Warning! This is my first poorly made Troll-fic. Any kinds of reviews are welcome!


One day on a distant land, a person was happily tapping a review on a MLP fic that he just found. In reality he was angry because these fantards called "bronies" manages to "ponified" every single fucking fandom that they could find and today he'd find a story that to him is making fun the fandom he likes.

"WTF is this? Go die brony" he thought as he typed those words into the newly added "guest reviewer's" box before submitting it to the fic.

The person's heart was filled with instant satisfactory.

"Stupid bronies. seriously they have no fucking life than to write retarded fics about their gay colorful horses."

In reality, he's the one who has no life. He has spent countless hours browsing the internet to find a pony fic that he could flame. Precious time wasted as he typed hate-comments to the fics.

In fact this author is wasting his time himself writing this uncreative, pathetic excuse for a fic.
