Mysteries of the heart

Chapter 1: Morning routines/A for effort.

((AN: I had this idea for a while and decided to try writing again. Its been four years since my last story attempt and I think ive gotten better. Also, special thanks to Barias Meqquex for helping me write this story. His OC Brick makes a special guest appearance. Thank you and enjoy!))

Spike wandered drowsily down the wooden library stairs. But even though it was early morning spiked already had a skip in his step. It was hard to get spike down, considering it was spring. He loved spring. More than he loved gems, he didn't know why, nor did he question it. Was it the fresh pine smell? Yes. What about the nice animals? Yes. The warm, but not too warm sun shining down on a cool day? Yes. Spike hummed to himself a tune from a popular band called Journey.

"Any way you want it, thats the way you need it, hmm..." He quietly hummed, no sing, to himself.

It was early on in spring, so since they lived in a tree, you could smell fresh pine. It was easy to tell that Spike liked this time of year.

He hopped lightly off the last step and began his early morning chores. His chores, as usual started with reading the list Twilight left for him the previous night. He walked up to the desk where she left it "Alright let's see what Twilight wrote down on my early morning to-do list... What? There's gotta be something wrong here.."

Spike looked over the 'list'. Either he was dreaming or gone crazy. The list said 'Enjoy Your day spike!' He was flipping it over, trying to look at it upside down, holding it up to the sun, everything! It still read the same thing. 'Enjoy your day Spike!'

"Something's definitely NOT right here..." Then he remembered what this week was.
He facepalmed and sighed at himself. "Duh! It's my birthday week!"Spike looked around the Libary floor. He hadn't noticed how un-clean it was. Books lay open and around Twilights study table. He walked up to the table to examine the books out of curiosity, nothing more.

"...Why is Twi reading all these books about Discord all of a sudden? That can't be healthy..." Spike moved from the wooden table, bumping into it a bit, causing it to wobble a bit. As always, he was gunna cook Twilight some breakfast. It was never put on the list. He just did it to cook because he liked to. Also, he's never letting Twi near the kitchen after that pie incident. Just thinking back to that day his poor stove turned a darker black than Nightmare moon made spike tear up.

Spikes thoughts have been interrupted by the sound of hoofs slowly trotting down the stairs.

"Morning Twi!"

"Mmhmm" Twilight drowsily said back from the main room of the library.

'She's never this tired... I wonder what's eating her...' Spike then finished pre-heating the stove and walked back to the main room where the pine smell was, to no ones surprise, the strongest.

Spike swept it all in using his nose, then turned his attention to Twilight, who was back at the table with all the Discord books on it.

Twilight looked like she hadn't slept in months, to say the least! Her mane was a mess, her bags under her eyes had bags! Atleast she bathed... You can just see the soreness in her body from siting at the table for hours on end... Spike felt so sorry for her. Why was she doing all this studying? And on Discord to top it off, even while she has a smile on her face too! He has to find out why... Soon too.

He calmly walked up to behind Twilight, leaned on the desk (which caused it to wobble again. Really need to get that fixed...) and spoke. "Twi, you've been barely sleeping lately, and to add to my profoundus..."

"Profound, spike."

"Err right, profound. And to add to my profound confusion, you've been reading, and readings putting it lightly Twi, more like, interrogating, rummaging, destroying..."


"Right right, anyway. To my point, why all these books on Discord Twilight? Why now? We only sealed him a few weeks ago. Did he do something to you?" Spike proceded to tug and pull at every single exposed part of Twilight, stretching her, trying to look smart, even using the occasional 'hmm' he must have done SOMETHING to her while he was out. He did keep touching her is what Applejack mentioned. So maybe he poisoned her? No that's not it... Hypnotism. That sounds about right.

"Spike, just What exactly are you doing?"

"Trying to find out what Discord did to you. Twi, are you hypnotized?"

"What? No Spike your ridiculous! Please, go bother someone else!" She spoke with a tone of voice that Spike only recieved when he messed up something big.

Did he mess up here? No, it's just her lack of sleep and almost insane focus on Discord that's making her act like this right? Right. But just to make sure... "Alright Twi... I can see where I'm not wanted... I'll just... Go..." He spoke with fake rejection.

"Wait, spike..."

Bingo. "Yeah..." He stopped and turned with a fake depressed face. Those acting lesson's from Rarity are definitely paying off. Spike made a mental note to pay her a visit for a thanks later.

Twilight sighed sadly and turned to him. "Spike, I'm sorry. It's just this session is really important. Because of that I may have been skipping on a lot of sleep, thus resulting in my attitude. I'm sorry." She lied. She just couldn't bring herself to tell him the truth. She silently paced her back hoofs along the wooden tree floor, making a small 'clunk' sound as she did so.

"Oh it's alright Twi, just... Can you tell me why your researching so much on Discord?"
Twilight bit her lip. Almost like she was hiding something. But Twilight would never hide things from spike... Would she? Then again she does hide the sweets jar... And the jems... And her diary... Well, the last one was understandable.

"Sorry Spike, I couldn't tell you that even if I wanted too..." She floated over the now cooked breakfast that Spike almost forgot about. It's aroma filling the room and making anyone in the vicinity hungry. Twilight walked over to the dinning table and set the plates. Shortly followed by an eager and hungry Spike.

Breakfast was finished and Spike was ready to go out and enjoy his day. He made sure his journal (NEVER would he call it a diary) and other secret belongings, like Rarity's gem necklace for him was hidden away. He reassured Twilight was ok without him one last time. Which earned him a "Yes for the 100th time." He gathered his things, (which were only spare bits in case he got hungry or something.) and proceeded to calmly walk to the big oak door at the front of the library his dragon feet lightly patting against the Canterlot carpet. -Ding dong!-

"Who could that be?" Spike walked up to the door and pulled it open, letting out a lot of the fresh pine smell he loved so much. Out of everyone it could've been, Spike definitely wasn't ready for this pleasant surprise. Wait pleasant? Sure Applebloom was good company but pleasant? In fact, he'd say he was more happy seeing her at his door than Rarity. Something MUST be wrong with him right? This he has to find out...


"Hiya Spike!"

"C'mon git yourself up kid! You've got a big day aheads of you!"

"Big day my hoof. It's always the same around her..."

"Well then, today may be your lucky day sugarcube. C'mon an get up n get ready. Today you don't have to do anything. Think of today as your adventure day alright? See ya downstairs."

That was Appleblooms usual wake up call. Or at least, it was something along those lines. Applebloom loved to sleep in, probably because of how comfortable her bed feels at the end of a busy day. Two weeks ago, for example, Applejack had to go off somewhere in town so she had to buck more than half the trees in the apple farm. Needless to say, Applebloom had so much newfound respect for her sister. Who knew that if you don't buck right, you can sprain your hoof and ruin the rest of your day! Applebloom, not wanting to disappoint, continued to buck even after her accident, and THAT caused more problems than it solved. Never will she try that again.

Applejack had already left the room. Leaving Applebloom to start her day by herself, as usual. She examined her bedroom for no reason. Same old filly-sized bed near the same old window. Same old desk in the corner with the same old mirror and makeup set that Rarity gave her for Hearths warming day. Rarity just loved to give gifts on Hearths warming day. She WAS the element of generosity after all. NEVER will she use it though... And same old door with the same old apple-tree wood smell. Yeah, things were getting boring around here.

Applebloom walked into the bathroom across the hallway from her room. She quietly took a shower and brushed her teeth and mane, as well as make funny faces in front of the mirror, Pinkie Pie thought it was a good way to start the day. She proceeded with washing away the remains of Pinkies 'graduating from whatever grade your in' party. Even with Pinkies randomness, it STILL felt boring and the same. She needed a wild card today. She wanted to do something with someone that's not usual, but who could that be...?

Deep inside her thoughts, Applebloom never noticed when she had walked down stairs, or when she sat down to eat breakfast. Failing to even notice that it was her favorite, apple pancakes. In fact, the one thing that she did notice, surprised herself, and everyone in the room, well... It WAS only Big Macintosh and Applejack.

"...Im tellin ya Mac, that lil dragons more funnier than a chicken that's eaten to much pie!" Applejack stated with a smile.

"Y'all know I donts sees him that often but whenever he's around something interestin always seems ta happens." Big Mac added calmly, but couldn't hide his little smile. He was lightly tapping his hoof on the old table to the beat of the soft music coming from the radio. It seems Journey was Big Macintosh's favorite band.

Applebloom was hooked. "Really sis?"

Applejack smiled at her sisters interest in her story. "Why yesirie Applebloom. I remember the time he tried helping out with the pie selling! Heh, poor little sap was Covered head to toe in apple pie filling by the end of the day! Little bugger was determined though. Heck I don't remember a time when he ever gave up fully. Boy got that look in his eyes. The look that says 'Im Spike! Come at me world!' In fact didn't you tell us how he fought off some critters from the everfree forest once when you n your group of CMCs went Ta Zecoras place?"

"Yeah, he was so brave..."

"Either brave or nutty but little Spikes got guts. That's fer sure."

"Wow..." Appleblooms imagination was in full force right now. Imagining him making her day more interesting, bike rides, exploring, fighting off monsters, finding gems, adventures! But then, to her surprise, she started thinking of how strong he was, how he had helped and saved her so many times, his determination look, and how he gave her strength... Wait... What!

Applebloom was blushing now. She also felt a bit... Giddy? "What in tarnation?" There was only one thing to do. "Applejack, I think I have a problem..."

Appleblooms blush didn't go un noticed by Applejack. In fact, it almost seemed like Applejack was expecting exactly what she was gunna say next. What is going on here? Did her did learn to read minds in a day? "Lemme guess sugarcube, y'all was thinking about how fun Spike would made your day but then your mind trailed ta him specifically. Am I right?"

"Ya! Why is that?"

"All it means sugarcube is that your growin up. Also means somethin else but that y'all has to figure out on your owns. Now, why don'tcha go out and hang with Spike? It's his birthday week, and I'm sure y'all can makes it interestin." Applejack walked her to the front door, gave her some bits, and said her short goodbye.

"Thanks sis! See ya Mac, see ya grannie!" Apple turned and hopped off the porch. The last wooden step before the ground broke as Applebloom hopped off it. "I'll fix that when I get back!" She called as she skipped out the gate.

With newfound interest, Applebloom skipped through ponyvill, this time though, she was noticing how lively the town was. Ponys were saying hi to each other, laughing, shopping going on dates. Even Fluttershy seemed to be less shy today.

"Hiya Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy jumped a little, then she noticed it was just Applebloom. "Oh hi Applebloom, you startled me there. What are you doing today?"

"Today I'm going to hang out with Spike! He's just what I need to keep my life interesting!"

Fluttershy giggled at what she basically just said. "That's very nice Applebloom."

Applebloom saw that look in Fluttershy. The same one her sister had when she mentioned Spike. Not this time! She thought. "You know Fluttershy, Big Mac is gunna be alone in the farm today. Why dont you pay him a visit?"

Obvious to everyone except Applejack, Big Mac, and Fluttershy herself. Fluttershy has a crush on Big Mac, how Applebloom knew and Applejack didn't amazed everyone. The only reason Applejack still doesn't know is because of Pinkies whole promise thing. It was easy to figure out too. How Applejack didn't know was beyond everyone. Whenever someone mentioned Big Macintosh she would always move from silently nodding about that pony to almost endless compliments about him, quiet ones of course. And, whenever Big Mac was around she would always get even shyer. Easy signs that she liked him.

That worked, Fluttershy became a mess of mumbles whispers. "Oh.. Well... Umm... Hehe... Mmph..." She hid behind her mane and paced her hoofs in place. Still confused and embarrassed, she thought about whether or not to pay him a visit. She spoke to herself as she walked away.

Applebloom also walked away, feeling victorious. "Haha! No one but Applejack can one up me!"

"So you'll do it?"

"It's a grueling challenge, but I accept!"

Applebloom's intrest was piqued, entering 'stealth mode' she turned the corner to in front of the Carousel Boutique to find Rarity with Rainbow Dash. She decided to walk by slowly to hear the conversation.

"You do?"

"Yes, I Rarity, goddess of fashion and all that is mare-like, will transform You Dash, into a true Mare!"

"Yes! Alright! I'll come by tomorrow. Thanks Rairity. With your help my date can't go wrong!"

Hmm, Dash has got a date? AND she's asking Rairity for advice? This I've gotta tell Spike about.

Rainbow Dash then proceeded to try to walk in a fancy matter, only tripping herself, and kicking up dust, luckily away from Rairity.
"Well uhh... You get an A for effort my dear..." Rairity added nervously.

Applebloom calmly walked away, she was now past sugar cube corner without any interruptions now if she could just-

"Ohhh! Hiya Applebloom! Whatcha doing today?"

Admittedly Pinkie pie was a good distraction.

"Hey Pinkie whats up?"

"Ooooh! I want ice cream so much right now. You know when you get that feeling where you reeeaaallly want something and your willing to hunt it down? THAT'S how much I want ice cream!"

Applebloom chuckled. She was always up to something. "Sure Pinkie."

"Ooooh! Where are you going? To see Spike? Oooh that's cool! I really want ice cream right now! Id kill for some!" She laughed. To be honest, no one knew what went on in Pinkie Pies head. She was like an all knowing being. She knew stuff before they were even mentioned. Not to mention the laws of physics do not apply to her at all.

"Howd ya know Pinkie? I never even mentioned Spike. There ya go using your Pinkie powers."

"Hehe. I just know silly. Madame Pinkie Pie at your service! Fortune telling and free Rainbow cupcakes! The fortune telling isn't free though!" Pinkie giggled.

Applebloom smiled. No one could bring Pinkie down. It was impossible in every natural way! Except when she has her… creepy episodes… Those were scary. "Yeah, me and Spike are gunna have a bunch of fun!"

"Ohhhhh cool! I still want ice cream! Have fun with Spike! Not that you wouldn't. He's an awesome person and you two are gunna get along so great! Have fun now…"

At that point, Brick the ice cream vendor trotted past sugar cube corner, a playfully scared look on his face.

Pinkie Pie quickly noticed him and screamed. "ICE CREAAAMMM!" She then shot off after him at a speed even Rainbow Dash would be jealous of. In fact, Pinkies outline stayed behind for a bit, examined itself, waved at Applebloom then followed Pinkie Pie.

"…What?" Was all Applebloom managed to say.

Brick began to run. Fast.

"COME BACK HERE!" Pinkie screamed at him.

Applebloom laughed at Pinkies craziness and turned and walked away, still giggling at how Pinkie handled the situation.

Appleblooms trip from that point went fairly quick. It was just a small amount of turns and BOOM there she was. The library.
To be honest, she didn't like books all that much. She only read because her teacher assigns reading assignments. And she despised those. Why read when you can go out and learn things from life itself right?
She rang the door bell.
Admittedly though she did like some books. Like the pop-up one Spike showed her the other day. Those books she could get use to! Ooooh fresh pine!
Applebloom was hit with fresh, pine air from the inside of the library. Now that definitely was one of the perks of living in a tree. In the beginning of spring trees smelt beautiful. Spike was so lucky!
"Hiya Spike!"

((AN: Well? What do you think? Pleaaaasee Review. No flames though please.))