistakes, but they are both teenagers so it can't be as easy as that.

Disclaimer- I don't own Vocaloid or the characters. I just own the story.

Miku's POV

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" I asked Mikuo. Mikuo just shrugged his shoulders. "It seemed like a good idea at the time…" Frowning, I poked my head above our current hiding spot. A bunch of bushes. I looked around to see if Rin and Len had showed up yet. It was almost 6:00, but Rin was never one to be punctual.

I heard footsteps and I quickly ducked down. I tried to create a small hole in the bushes so that Mikuo and I could watch. After a couple scratches, I finally made a hole big enough to see through, but small enough not be detected. "They here yet?" Mikuo asked, rather loudly. I smacked his head with leek. Yes, I happen to carry one wherever I go just in case. "Shut up!" I hissed, smacking him one more time for good measure.

I heard a voice call out from beyond the bushes. "Mikuo!" It sounded like Len. "Where are you?" he called again. Rin better show up soon, or Len is gonna leave before she gets here. "Maybe I'm in the wrong spot," Len said to himself. I could hear Len start to walk away. No he can't leave yet! Rin isn't here!

I was just about to jump out of the bushes to stop him, when I heard another voice. "Len?" It was Rin, and she sounded upset.

Rin's POV

I wonder why Mikuo wanted to go to the park so late? And what's weird is that he and Miku had somewhere to go, right before 6:00. I can already tell something is up. Still, I promised I would go. At about 5:55, I decided I should probably leave to go to the park. Maybe Mikuo is there waiting.

I walked along the sidewalk, kicking rocks into the street. I had a major headache from all my crying. Still don't understand why I was so upset though. Finally I arrived at the park. Now where exactly am I supposed to meet Mikuo. It is a pretty big park after all. After a bit of searching, I saw someone moving up on the hill, by the swing set. That must be Mikuo.

I ran (okay fast walked, I don't run) over to the hill. I was about to yell "Mikuo!" but didn't. The closer I got to the top of the hill, I noticed the person wasn't Mikuo. Instead of teal-hair, it was blonde. And it was in a ponytail. It looked a lot like…oh no. Damn you Mikuo and your tricks.

I walked up behind the mysterious blonde boy. "Len?" I asked, sounding pretty upset. Right now I'm passed the crying and sadness. I'm at the stage where I'm just pissed off at Len. The boy turned around, and stared at me. "R-Rin?" he asked, confused. "Why are you here?" He's more of an idiot than I thought. Isn't it obvious Mikuo set us up?

I sighed, and turned to leave, before I punched Len in the face. "Wait," Len cried, grabbing onto my arm. "What?" I snapped furiously at him. He quickly stepped back, letting go of my arm. "Don't you have something to tell me?" he asked, his arms crossed. "Like what?" I told him.

"Don't you wanna apologize for lying to me?" Len said smugly. He wants me…to apologize to him? That's it, he's gonna get it. I turned back towards Len, my hands in fists. I ran towards him and socked him right in the stomach. He fell to the ground in an instant. "What was that for?" he groaned, unable to stand up. "You think I should apologize to you?" I screamed in his face. "You jerk!" I hit him in the stomach again.

"You were the one who was gonna break up with me, weren't you?" Len said softly. "What did you just say?" I yelled, thinking he had insulted me. Len steadily got to his feet again. "I said, you were the one who was gonna break up with me, weren't you?" For once I was at a loss for words. I was supposed to break up with him, but I didn't really want to. "I-I…" I said quietly, looking down at the ground. "Tell me the truth," Len commanded.

"I was supposed to break up with you, but…" I stopped. "But what?" Len questioned angrily. "Ididn'twanttocuzIthinkIlikeyou," I said super-fast, so that Len couldn't understand. Wait, why am I telling him all this? He should be explaining himself to me?

"What about you, kissing that girl like that?" I screamed, my mood turning from calm to raging. "She jumped out of nowhere, and started to kiss me," Len said, smiling, like this was a good excuse. Well his victory was short lived. "Why didn't you pull away from her then?" I asked, my voice going hoarse from all the screaming. It seemed like Len didn't have a good answer to my question, because he didn't answer straight away.

"Why?" I screamed in his face again. "Old habits," he mumbled. Like I'm gonna believe bullshit like that. "That's it, I'm leaving," I yelled, walking away. Behind me, I heard rustling in the bushes. "Mikuo and Miku, you better get the hell out of those bushes right now," I said, pointing to the moving bushes. Two teal heads popped out. "Busted," I heard Mikuo whisper to Miku.

Honestly, I feel like I'm surrounded by idiots sometimes. I began to walk away faster. "Wait Rin," I heard Len chase after me. I didn't bother to turn around though. I'd rather not deal with him. But Len was faster than me this time. He quickly jumped in front of me before I got the chance to run away.

I was about to slap him so he'd get out of my way, but he grabbed both my hands. What is he doing? "Rin," Len said quietly. "Let me go," I snapped, trying to pull my hands out of his grip. "Rin," Len started again. "You weren't really gonna break up with me?" He looked at me with bright, blue eyes. "No," I mumbled, giving up on trying to break free.

"Rin, I'm sorry for kissing Neru, but you should know she's not the one I love," Len said, his gaze never leaving mine. Great, he's cheating on other girls now. He never really did change then. "Len, so help me if you are cheating on another girl…" I was cut off, by Len when he pressed his lips against mine.

Len's POV

Why is it whenever I kiss Rin, something bad always happens to me? I romantically apologize to Rin, then swoop in and give her a kiss, and then she hits me. She HITS me. After I kiss her. Does she not understand what an apology is?

"What was that for?" I asked, rubbing my cheek. "You are cheating monster!" Rin roared, slapping me again. Doesn't she know that really hurts? "Rin," I groaned. "I was apologizing to you. You're the one that I love." There I said it loud and clear. She better get it this time. I watched Rin turn motionless, and her face go pale. "Y-you love me?" she stuttered. "Yeah," I smiled, taking her hands again.

Rin's face slowly started to turn pink. "B-but how do I know I can trust you?" she asked, her voice full of sadness. That hurts that she doesn't trust me. "Do you trust this?" I said, leaning in for another kiss. Her lips were so sweet, like oranges. Her hair smelled like oranges too.

I slowly pulled away from her, and to my surprise she started to smile. "I-I like you too Len," she said stammering, trying to put on a smile. I was about to kiss her again, when I heard movement from beside us. I turned to see Mikuo and Miku. Oh yeah they've been standing here… this entire time. "That awkward moment when you see your best friend making out with your sister's best friend," Mikuo said, cracking up. That wasn't that funny in my opinion, but I'll let it go.

"Rin, I'm so happy for you!" Miku cried, pushing me out of the way to give Rin a hug. "Miku, please get off," Rin groaned. Miku let go smiling and ran back besides Mikuo. I turned back to Rin. "So are we dating again?" I asked, smiling. "This is your last chance lover boy," Rin warned me. I nodded and took hold of her hand.

Rin started to smile again, and I smiled too. This couldn't have been more perfect. But I'm still mad at Mikuo for setting me up. Oh he's gonna get it.

Mikuo's POV

"Mission accomplished!" I said happily, motioning for Miku to give me a high-five. Instead she sighed. "You do know they are both gonna kill you later, right?" she told me.


I hoped you enjoyed the story! Please review and don't forget to put your input for couple pairings in my next story. Thanks for reading! :)