I just want to thank everyone who is commenting! Thank You

Adrian:She gets all giddy when she sees a new review... which then makes her distracted enough that I can go and try some more of my escape plans! Keep Reviewing!


Rose: I have decided to grace you all with my presence again. She obviously doesn't own any of this...


Eddie POV

I pulled out my phone, realizing that I was not going to get to Rose in time for her to get Dimitri out of harms way. Guardian Hathaway was on a hunt, and her prey wasn't going to live when she found him. "Come on, pick up-"

"Hey Eddie, whatcha need?"

"You have to go find Dimitri, and fast! Your mother found out!"

Rose POV

I blanched when Eddie told me, "What the hell do you mean my mother found out? Who told her?"

I heard Eddie take a deep, "Mason took over my body and told your mom... When she left she had a stake in her hand." I didn't even hang up, I dropped my phone and ran towards Dimitri's room. I hoped to hell he was there.

When I got to his room I beat against his door, just on the off chance he was asleep. I heard shuffling and the dead bolt slide. He opened the door and I pushed him back in and slammed the door shut, locking it once again. He gave me a puzzled look. I was out of breath, and held up my index finger, telling him to hold on a sec.

Still panting I tried to string a sentence together. "Mom... found out... Mase... Eddie... She's coming... Has a stake..." I bent over trying once again to catch my breath. Dimitri came over and started rubbing circles on my back to calm me down. It worked and I stood back up.

He was looking at me with fear, panic, and love. Fear for what might happen to me and panic because my mother was looking to kill him. I could feel someone approaching and before I could say anything I heard my mother's voice, "BELIKOV! Open this God damned door this instance!" She was beating on it harder than I was when I got here.

I thought maybe I could try and calm her down, "Mom, can we talk about this before you do anyting rash, or something you might regret?"

"Rosemarie, get the hell away from him right now!" I intertwined our fingers together, I wasn't getting away from him for anything.

"No mother, just listen to me. I can-" The door fell to the ground, my mother staring at us, more specifically our hands. I squeezed Dimitri's and felt him squeeze back.

Eddie POV

I ran back to my room, and jumped onto the chat site. I could tell anyone on there to go to Dimitri's room, to try and stop Rose's mom from killing him.

Clove_luvr69: [Online]

Spirit_Girl18: [Online]

Pyromaniac1: [Online]

I_luv_h2o: [Offline]

Eddie6534: [Online]

BA_Guardian: [Offline]

BA_Russian: [Offline]

Ghostie: [Offline]

Janine38: [Offline]

~Petrov~: [Offline]

Kirova_is_boss: [Offline]

Clove_luvr69: Adrian, can I have my account back? I feel weird typing in yours

Spirit_Girl18: Sure thing cousin! I feel the same way.

Pyromaniac1: I just don't even know with you two right now *shakes head*

Eddie6534: [Online]

Eddie6534: Guys, you all need to get to Dimitri's room right now!

Eddie6534: Rose's mom found out and is going to kill him

Clove_luvr69: Oh no! How did she find out?

Eddie6534: We don't have time for that right now!

Which we didn't, but I mainly said that because I felt guilty, like I could have done something to stop Mason.

Pyromaniac1: Me and Liss are on our way now

Pyromaniac1: [Offline]

Clove_luvr69: [Offline]

Eddie6534: You coming Adrian?

Spirit_Girl18: I... yeah

Spirit_Girl18: [Offline]

Eddie6534: Good

Eddie6534: [Offline]

Getting off of the computer, I ran to Belikov's room. I was the closest out of the group, because the guardains stayed in the same building as the I was a hall away I could hear screaming and walls being hit.

Rose POV

"Rosemarie, get away now! I have some business to attend to at the moment, and I'll deal with you later."

I stood my ground, "Mother, I'm not leaving. You need to calm the fuck down. You don't even know what's going on." I hadn't thought things through and she only got angrier at my defiance.

She no longer gave me a warning, and she ran at Dimitri stake in hand. I couldn't let her kill him. Just as she was about to reach him, I jumped between her and felt something slide into my abdomen. I dropped to the ground, clutching my stomach. My mother looked shocked and was shaking, after she realized what she had done. In the hall I could see the others show up, but knew that Eddie had seen what had happened, as he was the first one there.

Dimitri dropped to my side and examined my wound. He yelled to the others, "Go to the infirmary now! Tell them that Rose is in trouble and losing a lot of blood!" My friends stood frozen in the hall way. "GO!" Christian woke up first and punched Eddie, they ran down the hall. Lissa and Adrian ame into the room. I closed my eyes, not being able to keep them open.

I could feel Dimitri rubbing my forehead, "Don't leave me Roza, stay with me." I could barely get out a "mhmm".

"Get her feet and I'll get her torso. We'll put her on the matteress and carry her down that way." I didn't know who he was talking to but a couple seconds later I felt people touching me. When they picked me up, pain went all over, and I cried out. "I'm so sorry Roza, so sorry." I felt it when they laid me down on the bed, but could also feel a dark was washing over me. "Ivashkov, grab that corner, Princess this one, and Janine that one. I have this one, so on the count of three. One..." I never heard him say three, I passed out.

Dun dun duuuunnnnnn. Thank you Dimkaisshmexy for that idea, but Rose isn't going to die... that would be double plus ungood.