Chapter 3: Welcome Back

Two days had passed, as I sat up on the black leather sofa a cup appeared in front of me with steam spiraling above it.

"Here…you could use some". David offered me freshly made coffee and stood holding it still until I reached to grab it.

"Thank you" I muttered.

"I see you haven't slept well…and don't blame the couch…"

"Yeah…I uh don't know…just from everything that has happened I guess"

"I know…well our 'friend' seems to be in a pretty good state now…he should be waking up later today".


"Yes, so what are you going to tell him?"

I looked up at him and then looked down at the cup before taking a sip. The pure taste of the dark liquid helped to speed up my thinking. I rested my forearms on my thighs as I leaned over.

"Everything…he needs to know"

"You really think that's a good idea…I mean really?"

"He will find out even if I choose not to…that would piss him off more"

"You know about Talia don't you?" It wasn't an official question since he knew the answer. I nodded my head took another gulp before replying.

"She's dead…the batman is dead…"

Silence took over the space before David turned to sit right next to me. He had both arms crossed as he sat back. His head fell back as he released a deep sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Nadia…why are you doing this?"

It was a question I wasn't really prepared to answer just yet. I took a few minutes to replay the scenes in my mind…all the months I had known the man who lied vulnerable a floor above.

"I...I don't know…"

"Sure about that…you worked for him didn't you?"

"Yeah" I replied lightly.

One hand swung up in the air, expressing his confusion. "Okay…so then why?"

I licked my dry lips, a thin layer of saliva coating my bare pout. "He offered me more than anyone ever had in my entire life…I guess I owed him…" I stood up, placing the mug on the table and walked to the staircase. The sound of my footsteps banging against each step echoed throughout the space. David stopped questioning and once I made it up I went over to stand by Bane. A white sheet covered his waist and his chest still had fresh bandages.

My fingers danced across his bare chest, feeling the thick muscled surface. His chest rose up and down gently, the sound of the machines in sync with the rhythm. Through the oxygen mask I could see that the scars along his mouth were healing pretty well.

"Amazing…" I whispered to myself as my eyes focused on his face. I could feel David's presence close by as he spoke, "It is actually…any other person would not have been able to heal this fast but him…well he's just a whole different story". I smirked, yeah, that's Bane for you. I moved my hand to lay it on his own. From where I stood, he looked peaceful in a way.

I looked back at David and said, "A Bane without a mask…this should be interesting getting used to…".

"Should be rather fun huh"


I looked back and down to discover light blue eyes staring deep into mine.


So I was thinking about making it much longer until he actually wakes up BUT! I am too impatient for that shit lol. So, with that said I made it happen quick and don't worry another chapter (and a much longer one) will be posted soon Anyway, there are no fics for his other film Bronson which is a bit disappointing but then again I guess I could just throw one out there for those of you who'd like to read one. He actually showed up in my dream last night as that character and kissed me hard lol. Hey, that's all I remember from it. Alrighty, love you all lots.