Yo- so it's been a while and for that reason I'm not entirely sure if this chap will fit really well. Everything comes across as really strained and awkward. Or at leas tit does to me. I'm hoping that the next few chapters will fix that.

So, enjoy.


The ride to Bella's home was a uncomfortably silent one.

But then Throttle supposed that she was having much the same issue that he was as far as saying something went. What did one say to a woman that he had accidentally injured and took home with him? Granted that the fact that she was still alive and breathing must have counted for something given the fact that he nor his brothers were a murderers, but he supposed simply being near three males their size and species was somewhat uncomfortably overwhelming for her.

But then again, maybe she was trying to figure out what to say to him about her reaction to him last night. You know, it wasn't everyday that he was licked like he was someone's personal loli-pop.

Once he reached her address, he pulled his bike up to the curb and then shut off his bike and then laid one of his hands over her own which were tightly clasped around him waist. So much so that when he looked down, he could see her bloodless fingers and figured that she hadn't liked the bike ride as much as he had.

But then not everyone was a biker at heart.

Rubbing his clawed hand over hers, he noticed that it took her a moment or so to realize that his bike wasn't moving anymore and slowly, almost painfully slowly- released him from her death grip and then clumsily got up off of the seat and stood at his side, shrugging off the spare leather jacket and tugging off the helmet that he had let her use for safety purposes, and then handed them to him with a slightly shaky smile.

She was polite as she quietly thanked him for last night (irking him again since she had nothing to thank him for) and for bringing her home. Which he let slide since he was a gentleman.

Shifting his attention away from her, he then looked at her home.

Unlike most rundown neighborhoods and places in Chi Town, Bella actually lived in a decent looking, white two story apartment. That looked like it had three bedroom and two in a half bathrooms. There was no outside traces of structural damage, cracks in the walls (nor any missing ones for that matter). There were no missing shingles, no damage to the windows, door, roof, and little roof covered porch.

She had several flower beds planted around the porch, along with two wisteria trees, some red and yellow roses, some white, pink, and pale blue tiger lilies. Some white and blue daisies, pink and purple bachelor buttons, some lily of the valley, lavender and lilac, some white peonies and on the far side of the yard under a flowering white magnolia tree was a yard swing and a small metal and glass table with several books on it.

So obviously that was someplace she liked to be whenever she wanted to relax.

Letting out a low whistle, Throttle slowly got up off of his bike and tugged off his helmet and set it aside for later use and walked towards Bella's porch to check out her flowers since the sheer amount of variety made him think that maybe she was a little bit obsessed with them.

"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen a yard like this one before here in Chi Town." He said in an amazed tone as he carefully reached out and touched a peony blossom the size of his fist.

Bella must have picked up on his curiosity because one second she was across the yard, and the next she was right beside him. Her sudden appearance nearly made him jump out of his skin as she said.

"Don't tell anyone, but I really like flowers."

He snorted in amusement, his lips quirking slightly as he said. "No kidding. I've never seen such beautifully maintained flowers before. All of them are healthy, fragrant- Hell I don't even see a frigging weed anywhere."

"I should hope not. I de weed the things almost everyday, rain or shine." Bella said as she took a quick look at her babies almost as if to assure herself that things were exactly as he had said before then tacking on in a half teasing tone, "I'm very proud of my babies so if there was a weed hanging around I'd probably die of mortification."

Throttle looked at her, the words 'Are you serious' dying to be spoken and yet the words died rather quickly when he saw her grin in amusement. Earning a little half laugh from him, as it hit him that up until now any words between them had been awkward. But now in a place she felt more comfortable in, speaking of something she enjoyed doing- their conversation was slowly changing, warming up and becoming less uncomfortable.

In fact it was almost...companionable.

"Um..." Throttle said as he tried to think of some way to ask her out, it didn't have to be considered a date if she didn't want it too. But he wanted to get to know her a bit more. He opened his mouth to continue when she beat him to the punch, so to speak.

"Freaking shot in the dark here, but would you like to go out and maybe catch a movie or go to dinner or out dancing sometime?" The moment the last part of the question left her lips, she nearly cringed before quickly saying, "Or I could cook us dinner instead... We could even invite your brothers if you want too. Just keep, um, what's his name?"

"Vinny." Throttle supplied helpfully wanting to listen to her ramble a little bit more since she was cute when she was flustered.

"Yeah, him- j-just keep kind of a leash on him as far as the touchy feely stuff goes and he can come too." She finally said as she blushed that pretty, fetching shade of pink again and looked away from him as she waited for him to reply.

And when he finally did it wasn't in the way that she had expecting.

After all, she hadn't been expecting the man to gently use his clawed fingers to tip her head back so that he could kiss her.