Chapter 2

Thank you all for the comments and sticking up for me I really appreciate it.

Nina's Pov:

I can't believe Fabian did that, I thought he was loyal to me. Geez, I just need to get over him, he's not worth my time anymore now he's with Joy. I've got my eye on something else now. Eddie, he's nice, hot, and did I mention hot I mean you should see his six pack it's so tight. I should go to Amber for her love guru advice. But I know that Eddie already likes me. When he first got here he kissed me but he knew I was dating Fabian. Then again maybe he didn't and he probably didn't know that I broke it off with him. I have to go tell him if I want to be with him.

Eddie's Pov:

Wow who knew I would find a girl that quick. I thought it would be harder than that. Maybe I should ask Nina out but, what if she already has a boyfriend. Wait there's a knock on my door maybe it's her. "Come in." "Hey Eddie." "Nina what a nice surprise." "Yea I was going to tell you that your roommate Fabian cheated on me over the summer while I was in America." "So does that mean we have a chance?" "I think we do." "Sweet talk to you later." "Bye." And she left the room.

Joy's Pov:

Wait so Fabian and Nina broke up because of me? That's awesome now I have Fabes all to myself. Now I don't have to worry about Nina getting in my way anymore. Before I became the chosen one which I'm not I already had Fabian but I lost him when I left. Stupid Victor. Victor ruined everything. Even if Nina came to Anubis house while I was still there I would still have Fabian. Maybe we should get married so then he's mine forever. That's what I'll do.

Eddie's Pov:

Oh My Bageezus I think I'm in love with Nina. We haven't even had one date and I'm already in love with her. Ok this is what I'll do after 6 months of dating I'll propose. I can't lose her she's probably way out of my league anyway. And you know what people say when some girl is way out of your league marry her. Well that's exactly what he was planning.