Chapter 9- Purity Comes at a cost

When Rainbow dash came to, she noticed that her wing was fixed, her leg wasn't but she didn't need to stand on it, she got up and went to the exit. "Rainbow, you really shouldn't be flying yet, you are in no fit state to be leaving" Doctor Whooves informed her.

"Save the semantics, Firestorm needs me" and with that, flew to canterlot. How did she know? She could feel Purity moving.

Town Square, firestorm limped to the centre, and shouted for Diablo. He willingly came, to see his feeble original dying in front of him. "Drat, knew I'd dropped something, whatever, I seem to have done some collateral damage, result, killing you will now be easier" He grinned, And began kicking and beating firestorm until he was lying on the floor, a tearful wreck, blood stricken in his black mane, yet, he managed to stand up. And began charging his armour pieces with his magic, drawing energy from Honesty, Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, Magic, and just in time, Rainbow dash came floating in, just when he needed her most, and finally, Loyalty added the last ounce of strength needed to release it all at once.

The first wave hit Diablo like a sledgehammer if not harder, the next, ripped his entire existence apart, the third, undid all that he had done, canterlot restored, and when it had undone all the damage he did, firestorm fell. He lay there, in a pool of his own blood, hyperventilating, weeping, the sheer force of the blast had been too much for his body, he was dying, then, rainbow came to his side. "You saved me firestorm, all of us, now, I want to do you a simple kindness." Rainbows tears were streaming down her face, she leant in, kissed him gently on the lips, and closed his eyes.

As she lay there next to his dying body, Celestia knelt next to her." he is still alive, and the only thing stopping recovery is that wound" she took her wing and comforted the sobbing Pegasus, as she drew power from Purity and sealed the wound. But he stopped breathing. Rainbow lay there with the weak Alicorn, he was on deaths door.

Firestorm woke up in a white space

("Its not your time Firestorm")

"Who's that?"

("The creator, you must return to the land of the living")

"But I died..."

("Not yet, you have a few minutes left, That young Pegasus cares a lot about you...")

"Rainbow is just a friend"

("She kissed you, she liked you from the start, sure she was reckless, but she liked you, you two are going to be together for a long time, it's a roller coaster from here on out buddy")

"I get to live again?"

("I said its not your time, but you will suffer if you're forced to undergo this ordeal again, and you will eventually, live your life well firestorm")

The white room disappeared into black.

As his eyes came into focus, he saw rainbow lying next to him, sobbing, his younger sister was comforting her. "Rainbow, I returned"Tears were running down the blood stained alicorns face, and she held him, and she didn't let go, everypony else was cheering. He was sent to the castle, checked up by Doctor Whooves and rested for two days and two nights (When I say that, that's how long he spent awake), Rainbow stayed with him the entire time. While he slept for four days.

Chapter 10- The Age of Flames

"Ugh, damn, I needed that, oh hey rainbow, how long have I been out for?" Firestorm sat up in the bed in the giant room

"Four days stormy, I've stayed here most days." she said, not much emotion in her voice

"That was a wonderful kindness you did rainbow, I appreciate acts like that from ponies like you"

She smiled kindly, no arrogance in her.

"You did the same to me, I felt it only fitting, you have done nothing but helped us since we met you in the countryside, thank you for all that you've done firestorm" He smiled, and hugged her, and then got up, and tried to walk around, supervised by Doctor Whooves, Ditzy and Rainbow. Not to much success...

A few days later, a bandaged firestorm stood at a stage in canterlot town square, standing next to Celestia, Luna and Fenir. Twilight and her friends stood behind them

"My fellow equestrians, in the recent days past, our very livelihood was threatened by an evil force, a force of my own making, Diablo enslaved Celestia, and destroyed canterlot, sending this fine kingdom into panic, though through my endeavours and the bearers of harmony, equestria is back to normal"He paused, smiled at the 6 Ponies behind him and flicked his royal mantle, the crowd began to cheer, it glew like a million stars in the sunlight, he continued "It is with my great pleasure, that through this great victory, I reward our saviours" He beckoned them forward, holding six items up with his magic, "For Twilight, I present you, Starswirls Toma Infinium, all magic you don't know, is in this. For Rarity, I present you, with a fine cut piece of the Arctic heart, I think it will make a fine costume. Applejack, I give you this deed, it will give you entitlement to a complete overhaul on all buildings at sweet apple acres, to your requests. Pinkie pie, I present to you this, a nightclub in midnight metropolis, courtesy of Luna, it is called, The Party Eternal. Fluttershy, I give you this pendant, it was worn by Terra Rafira, a Pegasus who loved all animals, and with this, they will feel the same way" He saw their reactions, and smiled gleefully at his wonderful gifts, and turned to the last, and was joined by captain spitfire and soarin. "Finally rainbow dash, I present you with this uniform, you are officially a wonderbolt" Her eyes grew wider than ever, she took the uniform, bowed and stood by captain spitfire. "Let us congratulate

these heroes, remembering what they have done for us in our darkest of hours, may fortune favour you all, good day to you" Every pony was cheering and screaming and firestorm smiled as he left the stage.

Firestorm returned to his room and packed his royal mantle away and put on his lightweight one, he took a suitcase and began packing, that moment, Celestia came into the room. "What are you doing storm?"

"I'm moving to ponyville, I don't need this royal lifestyle,"

"I'm sure you don't mean that"

"I probably don't, but I have friends, after all these years, and I want to be able to easily see them, I want to see them prosper, I want an easy life"

"I can arrange that, by the time you get to ponyville, your home will be ready."

"Thank you sister, may peace be with you always" He hugged her and went downstairs, and to the carriages.

As he went to the stables, he looked at what he was leaving behind, sure ponyville was smaller than all of this, but he didn't care, he got into the carriage

"Where will it be to sir?"

"Ponyville please"

Firestorm had spent the last 2500 years imprisoned in the slip, he now had a life to lead, he had friends, his story is just beginning...