The remaining words of the time poem...

Twilight is the thief, the robber and the liar

The liar is the one whom the boy admires

Once associated with assassins armed with wood

She fights for her justice not knowing good

Celestia is the leader of what she does not destroy

Luna is the creator of Celestia's toy

The leader will one day fall to her own ploy

The creator will one day determine the fate of her boy

The twilight will end before the night

The sky shall darken for the moon to turn bright

The order shall reverse so the past will last to see the moon

The gateway to the future anew will open soon

What we say can not defy our transcending

What we know can only change our ending

Now that you know what will happen when it all ends, the final story may begin...

The special place that Sky had been sent to upon dying was...dark. It was dark like a knight in a castle who had a right to be tight with his might and throw rocks at every person in the world, whom he could view from anywhere just like the dark night.

"Wow, this place is weird..." Sky was dizzy upon first waking up. "It's so dark, yet I can see every part of me except my own my face darkness too?"

"Of course it is, for your face does not have a brain just like you!" Celestia introduced herself in the dark with an insult. "Now my brainless pants feel even more witless!"

"The pants are wittier than a person?" Sky poked his head out of Celestia's pregnancy pants, revealing he was in the palace of Nomu. "Wow, these are the pants from earlier that helped create life, they must be a genius!"

"You therapeutic dope!" Celestia gave more mentally detrimental insults to him. "Get out of my lower mind prison!"

"Alright...hey wait a minute..." Sky thought as he got out of Celestia and landed on the floor. "If that's from where I came and left...does that mean you gave birth to me again?"

"You finally deduced a correct thesis for a change..." Celestia clapped for the logical opposite of a fallacy. "Yes, I gave birth to you again, and there was nothing you could have done to stop it!"

"Well...of course not, I was dead and trapped inside of you." Sky made the same point.

"Ha ha, we're speaking each other's language, and it's leading to no communication, only worthless understanding!" Celestia laughed at how she toyed with his repetition. "Do you know why so many followers have obeyed me and followed every request of mine to the letter without a second thought? Because I communicated my orders to them, they never actually understood any of it! They never got the reason, they never got the motivation, they never got even NOTHING implanted in their thought process from my orders! And that's what life should be like, wandering through death and pain without any ambitions or purpose! That's why I hate you so much Sky, because you don't agree with the thoughts of ME!"

"You never know, I could agree with some of the things you think if I could read your mind." Sky took the hypothesizing thing too seriously.


Celestia flashbacked to the day where she had finished giving birth to all of her ponies and humans with downgrade fusion, and had wanted them to fight each other. She had used her magic to create artificial containers of true good and true evil, both of which were stored in two separate Artificial Intelligence chips.

"Alright everyone, please listen to me now so that my words and these ways of life are transported from my mouth to your brain!" Celestia shouted her voice across the crowd of creatures she created. "There are two chips here ready to be installed into your minds, the morality chip and the immorality chip! The morality chip will devote your mind to the goodness of Celestia for the rest of eternity! The immorality chip will devote your mind to the evil of Celestia and make you rebel against good for all of eternity! You can choose whichever one you want in the spirit of free choice, but to make things will be required that some of you choose to be good, and some of you choose to be evil, so please choose very carefully as to not disturb the equilibrium of good and bad moral decisions!"

The crowd was shocked. To do the right thing, some of them would have to be evil, and it would be selfish to be avaricious in storing up all the good for themselves. Celestia was a happily cheering creature in all of this confusion.

"Ah, that moment almost reminded me of how everything really started..." she remembered through the memory in the psychological help of her former mind of when she was a child.

"Now Celestia," said Celestia's father two years ago, "I've found out that you are officially insane. I've made you not fully omnipotent so that you will not be tempted to use your powers for unholy deeds, but you still have obligations to use your powers for love and go to Equestria to create beautiful things. Do you understand?"

"Of course I understand!" young Celestia lied with a straight face that gave the warm kind of a crooked smile. "I'll try my hardest to fight the lunacy!"

"Yeah, boo lunacy!" a wounded Luna tried to impress Celestia. "Lunacy should die, boo!"

"Not a boo hoo and a ha ha after our next session..." Luna gulped as Celestia gave her a foreboding message of fear, discouragement, and laughter.

"NOW GO AND PROCREATE THE RECREATIONS OF WHAT WE HAVE NOW!" the deity was ready to celebrate soon as his daughters teleported to Equestria and left Nomu, as he was confident and loved them. "I can finally prepare for the celebrations of my daughters becoming loving creators in peace and quiet!"

When Celestia and Luna got to Equestria, they were shocked with the resources of recreation that had been mysteriously made available to them. Before humans and ponies were created, Equestria was a grassland populated by millions of cows! The only other thing that could be seen in the distance was a giant sea, and this scenery gave Celestia an idea.

"Hey Luna, do you know how to drown yourself?" asked Celestia, who got a rising feeling out of the deliciously good plan she had just formulated. "If you do, then you just might be able to sink to the bottom of the ocean and find some neat materials for your upgrade fusion..."

"Hey, I don't how to swim, so that's not a bad idea!" Luna saw the wisdom in Celestia's wonderful encouragement, even though she was only three years old. "Thanks Celestia, I will not take this wonderful mission from Father lying down until I'm finished!"

As Luna ran into the ocean and drowned herself in the water until she sunk (she didn't die, immortals like her can only be killed with magical things, like that broom), Celestia got ready for a crazy idea.

"Now that that stupid idea to get rid of a stupid nuisance is out of the way," Celestia executed that plan for Luna in preparations for the yummy plan, "it's time for my plan to help bring some taste for delicious danger to this cowardly world...MAH MAH MAH MWA MWA!"

A few times later in the future of time still in a flashback...

"Where are those kids? I sent them to that other world, and they're still not back yet..." the deity knew that his kids were alive and well in the other world, for if they had somehow gotten killed, they would be at home in Nomu. "I've had nothing better to do in this land of creation-producing nothing for the past few days, but I shouldn't be using my busy work as a deity to not check on them..."

The deity decided to teleport to Equestria to see how Celestia and Luna were doing. When he arrived there, he was happy to see that Luna had found the slime at the bottom of the ocean and had combined it with some of the cows to give birth to many ponies and humans, but was surprised at the lack of more than some of the cows and Celestia...The entire land had literally gone from a grassland to a wasteland, as there were no cows to produce the essential materials for grass to grow.

"Hi Father, my upgrade fusion really does work!" Luna got worked up over impressing the deity who came from nothing. "Am I as awesome as Celestia now?"

"Of course not Luna, Celestia is not in the state of being here and now!" the deity was getting worried. "In all my years, I've never had anything escape from my presence, not nothing!"

"Wait a minute, maybe she's up there!" Luna implied that Celestia was still with them, just in the clouds as she pointed up to the sky. "In that place they call Mu!"

"That place isn't called Mu, Luna..." the deity was disappointed in Luna's lack of description for the pearly places in the air, "it's called Mu Mu Beef Bowl!"

"Damn it Luna, you said too little and blew my cover, you fertile waste!" Celestia came out of the restaurant with her homogenous little friends known as cows. "I won't be able to exploit this for any longer if my father tries to direct me in another path, you whole and complete obesity!"

"WHAT IN CELESTIA'S NAME ARE YOU DOING, CELESTIA?!" the deity swore by his daughter's name as he saw that there were tons of restaurants in the sky titled Mu Mu Beef Bowl that Celestia had put there using her levitation magic.

"NOW THAT THE PINKIE IS OUT OF MY BAG, I HAVE NO OTHER OPTIONS BUT TO EXPLAIN WHY IT WAS THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!" Celestia made a weird thesis on why she didn't have a steer's special place. "Father, in my research of creating things in this world, I have created both beef and bowls!"

Celestia held out a pile of beef that looked like it could fit in a bowl with its circular at the top shape.

"Be held by what I am beholding!" Celestia shot her father a paralyzing gaze. "I created this by downgrade fusing the cows with Luna's humans! I will sell this to the living creatures to eat, and they will have no choice to eat it, for I downgrade fused the grass and the cows to create the wood for the restaurants! I will use all of them to build myself up to the top of the sky!"

"Sorry I let her use my own kind to create food..." Luna said sheepishly like a coward, "I wasn't trying to promote her cannibalistic behavior by giving her what she wanted..."

"THAT DOES IT!" the deity shouted. "I didn't want to have to do this, but Celestia, you've pulled the leather from the wall, and there's no turning back!"

"All I did was try to create like you said, you shouldn't have a single bone to pick with me!" Celestia just wouldn't agree to have a deal with this one.

"Luna, I need you to do me a favor!" the deity turned to his daughter. "You're my daughter, you're the only one who can change my daughter! You need to show her YOUR methods of creation..."

"What are you two talking about, why can I not hear your whispering just like I hear the sky's wind?" Celestia stood strong in her childlike curiosity as the deity told Luna what she had to do quietly.

"Sorry sister..." Luna remorsed apologetically as she flew up to Celestia while charging up a magic spell, "but father is right, you need to be steered in the right direction, for this is an udder outrage, and you've become a complete bully in this mess of bull! It's time that you learned to create with love..."

"Wait, you can't be...NNOOOOO!" Celestia yelled as Luna's big magic horn of darkness made her pregnant with a particular human...the human who would play a very important role in the present flashback to the past...

"I'll tell you what to impede the questioning going on in your mind right now, because I really don't like questions..." Celestia said two years later in the flashback to mollify the awkwardly confused crowd's distress as they pondered over the shindig of the morality and immorality chips. "Whether you die living a life of morality or immorality, there will be a reward at the end. If you die good, you will get to go to Heaven, paradise for the good. If you die evil, you will get to go to Hell, paradise for the wicked!"

Immediately, the crowd of ponies and humans grew happy, as they felt assurance that there would be no consequences of their decisions of good and evil.

"And that's just the way everyone works..." Celestia thought as she saw the crowd cheering. "As soon as they know there's something in it for them on both paths, they'll take any path they desire...suffering and gain truly are what life is about."

"All right, it appears everyone is ready to make their selection," Celestia had finished, as she wasn't planning to sell them the lecture. "I'm pretty sure I don't need to go over the rules again, you all listened carefully and got them down, right?"

"I listened to all of the rules, Celestia," said a strange voice from the crowd, "but I don't know them. Can you please explain them?"

The crowd instantly fell dead in their tracks of lively behavior, as Celestia looked at the perturbance with a disturbed look on her face.

"You...why did you..." Celestia was in horror. "Say that...SKY!"

"You're looking pretty frustrated and on edge, Celestia..." the voice who was revealed to be of Sky saw the unfathomable rage in Celestia. "Are you angry?"

"Why would you ever say something like that?!" shouted Celestia. "You heard the words...knew the message...and you dare ask for more than that?! Are you...TRYING TO UNDERSTAND ME?!"

"I think he is," said a voice who wanted to know Celestia better suggested, "I don't get this good and evil thing, but I've always wanted to understand you, Celestia."

Soon, a portion of the crowd drew near to Celestia saying they didn't care about the chips, and wanted to understand Celestia better. Not understanding this motion of comprehension, Celestia was simply enraged.


With a thunderous roar and a frigid stare, Celestia used the power of the chilling air to create a fiery raging inferno of heat that was so hot it burned through Sky and all of his neutral supporters, and bounced off those who were truly good and evil with their full intent to choose the chips.

"Oh no Celestia, what have you done?!" Luna heard the air blast from the ocean, and came to the disaster to see what was wrong with it. "You...killed Sky..."

"In my senseless rage out of good and evil..." Celestia gave an evil smile. "That's where my powers come full knowledge of good and evil as a disobedient offspring of a deity...I can't destroy good and evil things with my own two ways of using magic...but I can very easily annihilate the neutral! And I won't send them to the beautiful paradises I have created once they're dead, I won't even give them NOTHING! I'LL TURN THEM INTO NOTHING BY SENDING THEM TO THE PLACE I NAMED AFTER THE SOUNDS OF THE CREATURES THAT WERE SUPPOSED TO MAKE ME A GOD, BUT LED ME TO NOTHING BECAUSE OF YOU! I WILL SEND THEM ALL TO MU!"

"No, you will not assure that kind of future for our son!" Luna illuminated a different light in her horn once more. "YOU WILL RETURN HIM AND FULFILL HIM THE PRESENT OF LIFE!"

" don't really mean...NNOOOOO!" Celestia threw up Sky just as she threw the flashback in the fray of her mind in the present.

"And that's when I lost my mind again..." Celestia went insane in her mental state. "I decided that if I couldn't kill you, I would banish you to the human part of Equestria...and then I set up this entire little game in hopes that you would see the importance of good and evil. And to emphasize the importance, I started only letting the really good and the really evil into paradise. That's why your stupid machine friend Twilight who thought she was a complete monster demon refugee by betraying me and putting both chips in her mind so she could one day do so again will never see the light of either paradise...Do you really want to end up like her, Sky?"

"Who knows?" Sky pondered over his own world's mysteries. "And by the way, what's the reason for all of these things going on? I really wish I could read your mind..."


"My heart can be commanded?" Sky asked. "I thought that both ways, it had involuntary functions."

" may notice in your foolish understanding of details that my appearance has changed since we last met..." Celestia told him that he had noticed that Celestia was now wearing blue armor. "When I was exposed to great light from the appearance changed from the color of dark to a pearly kind of dark...SKY blue. It's crystal clear to even the most blind that we were meant to bond together...if you turned evil, we could make a great new world together in the land of Nomu. To show you how generous I am in the act of selling my offers, I'll ask you just one more time...will you be evil...OR THE NOT?!"

Sky thought about this complicated and philosophically simple question, and in a few seconds, had made his true last choice of final decisions.

"You'll have my apologies after I've finished saying this..." Sky was thankful for the offer he was given, "but I can't be evil. Evil may be where good ultimately came from, and it can eventually lead to the creation of good, but to me, it just doesn't feel good. I guess I truly am the not."

"Oh, you're more than that." Celestia made a very good effort at an evil smile. "Your decision to reject evil has given you the universe...FOR THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE SHALL BE THE NOT ALONG WITH YOU! YOU WILL BE DESTROYED. ALONG...WITH...EVERYTHING!"

At the moments meant to be the last, Celestia grew really big, really big like in the sense that she bigger than the state of having big quality. She then ate everything around her, including the palace of Nomu and the paradise of Heaven and Hell, ALONG...WITH...EVERYTHING excluding Sky, for he was a nothing. She combined it all for a downgrade fusion, one that would make anything that could possibly be downgraded or upgraded a meaningless change...


Celestia's horn fired an unbelievably all-powerful spell that had so much power, it would destroy anything that even had a remote sense of belief in the presence of the forms of power at Sky.

"So I know what will happen to me when I die..." Sky saw his own death. "I wonder what will happen when this is all over..."

"Sky, haven't you learned anything from everything that's happened so far?" said Twilight's voice. "Even when the ending is all's not over..."

And just like that, it was the ending...for Celestia. She lost. In what had previously been planned to be her victory, she lost. The evil of Twilight's heart had reached Sky's mind after all, for he knew about good thanks to her! Because Sky was not neutral any more, the magic reflected off of him, and it only came back on Celestia...


There was a shining radiant light of magnificent brightness magnifying itself through the translucent air that used pellucid light to shine divine holy aurora beams into the eyes of the holy as Celestia died, and Sky found himself in another special place, one that belonged to Luna.

"Hello Sky...congrats on finding the truth of the true final ending." Luna introduced Sky to her bedroom that had appeared.

"So the final ending has finally concluded, I wonder what will happen after that..." Sky replied as he looked around the bedroom and saw that there was a bed, there were dolls everywhere, Luna was sitting at a table with a toy tea set, and she was pregnant. "So what is this place?"

"This is me..." Luna described herself for the life of her and everyone. "Father knew that time was destined to end after Celestia went crazy, so every living creature that has died has been destined to return to me. Everything that has been created that is good shall live on inside my uterus, and they shall experience the joy of growing and being created with me for all eternity..."

"What about the evil things?" Sky wanted to know about another presence. "Where's Twilight?"

"Twilight is right here, Sky." Luna held out a doll of Twilight. "The spirits of all the evil creatures are now in these dolls, and because they're inanimate objects, they're not even aware of the fact that they're real. They never lived a true life, so they will never live again forever..."

"Poor Twilight..." Sky felt sympathy for Twilight. "She protected me in her evil ways, but I was never able to do anything for her..."

"Even though the dolls aren't alive, I like to have a tea party with them every now and what will be then..." Luna had chairs around the round table that were the seats for Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Celestia. "Thinking about what things would be like if they were a part of me..."

"Not to be selfish, but...what about me?" Sky asked. "Is what Celestia said still true? Are the fates of the neutral...just to become nothing?"

" long as your mind and spirit continue to imagine things and you defy the presence of nothing inside of you," Luna said her final words of wisdom to her son, "you will never become nothing."

Sky understood what Luna said, and he felt...good.

"I...I now have a complete understanding of good, evil...and neutrality," Sky became complete in both reality and in his imagination. "I feel...complete again now."

"Sky, the remainder of this universe is in darkness now, meaning that even my bedroom filled with the lights of dreams is the darkness." Luna tried to complete the message of hope. "Even though you are neutral, you still have good and evil in you from Twilight, and can live here forever in the darkness."

"That sounds amazing." Sky replied in amazement to show that he was amazed.

"And also...take this with you Sky." said Luna as she put the doll of Twilight in Sky's hands. "In a way, she created you...even though she's gone, I think she'll be happier to be with her creation more than she'll be happy to be with her creator."

"So that's what happened..." Sky remembered the good times of his friend's last moments. "I've never been more glad to know that the universe was a true story!"

"Let's go Sky!" Luna was prepared to be a leader in leading Sky to the tea party. "The journey has just begun!"

"This truly is a dark day for the creation of magic, happiness, and love!" Sky loved as he hugged Luna having finally been enlightened in this dark world of transcending light.

The final ending started many beginnings of goodness.

The Loving Mother Hugging Ending

You have done some good work reading the tale of the confusing transcendence, hero...but there is still one question that remains if there is not a myriad...where are the Dark Sky, even though they are all there in that transcendence? This will be the answer...

The Dark Sky's Epilogue of the Beginning

In the present world of the past of Fluttershy's Dark Sky...

"Well, the threat of those silly cupcakes is going to be gone soon," the trio of pegasi said triumphantly as they were still ascending higher in the dark sky. "The end of our song is going to be the beginning of our victory!"

"I'm an admitted defeatist!" Spike shouted in surrender as he was still being carried by Derpy Hooves. "Now get me off this merry-go-round in the sky called life!"

"Every battle's end results in the beginning of two victories, Spike." Derpy shared some words of wisdom with him.

"Yes..." said a voice. "A villain's victory eventually leads to the victory of a hero. A hero's victory eventually leads to the victory of a villain. But normally, that's eventually, and now, this eventuality will be the beginning in the present scenario..."

"So...who's the hero and who's the villain here?" everyone was so curious, that they failed to concentrate and didn't notice a rift opening in the universe below them.

"The villain is not here..." another Derpy Hooves that appeared gave an evil smile of stupid innocence. "HE IS THERE!"

"Hey, it's me!" Derpy happily pointed out the obvious as the darkness was rising.

And suddenly, everything went dark as they were sucked into the rift.

"Hey wait a minute!" shouted the black pegasus as the rift had teleported them to the end of the present future. "This isn't what happened in the past!"

"Of course it's not, because this is the present!" declared Discord as he appeared to them as the darkness gained a sunny desert oasis appearance. "Welcome to the future!"

"Wait a second, I remember this place!" the orange pegasus recognized the place as he looked around. "This is the Desolate Desert of Distorted Drug Delusions! They say that all hardcore stoners come here when they die! What happened?"

"Relax, the fact that you're alive and well here at the end of time proves you're not dead, you silly goblins!" Derpy laughed as she and another Derpy Hooves appeared at Discord's sides.

"Meet my number one assistant, Derpy Hooves!" Discord introduced the pony on his right side. "I extracted the good childhood innocent derpiness from her spirit in the future, and put it inside another Derpy that I will one day call Luna..."

"What do you think of my daughters, Dark Sky?" Discord cackled in a discordant tone.

"H-how are you even free?" Spike asked in fear. "I thought you were stoned!"

"I was..." Discord prepared to elaborate, "...and as so, it would be my destiny in the future to eventually become dust and turn into nothing. But in the future, I will not accept such a fate! I will use my powers of chaos to defy the nothingness and become a deity in my own universe of nothing! In that future, I mixed the past, present, and future, ALL INTO IN ONE TIMELINE, SO I COULD GO BACK INTO THE PAST AND ENLIST YOUR HELP FOR THE FUTURE! AND BECAUSE ALL THE TIME IS POLYMERIZED TOGETHER, IT WON'T EFFECT ANYTHING BUT MAKE IT GO JUST AS I PLANNED!"

"WAIT...and our help?" the orange pegasus replied. "What are we going to do for you?"

"..." the gray pegasus helped the argument silently.

"You will be transformed as well as transcended into the beloved creations of my future!" Discord cast a magic spell of chaos that transformed them all.

After the spell was over, Spike had transformed into a cow, Derpy and the other Derpy had transformed into the deity's daughters, Celestia and Luna, and the trio had turned into Robot Alicorns Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight.

"Go forth and multiply, you silly butler!" Discord laughed at the cow Spike, as he started involuntarily cloning himself thanks to Discord's chaos magic. "All of you will be in my new world of nothing with no memory of this, so that my world shall continue in an endless time loop FOREVER!"

"This is some really messed up stuff, Discord!" the trio and Spike shouted as all of them vanished, and all of them were teleported to Discord's world, filling in the past, present, and future roles where it was all appropriate.

"And I'm not done..." Discord rubbed his hands together as Fluttershy appeared in front of him, "I have a BIG SURPRISE prepared for you!

"Wh-what are you going to do to me?!" Fluttershy trembled as she was at Discord's mercy.

"ENJOY YOUR TRANSCENDENCE, HERO!" Discord transformed Fluttershy, and soon, she was inside Celestia's uterus.

" this is what it's like to be prepared for being born..." the being who would soon be named Sky thought inside of Celestia. "I wonder what will happen..."

The True Ending of the Dark Sky's Transcendence: The True Beginning

The Beginning of the Final Enigmatic Words of the Cloud Dragon of the Mist

You have done it! You have done a good job once again hero! But it was not just a good job this time...this time it was work that transcends goodness!

You fully understand what it means to transcend, for you were able to read the entire story, and took full notice of the trials and tribulations that test a hero's lack of understanding!

Your mind is not confused and you will never become nothing, you are still the king of the sky! Continue bringing the light through the skies even in your transcendence! You shall always have a good night in the light!