After the death of Smokepaw the clans had been quick to find a place to sleep for the night. Squirrelpaw knew the death of Smokepaw had scared everyone, and they didn't want to risk losing another cat the way they had lost Smokepaw. She had a hard time sleeping, and she was sure she wasn't the only one. They had been doing so well about not losing any cats, only to lose Smokepaw.

When it was finally time for them to move on Squirrelpaw was still really tired, but all she did was follow after the clans. The mood of the cats had become subdued and it seemed that no one was in the mood for conversation. Even though Crowpaw was near her, she couldn't bring herself to even strike up a conversation with the Windclan apprentice.

She knew that they had to make sure that all the cats stayed away from the edge, so nothing like what had happened to Smokepaw happened again. They soon came to a more open space and they all decided to hunt. Squirrelpaw and the other cats they had traveled to the Sundrown place decided to do some hunting. Without having to say a word Squirrelpaw and Crowpaw set off to hunt together.

The ginger apprentice managed to find and catch a few mice while Crowpaw managed to catch a rabbit. Even though she doubted they would find more prey Squirrelpaw began to look around for more prey. And she could see Crowpaw looking around nearby. She was still searching for more prey when the scent of cat washed over her.

She knew it wasn't from one of the clans because that scent would've been easily recognizable. However the scent was still familiar and she tried to figure out where she had smelled it before. Before she could figure it out the cat, whose scent she had noticed, appeared. Now that she could see the cat she realized why the scent was familiar.

"Talon," she called out running over to him, followed by Crowpaw who had been attracted by her call. The tribe cat blinked at them in surprise, clearly not expecting to see them again.

"Squirrelpaw, Crowpaw, I wasn't expecting to see you again," Talon told them with a small purr. "What of the others? Are Tawnypelt, Brambleclaw, and Stormfur around as well?" he asked, glancing between them.

"Yeah they're here, as well as the rest of our clan mates. We're seeking out a new home but in order to find it we have to go over the mountains," Crowpaw told him, figuring it wouldn't hurt for tribe cat to know.

"That's unfortunately. Where are the rest of these clan mates you mentioned?" Talon asked them, worried about eagles or other predators attacking them.

"We left them in a clearing not to far from here, we decided to get some hunting done," she meowed before going to retrieve her mice, while Crowpaw went to retrieve his rabbit.

"You mean you left them in the open," Talon meowed in alarm before taking off towards the clearing the clans were in. Startled the two apprentices could do nothing but follow him. When the arrived it was to the clans panicking. Apparently an eagle had attacked them and tried to carry off a kit but had been saved by some of the warriors.

Squirrelpaw was relieved that the kit had been saved by realized that staying out here wasn't the best idea. Looking at Crowpaw she could tell the Windclan apprentice was thinking along the same lines. They would have to find a place for all of them to shelter for the night.

"Why don't you all come to the Tribe's camp, you'll only be in danger as long as you stay out here. The kits will attract all sorts of predators," Talon meowed, gazing at all of the clan cats. The fact Talon would offer them refuge was surprising. "And this isn't really the type of weather any cat should be traveling in."

Squirrelpaw watched as Firestar, Leopardstar, Blackstar, and Mudclaw huddled together to discuss what they should do. Mudclaw was standing in for Tallstar considering how bad off he was. The ginger apprentice watched them, hoping they would decide to take Talon up on his offer.

After what felt like an eternity it seemed like they had finally come to a decision. "We greatly appreciate the offer, and would be honored to stay in your camp. The kits wouldn't be able to make it overnight in such cold temperatures," Firestar finally meowed, dipping his head to the tribe cat.

I decided to do this whole chapter in on Squirrelpaw's point of view, the next chapter will be in Crowpaw's point of view.