Chapter I

A funny start

Prussia happily ran down stairs with a yellow gift bag swinging freely in his hand. Once he got to the kitchen he placed it on the table and took a bottle of wine out of the freezer to put in the red tissue paper of the bag.

"Hmm, a little wet but it will dry by the time I get there anyways." Prussia shrugged off the slightly ruined tissue paper, grabbed his bag and headed into the living room. Taking a moment to check the weather by looking out the window Prussia placed the bag on the end table near a phone and retrieved his gloves, fur scarf and blue coat from the arm of the loveseat. Turning around he admired himself at a distance from the mirror in the bathroom across the hall.

"Awesome me, looking awesome as always." He smilled big at himself before grabbing the gift bag from the table and heading out the front door. Outside Prussia pulled the collar of his jacket up as the harsh wind blew specks of snow into his face. He locked the door than turned and began to quickly push and kick through the many inches of snow to get to his car in the driveway. Shuffling a bit too fast Prussia kicked his foot up hard causing him to slip up on the iced over walkway underneath the snow and fall back. Sitting up Prussia brushed himself off and easily spotted and picked up the brightly colored gift bag but his keys, that had flew from his hand, were currently blending in with the snow and slush that surrounded him and with the wind wildly blowing snow in to his eyes they would be hard to find. Thankfully, Germany left a spare house key under a loose brick on the porch for times like these. Prussia would use that to get back inside and get his spare car key. Unfortunalntly once Prussia tried to lift the brick he discovered it was frozen in place and had no choice but to look for his key in the snow before it got too high.

"...Fuck me..." After securing his hood and scarf Prussia began to crawl through the snow looking for his keys so he could go lest he freeze to death from being in the on coming snow storm. Prussia began to search the area where he had fallen when his head bumped into a something. He looked up at the figure in the black coat that seemed to stare down back at him through a smiling clown mask. A smaller figure in a matching mask and black coat came around from the bigger clown and watched as the bigger clown helped the shocked Prussian up.

"Um, thanks." Taking a few steps back he began brushing off snow and looking over the two figures that stood in his yard. Prussia thought it was wierd enough the two appeared without him noticing but their silent attitudes and clown masks were pushing it into creepy zone. He wanted to say 'What the hell are you doing in my yard, in this snow, in fucking clown masks.' but the better side of him determined that would be a rude thing to do to someone that had just helped him so instead he would play it nice, like his brother suggested he do more often.

"Uh, thanks for helping me up...I guess...what are you new neighbors?" God I hope not. Prussia's eyes began to search over the snow while he talked."What, do you need some sugar or beer or something? I'd like to help you out, really I would, but I just dropped my keys in this snow and I cant get inside...well, not unless I break a window but then West would have my ass."

A small nervous laugh escaped from prussia as he looked back up at the two clowns that stood looking back at him. It was getting extremely creepy, not that he was afraid of clowns or anything, it was just the staring ...and awkward silence was weird but that was besides the point. Prussia pulled out his cell and began to dial the closests person to come and pick him the hell up and out of there when the big clown bent over and picked up Prussia's keys from the snow. Putting his cell away Prussia watched the tall clown oustretch his hand for him to come and get his keys.

"Well um..." Slightly unsure what to say because both figures still stood and stared at him without saying a word. Prussia smiled and reached out to take his keys. "Awesome, thanks for the help."

Just as he retracted his hand with the key the smaller clown quickly pulled out a small hand gun and pointed it at the Prussian's head.

"Oh...what the hell?!" Startled Prussia jumped back as the bigger clown made a grabbed for prussia's wrist but missed and grabbed onto his gift bag.

"I need you to quietly come with me now." Said the smaller clown in a calm voice as he cocked his gun. "Now, we can do this the easy way or I can break your legs and drag you along."

"Like hell!" Refusing to let go of the bag and be aducted by clowns, Prussia quickly balled up his fist, letting the keys fall though his fingers to jut out like spiked knucles, and then punched the big clown with an uppercut. Although his keys peirced through the mask and got stuck, the clown fell over yelling and let go of Prussia which is what he was aiming for. Taking the gift bag Prussia swung at the small clown and hit him in the head knocked him over into the snow next to the mailbox.

"Yeaah! Trying to abduct me in my own yard, me the awesome Prussia! It takes more than two freaks in masks to abducted me!" Triumphantly Prussia stood over the small clown and looked down at the still body in the snow. Hmmm

After looking back and making sure the big clown was still roling in the snow Prussia walked around to the top of the small clown's head and bent down.

"Now, let's see who has the nerve to try and abduct me." Prussia looked at the crack from the bottle then began to gently slide his fingers under the mask to take it off when a small hand shot from the snow pointing a small gun to his face.

"Why are you being so difficult, Prussia?"

Prussia shot up and jumped over in to the street from shock as the small clown turned over in the snow and began shooting at him. Prussia dodged the bullets and began to run down the street. A few blocks away Prussia accidentally turned onto an alley and with no fire escapes or pipes to climb up on either wall, he was trapped. Prussia backed up to the edge and waited for his attackers to appear but after a few passing moments of silence Prussia finaly took a breath of relief, maybe he had lost them, yeah noone could keep up with his awesome speed.

"Fuck me! What the hell was that about." Checking himself for injuries he found a bullet had grazed him across the fore head and blood was beganing to slowly flowing down the right side of his face. Using his scarf he wiped it away then pulled out his cell and dailed the closest reliable person he knew other than germany who wasn't answering. The cell rang for a while before a happy Spain answered.

" Hola, Spain speaking."

"… Antonio, its Gilbert." Cautiously Prussia walked to the end and peaked around the corner to see if his attackers had ever pursued him, he turned around relieved when he saw nothing but falling snow on a quiet street.

"Hey Gil, are you still ready for tonight? "

Cuffing the cell with his hand Prussia crouched down behind a trash can and whispered into the receiver. "Toni you won't believe what the fuck just happend?!"

"Um...You found a bar with all you can drink half price beer until midnight or longer?"

"What?!...I wish.. but no." Prussia chuckled at the thought of how awesome that would have been then continued. "Toni, these clown asswholes came outta nowhere and attacked me, right in my own front yard! I had to use my keys as a weapon, so I lost them and now I'm stuck in some alley."

"You're right, I don't believe it, is this a joke?"

"Who's the bastard on the phone your talking to ?" Yelled Romano loud enough to be heard through Spain's cell. Prussia took this time to again peek out of the alley and look down the street to see if any strange figure was approaching, he also ignored Romano. Again he saw nothing so he returned to his postion behind the small trashcan.

"No it's not a fucking joke! I'd go back and get my own keys but one had a gun and the other one was freakishly big and muscular...not that I couldn't take them or anything it's just, I can't surpise attack them from the alley I'm in when I can't see them and I dont..."

"'d you get in an ally?" Spain interrupted and asked while he stiffled a laugh,he found it funny that the awesome Gilbert was attacked by a clown in his own yard and was somehow now hiding in an alley

Prussia's eyebrow twitched at how Spain seemed so happy and cheerful during this situation, he must really have thought Prussia was joking with him, this made Prussia a little angry since he was being completly serious for once.

"Just come and get me " From behind the can he looked at the street signs "I'm at 1st and 3rd street… in an ally, hurry up, it's cold as hell out here."

Spain looked at his watch "Well, might take me a while but I'll..."

" Shit!" Spain heard Prussia yell though the cell.

"What's wrong" asked the Spaniard.

Prussia was taken by surprise when his masked pursuers had appeared from behind and attacked. He just nearly dodged from being shot in the head again, but unfortunately his cell slipped through his numb fingers as he ducked.

"This is a dead end ally, how the hell did you get behind me?!" Prussia scrambled to his feet and watched as the small clown said nothing but instead pointed a gun at Prussia and slowly walked forward. From the entrance of the ally Prussia heard the jingling of keys, he looked back and saw the big clown coming closer, Prussia's keys swung back and forth from the mask taunting him.


Prussia turned sideways and looked from one attacker to the other then devised a plan to escape. Prussia slowly inched his foot in the snow as he turned towards the trash can. The small clown shot the area where his foot had been.

"Any attempt you make at escaping is a pitifull one, so don't do anything stupid and come with u-"

"Oh you mean like this!" Quickly Prussia grabbed the lid off the trash can and aimed for the small clowns hand then threw it. With the amount of force he put into the swinging of the lid once it connected the small clown would be momentarily stund, or something and theb he'd drop the gun and Prussia could dive for it. Prussia watched as the lid wisked through the air and quickly went off course in the snowy wind. Instead the lid ricocheted off the forehead of the clown and landed back in front of Prussia who looked down at it with destoyed hope.

Plan Awesome: failed

Still the impact of the hit bent the clowns head back some. As he lifted his head up Prussia looked up at the clown and watched as the bottle crack and new crack joined and a triangular piece fell from over his eye.

"...What the Hell?!" Prussia turned in time to miss being punched by the big clown who then resulted to falling on him instead. Under his weight Prussia reached up towards the mask and pulled on the keys lowering it some. " fucking way!" He barely choked out under his weight.

"Gilbert!" Yelled Antonio through the cell " Gilbert what's going on?!"

Next to him the cell laid in the snow.

"Sorry Antonio, I…I wont be able…. to make it… " Gilbert chocked out while he looked up at his attacker who was now standing over his head, his gun pointed towards his face.

"I can't believe two would do this to me...I..."

Through the cell Spain heard Gilbert's broken rambling, he jumped when a loud bang blasted from the other end into his ear.

"Gilbert!" Anotnio yelled into the phone "Gilbert! Answer me."





….I would like a Review please maybe?! You will be love, and thanks for reading!