Chapter 6

Hermione's Pov

I find him sat in the common room, reading a book. Creeping up behind him i jump over the sofa and land on him.

"Ahh! Damn it 'Mione, please don't kill me, he asked why you was holding a bird then about Snape then it just cam-" i cut him off with a passionate kiss, he gives what he gets and twists me so i have my back flat against the sofa. I run my hands down his chest and then run them under it over his defined muscles. He pulls his top over his head but stops and looks down at me.

"What?" i ask he smiles and kisses me.

"You do know Harry and Luna did this on this exact sofa as well" he whispers i snicker and kiss him. He pulls away and starts kissing my cheek then neck. I kiss his forehead and continue running my hand over his chest as he nips my collarbone.

"Uh um" we both look up and find Snape stood there. I glare at him then grab the pillow behind my head and throw it at him.

"You are needed to teach a group" he smirks i glare at him and Draco just blushes. We get up and he grabs his shirt.

"We will be right out Professor" Once he's gone Draco turns to me.

"Mia i think he is acting sort of like a father to you, wait here me out, he doesn't give you detention, also you have beaten the shit out of him and all he has done is wait let me think... nothing about it, 'Mione he feels like he is the only protective figure you have." Draco waits for my reaction.

"No- wait, you have a point it really started from when he found out about the summer, its- i dunno what to say" i rest my head in the crook of his neck. He kisses my head then lifts my chin.

"Come on let's go show the younger students how to take down a target" he laughs then i take his hand and apperate there.

"You know you don't need to apperate everywhere you know." I smirk at him then head over to the group lazing on the ground. Half a dozen dummy deatheaters appear around them, most jump and don't react but some have their wands in hand and have stunned them.

"okay all those who reacted come here all those who didn't stand where you are. Okay almost even split okay, apart from you two find a partner with someone in the opposite group. Good now join with another pair, wonderful." Alot of moving later and there a small groups of 4 stood together, apart from the two from the reacted group who stand with Draco.

"Now the ones who reacted need to improve the reaction times of those who didn't, do this anyway you find fit, GO!" i turn to the other two and Draco.

"As there was to many that reacted ,which is brilliant, you two will be duelling each other, rule No Unforgivables, apart from that i don't think there is any others" i turn to Draco who shakes he head.

"Okay GO!" one of the pair doesn't wait for his partener to be ready and throws a hex his way. The boy dodges and sends one back. Draco walks with me through the students, they use the dummies and each other to improve reaction times, i stop a few students flying off like Snape did for me, in the hospital wing.

"What are you going to do once this is all over?" he asks. Spotting a bloody nose i conjure a tissue and pass it to the student.

"Well, if i survive i wanted to get a job, possibly at the Ministry or here, but i don't know i think first thing first, survive." I deflect a rouge spell and continue my walk through them.

"What about you?"

"Well i was thinking about getting a job like you, i want to work here because it's the only really place that feels like home. I have another idea but i don't know yet" he mumbles something that i don't catch.

"Do you want to go check on your mother, if i'm right she should have woken up twenty minutes ago." He smiles and kisses my cheek then rushes in.

"Okay take a short break, whilst the ones who have been injured in some form or matter come over to me so i can clean you up." A small group walk over to me, some have nose bleeds or a tiny cut an di just send them away with a tissue, but one poor student has a broken hand where they were hit with a tripping hex and fell on their hand wrong.

"Hospital wing for you" i take their good hand and apperate in.

"My Lord, we have news" Lucius faces his Lord, the snake eyed man looks up and twirls his wand.

"Well?" he growls with inpatients.

"Severus had a couple of slip ups with a few potions and now the Granger girl has become older, she can do wandless magic and is also an Animagus, My son is smitten with the Mudblood, and Severus has taken to her. Also Potter and Lovegood are expecting a child." Voldemort grows angrier and angrier, he grips his wand tightly, so tightly in fact that his knuckles become whiter than they already are.

"So your telling me, that from an accident they now have a power mudblood witch who can most likely kill us all?" he asks, the blonde wizard nods and opens his mouth again.

"Also they are training the whole school to be ready, another point i know my wife went there and is in the hospital wing, Bellatrix had the idea to attack early, they wouldn't be ready or we kidnap the two witches." Pondering this the Dark Lord comes to a conclusion.

Draco's Pov

"How are you feeling?" i ask her, she sips the pumpkin juice and places it on the tray again.

"Fine, don't know what i am going to do once i am able to leave." She mumbles i smile at her.

"You will stay here with us, we can always have the common room moved around" i explain her eyes light up and a second later we hear a pop. Hermione stands nearby with a student.

"Poppy, Mike has a broken hand, can you help me please" she asks, smiling to me she helps the fourth year onto the side of the bed, and Pomfrey helps her fix his hand up.

"Who's that?" Mother asks, i turn to her and smile.

"That's Hermione Granger, My girlfriend" i say proudly. Mother takes another look at her.

"She's a bit old for you, don't you think?" she asks i laugh at her, but of course mother doesn't understand why.

"She's my year, but a few mix ups with potions and she ended up aging a little too much, tip don't piss her off, you haven't seen what she did to Snape" i laugh, 'Mione turns to smile at me then helps the student up and goes to Apperate.

"'Mione come right back, want to talk" she looks at me a little confused but pops away then back.

"Back" she smiles and sits down next to me. Mother holds out her hand.

"Narcissa Malfoy, pleasure to meet you when i am not in a terrible state." Hermione takes her hand and shakes it softly.

"You didn't look that bad, but i could smell the blood, it smelled like Draco but it wasn't so i thought it might have been a relative" she explains, mother smiles but i can tell the question is on her lips.

"Hermione, is an Animagus, a Panther to be precise" i explain, mother takes her pumpkin juice again and sips it.

"Draco i gotta go back to the training, can't leave them alone, and Snape is a bit too harsh on them." She smiles then pops away.

"She's seems sweet, i feel sorry for her about Lucius and Bella, blood purity is too old fashioned, she is more powerful than Voldemort and Dumbledore combined. The magic practically flows off her." I smiles and we continue talking about the upcoming battle.

Hermione's Pov

"Hermione, where have you been?" Harry asks his face flushed.

"well, mike broke his hand so i took him to Pomfrey and then Draco wanted to talk with me so i popped back here then went back there to talk with him and his mother, she is really nice but i have a bad feeling"

"You are just worried and stressed don't worry about it." He offers me a bottle of water. I take it and sip it.

"You spiked this with calm draught didn't you" i moan as it takes effect. It may calm me but the feeling still is there. He smiles and starts on another round of laps. I yawn and stretch my hands high in the air.

"Tired?" i jump at the sound of Snape's voice.

"Yer, i guess, going for a run around the grounds" i finish before he can stop me. I change and run off the field.

Back to Hogwarts i run through the corridors. I head for Hagrid's Hut but stop near the stones, where i punched Draco in third year. I sit on the cool grass and look out over the beautiful scene. I see Hagrid and Fang moving pumpkins around. Maybe we should have the Ball before Moldy Voldy gets her. Yer i will ask McGonagall when i go back. I look at my paws and extend my claws, for the first time i actually look at myself, well all that i can see, my fur is thick and shiny, not shiny as in Snape's hair shiny but glossy. My tail is long and sleek, i stand up and stretch before sitting back down.

I listen to the world around me, i hear Fang's breathing and the hare's footsteps. Along with a crow's wings flapping. I look up and there he is. I ignore the Professor and lie down. He lands next to me and turns back.

"You okay? you don't look it" he smiles at me, i just watch the scene ignoring him. I think about all the things that have happened, the last thing i think about is the conversation i had with Draco.

"Draco's right you know, since i found out about your ribs and how they broke, i was kinder and tried not to make it harder for you, then Albus died and i knew you lost another person who is important to you, i don't know why but i feel like i need to help you. Not only that but you have given me something to do with my life, other than punish students and teach them potions that they don't remember." He stares at the distance as i turn back.

"I remember the first potions lesson, when you bollocked Harry and wouldn't let me answer the question." I answer, i don't look at him i just look at the Black Lake, and the merpeople swimming. He must see them because he gulps when they start fighting.

"Are you going back to them, once this is all over?" he asks, i bite my lip and sigh. Looking at him i see he is watching me.

"I don't know, i guess i would have to but, i don't think they will believe it's me if i look like this, but i am used to it" i turn and watch as one merperson kills the other. I grimace as it sinks into the murky waters or the Lake. I check the time on my wizarding watch that Fred gave me, 4pm.

"Better head back" i go to change and run in, i look back to see the crow fly above me inside. He heads off to the Hospital wing, most likely to talk to Narcissa, whilst i head off to talk to McGonagall.

"Do you think it's a good idea? Also i think it would be best to send the first and second years home" i ask the Headmistress, she watches the fourth years run around the pitch.

"Perfect idea, you Malfoy, Potter and Lovegood are in charge on decorations, also get the prefects involved." I smiles widely and thank her before she dismisses everyone and i grab the prefects and others.

We all sit in the head's common room, a plan of the Great Hall laid out on the table.

"So, black feathers and candles as centre pieces but not on the same table. The food and drinks shall be here, and you, you and you are in charge of asking the house elves what to cook, the sky as we discussed is midnight blue and it will be a masked ball. Date?" i explain and point to the section on the drawing.

"How about next week? We can easily do all this by then and i think we can ask to go to Hogsmeade before then" an Ravenclaw prefect places forward.

"Okay so al those in favour for this raise your hands" everyone raises their hand including me, then it begins. McGonagall tells the rest of the school and the first and second years depart the next day. Prefects enter Hogsmeade in their groups each finding the decorations and entertainment. Three days before the ball and all the girls are in Hogsmeade getting dresses. Luna drags me into every dress shop and finally we reach the last one.

"A pair of beautiful young ladies searching for dresses" the shop owner walks over to us, he walks around each of us looking at our figures and hair colour every part he can see.

"You. Come here let's see, medium height, long blonde hair, beautiful eyes, ah one second" he drags Luna towards the changing rooms then throws in a dress. A few minutes later she walks out. The dark blue dress, falls to the floor, it cuts a V on her chest showing just enough cleavage, the silky material hugs her curves and the back is open. She spins and the owner gasps.

"Oh my Dear it's you, it is perfect for you" he passes her a matching pair of heels and mask. She pays then he turns to me.

"Okay beautiful hair, wow your eyes, defiantly need to bring out them, hmm... good height, i'm thinking green " my eyes widen.

"Um what about red, green isn't my favourite" i suggest he glares at me and rolls his eyes.

"i have a perfect dress in green, but i will change the colour and we will see which looks better." He rushes to the back off to the back of the shop, but pops back out and throws me in the changing rooms. A few moments later a green dress is forced into my arms, i quickly change and step out.

It is floor length like Luna's and is emerald green. There is a slit from the base to my high thigh, and if you look at the material in a certain way you can see a silver pattern over it. The back is bare but has a silver ribbon over the shoulder blades and a small jewel hangs from it. I get passed a pair of emerald heels that have the same silver look. He passes me a silver mask which has a small green jewels, similar to the one on my back, around it. I gasp at my reflection, the Gryffindor has gone and my Slytherin has come to show.

"Okay you win, no red i love it!" i buy the dress and me and Luna head out to get lunch.

"We better head back, still got to check on the other preparations." I grab Luna and we catch the last carriage back to Hogwarts. Once back we head to the head's common room, i instantly notice an extra door.

"There you two are, McGonagall has given mother her own room, in one of the other head's common rooms. Did you know they move the head's around each year? Very sneaky" i roll my eyes at Draco and head to my room to hide my dress.

"Can i see?" i jump when he appears behind me. I push him back and glare at him.

"No it's a surprise you and Harry are going to have to guess who we are in the crowd as it's a Masked Ball" i hint to him. He smirks at me and tries to peek into the bag. I blindfold and body bind him then hide it in my secret draw, then release him.

"Meany" he kisses my cheek and we head off to the last meeting before the ball.

"So band group, who have we got?" i ask the two Hufflepuffs and Gryffindor.

"Well We found three bands, each said they will do half an album worth of songs. We have Harsh Hexes, Weird Sisters, who played for the Yull Ball and Pink." I look up at the last one.

"Pink? But i thought she was a muggle?" i ask the Hufflepuff looks at me and smiles.

"She's a squib, really nice person, and she would love to come to the ball" i grin wildly.

"Well she is defiantly coming and if anyone says otherwise i will hex them" i laugh but have a hint of seriousness. We sit in an empty classroom where all the decorations are placed, black candle holders with white as snow candles are ready and the black and white feather centre pieces are made. There are shrunken round tables and five jars of charmed fire flies are placed on the side.

"Okay so everything is ready, we will see you in 2 days in the morning, as we will need time to put it all up and then get ourselves ready, Goodnight" once everyone has left, Harry, Luna, Draco and i all head back to our dorm.

"So you two excited about mini potter?" Draco asks, they smiles to each other and we start having a massive conversation about baby names and where they are going to go.

"We can live at my house, father won't mind" Luna adds, Harry kisses her head. Within minutes of entering the common room we all retire and fall into the blackness of our dreams.

Running, just running. My claws rip into the ground with every stride. The air is crisp, shouts can be heard behind me and i run faster. I turn to see the chasers but there is nothing. Facing back forwards i hit a wall. No not a wall, Greyback.

"Ahh a pretty putty cat, just what i was looking for" he goes to grab me but i bite his arm and run in the other direction. He smiles then chases after me, throwing hexes and curses at me. The shouts are ahead of me now, i run towards them. Maybe use them against each other. They come into view i stop when i see them, all bloody and beaten, one body lifeless on the floor the other pinned under a deatheater, screaming.

"Good you could join us, too late for him, but her you can save" i growl at the bastard man, who stands near the body. Greyback walks up behind me, i back away from them all, growling.

"Come with us, or she dies too" the man hints. I can barely think with the screams ripping through the air. Greyback walks over to her and leans over teeth showing. I nod my head slowly and lie down.

"Stay in that form, easier for us" i get bond, and throw near the body. The woman is picked up, by her hair. Greyback takes her and wraps his hands around her neck. I try to fight off the ropes but they only increase in tightness. With a blood curdling snap he breaks her neck. I howl, as he drops her body to the ground.

I wake with a shout, knocking Draco off the bed. Light pours through the large window.

"Ahh fuck that hurts" i looks over the edge of the bed at him, rubbing his back and head, he looks at me and pouts.

"that hurt you know" he stands and sits on the bed. We get dressed and head out for another day or training.

2 days of training later

I have had the same dream as before but they end differently, one the woman gets bitten by the monster, and the second i get bitten by him after she is killed. They let me go on the second one, but on the first like before they take me with them.

"Okay people, lets get these decorations up!" food is being brought in by house elves and prefects. We enlarge the tables and chairs, placing them, on the sides. McGonagall helps change the colour, to a beautiful midnight blue. I smile and make a few shooting stars fly over every now and then.

"Hermione! We have to get ready we only have 5 hours!" Luna comes running over and drags me out the Hall, but not before i plant a kiss on Draco's cheek. She throws me into the bathroom and runs a bath before leaving me to wash. Once i have scrubbed every inch of myself, i grab a plush red towel, and enter my room, Luna sits on my bed in here towel, she has dried her hair and has her dress, shoes and mask out ready.

"The boys are going to get ready in the other room, but they still have hours till they start" she sits me in a chair, and dries my hair with a simple flick of her wand. she passes me a tub of cream, i open it and i am hit with a mixture of exotic scents, with a smile i rub it over my arms and legs. We talk about the Ball, she says that the boys will be in the Hall and have to find us.

"That will be easy" i laugh and take out my dress from it's hiding place.

"Let me guess, Draco tried to peek?" she giggles and brushes her teeth in my bathroom. I pull out the dress, shoes and mask.

"I'm nervous" i mutter, Luna smiles and finishes brushing her teeth.

"Don't be once i'm done with you, you won't be able to feel nervous. Now go brush your nashers before i do it for you" i smile at her then brush my teeth. I allow Luna to put layers of creams and balms on my face and neck. She places some on her but not as much as me.

"i want you to look amazing, i want you to bring the house down, let's see-" she starts with my make-up, once down i slip into my dress, and shoes. As i do that she adds make-up and dresses herself, i help put her mask on her and she does mine.

"Hermione, can you do my hair, here i have my Ravenclaw pin to hold it" she passes me a beautiful hair clasp, i use a simple spell to give it soft curls and pull up some of it into a soft braid, clasping it in place. Once down she sits on my bed as i open a draw. Taking out a box she rushes over and giggles.

"You didn't buy one did you? " i open it and she gasps. The silver snake lifts its head and slides up my arm, when it reaches the base of my neck it wraps itself around my hair pulling it up gently. Letting a few pieces down either side of my face.

"The one thing i was going to use tonight no matter what colour my dress. I was going to get a Gryffindor lion one but this snake looked to good not to get" i look at the wizard clock. Wow this all took five hours, when i was getting ready for the Yull Ball it only took three.

"Let's go, can't wait to see the boy's faces" we head out the room, i make luna grab her wand and even though i don't really need it i take mine, placing it down my front.

Draco's Pov

Harry and i stand by the punch bowl, couples are dancing to the Weird Sister's.

"When do you think they will get here, unless they are already" Harry asks, looking at the people before us.

"They aren't here yet, we wouldn't be stood here if they were and nor would the other guys" i note the large amount of guys just sat or stood around one table, next to the door. Two heads peek around the door, then back out. I narrow my eyes the nudge Harry.

"Look, the girls are going to come in, in 3.2.1" and on cue, two girls stand in the doorway. I can tell it's Luna by the fact her mask barely covers her features, they stand out a mile. But the other i have a hard time believing it's Hermione. She wears a beautiful emerald green dress, her hair glistens from the candle light. They look around the room and spot us. They walk over in such grace the group of lads look up and many couples start whispering.

"Wow" we say in unison as they stop in front of us. Hermione's features are mostly covered, but her eyes give her away. I notice the hair clasp in her hair and smirk inwardly. She smiles at me. I go to ask her to dance but some dark haired boy asks her she goes to refuse but i shrug and allow her. She gives me a worried glance and allows herself to be dragged onto the dance floor. I watch the pair, as the band plays another song he tries to draw her closer to him. i growl low and Luna notices. Walking over she takes Hermione back i smile to her and she smiles back.

"Thanks Luna, i don't like that guy he smelled like... like... dead flesh" she scrunches her nose up, i kisses her forehead and pass a drink of punch. Once the weird sisters leave the school orchestra starts playing, our pairs take the dance floor. Bringing my witch close to me. A few people try to dance with her but i give them a death glare whilst she growls, they soon enough get the picture.

"And now, Pink!" the Squib walks onto the stage she smiles and nods starting the music.

La la la la





Im like sir

Sure ill have another on it's early,

Three olives shake it up i like it dirty.

Tequila for my friend it makes her flirty. Trust me

Im the instigator on underwear

Showing up here and there

Oh oh (oh no) im always on the mission from the get go

So what if it's only one o'clock in the afternoon it's never too soon

To send out all the invitations

to the last night of your life!

Hermione sings along to the music jumping to the beat. She smiles and laughs. Until someone drops a drink over her back, we turn to see no one.

"I'll be right back" she heads out to the girl's bathrooms. Lune joins her i seat myself next to Harry and wait for the girls. They come giggle back into the hall after too long.

"What took you so long?"

"Well, we thought someone was following us and so we took the long way, and then worked out it was only Peeves, he tried to get us to follow him down to the ROR but like we would fall for that, he sounded off but we dismissed it." Luna laughs and imitates the prankster. A Auburn haired wizard asks Hermione to dance, she looks at me and with a kiss she is off. I watch her from the edges then send Luna to fetch her. A witch takes Luna's hand, she tries to push her off, but she won't let go. 'Mione tries to get to her but the wizard holds her tightly. She looks into his eyes, sheer shock spreads acroos her face, before i can react Luna is knocked out the witch and wizard have Hermione, unconscious and about to apperate.

My wand slips from my sleeve to my hand i shoot stunning spells at the bastards. The students rush off the dancefloor many run for the door others to the sides. Snape and McGonagall appear behind them, not too close as they hold Luna and Hermione by their hair with wands to their temples.

"We are leaving with these two, or else" i growl at the wizard.

"Let her go Weasel" i growl my wand still raised at him.

"No i think i will keep her, she would be a nice gift to the Dark Lord, don't you think Pansy dear?" he smirks at his female companion who giggles.

"and this one, much too easy to catch them, wonder if it will be as easy to get out" she smirks, the Professor's creep closer but Weasley turns his head.

"Oh no you don't, did you know that Hermione has been beaten more than just over the summer? Yeah the one spell i learn't before her cose the 'chosen one' kept secrets." He smirks and pulls Hermione up harder. The snake band slithers onto his hand and then strikes biting into him hard. With a yelp he drops Hermione on the hard floor. The raven in Luna's hair attacks Pansy, clawing her face (parts that aren't covered by the mask) and hands, she too drops her captive.

"Ahh fuck, stupid creatures" i sends a stunner at Weasel-be but he dodges and throws the snake my way, i caught it and stuff it my pocket. Harry stuns Pansy, but Snape's stunner is sent as Harry's hit Pansy, she falls to the ground and the spell hits the green eyed boy.

"Fuck! Draco grab the girls" i rush over to Luna who is un guarded moving her away then go to grab Hermione, Ron duels with the two Professors, i pull her from behind him.

"Everte Statum!" McGonagall, hits Ron in the chest sending him flying against the far wall, he slumps to the ground, unmoving.

"HE may be a deatheater but i never want to use another curse, hex or negative spell on a student again, it feels aweful" she mutters and helps get Luna to the Hospital wing. I lift Hermione as she starts to wake.

"Fuck my head hurts" i smile down at her and her fowl language, she rubs her head and i sit her down on a chair. Snape ties and levitates Weasley and Parkinson, nearby whilst he wakes Harry.

"Sorry Potter, really didn't mean to hit you" he holds back the smirk and helps him up. Harry smiles and nods then follows after McGonagall. Snape sends the students who remained out and takes the two young deatheaters away. I help 'Mione stand and head out to get some pain relief potion.

Hermione's Pov

Shit, stupid De Ja Vu. I sit on the edge of Luna's bed she is talking about something but i tuned it out, Harry smiles and kisses her forehead. Draco snaps me out of my trance passing me a small bottle and my snake pin. I look at the bottle and shake my head as the snake makes its way to my ear and wraps itself around it, looking like an earring. Getting up a leaving the wing. Walking down the halls my feet start to hurt, i kick off my shoes leaving them on the hall floor. I remove the little jewellery i have on, except my snake.

A few students watch me curiously as i make my way down the halls bare footed and looking a bit ruffed up. I hear footsteps following me, but ignoring them i make my way towards the hill where i talked with Snape. I hike my dress up so i can start running, the person behind increases pace. Finally i reach the spot and sit down leaning against the large stone. It's never going to end, never. I whistle for an owl. I accio some parchment, ink and quill. I quickly write a letter to mum and dad, telling them to go away for a while, a small brown owl sits patently next to me, i smile and pass the message to it.

"Make sure it gets to them no matter how" the bird squawks lightly then takes flight. I send the ink and quill away and sit watching Fang play with his owner. I smile and pull petals off of some flowers that grow next to me. I sit there for hours, i use my Animagus eyes to see as the darkness grows. For around twenty minutes i feel someone watching me but put it off when i smell nought. I look back up at the only sanctuary i have now, it looks beautiful the windows glowing lightly. Every now and then a small shadow could be seen through them.

"'Mione i have been trying to get a message to you, everyone is asleep, Snape said to let you think, that you would be okay. hope you are, as i felt you cut a connection then suddenly i felt it click back, hence why i am talking now. Luna is fine only a few bruises, i found your shoes and other items they are back with me in our room. "

"Draco, i am fine, just needed air. I will be back soon, i think. I am just going to go to the roof for a while"

"Okay if your not back in an hour i am going to get Snape to get you"


I apperate to the roof and sit on the not-so-comfy seat. I start singing to myself, as the owl lands in front of me, carrying a piece of paper.


We are leaving, not saying where or when but we are, you have enough money in your account to last long enough. You are not our daughter anymore. You have ruined our lives, since that bloody old fool you call a Headmaster came to our door. Why couldn't be normal? Why couldn't you not do magic? Why are you a filthy mudblooded freak?

From Mr Granger

Hermione, dear,

Your father has told me to give what he wrote, to that 'bloody vermin' as he put it. I thought i would write you a little note before i sent it. Darling i don't hate you but your father can be a bastard man sometimes so i do what he tells me. I have never been embarrassed or pissed that you are my daughter or that you a smart beautiful young witch. We will be going to Scotland then to Australia, one day when all this is over we will be a family again. Oh someone's at the door, i better get it. Whoever it is has annoyed your father as they are slamming against the door. Bye Honey

Mum xxx

I smile at her note, at least i know my mother still loves me and loved me. She sounded worried at the end. Remember when she didn't get the door one time, dad flipped at her then blamed it on me. Scotland. I know that grandmother lives there, but i have never met her.

"Draco sent me to get you" i jump and drop my letter, it starts to head tot eh edge of the roof, i grab it before it falls and sit back down.

"Did you really have to scare the living day lights out of me, it hasn't even been an hour" i growl and turn to see Snape stood there. He shrugs and offers a hand up, i decline and apperate down. Seconds later he joins me.

"Letter really important?" nosy fucker.

"If you must know, yes it is a very important letter, one that proves once all this shit is over i have somewhere and someone to go to who cares about me" the last part barely comes out as a whisper as my eyes water and i start running. I run through the halls, not stopping when i am called after, the stress of all this finally leaving my system through tears. I run out the large doors, along the dark dust path, half way down i stop and collapse against a tree on the side of the path.

Draco's Pov

"Snape, where is she?" i ask the Professor when he comes rushing down the hall, his black cloak blowing behind him.

"She was on the roof as you said, she was reading a letter, i scared her she almost dropped it then got worked up and ran in here but i have looked everywhere and she is nowhere to be found." His voiced is rushed and his breathing is heavy.

"Okay, i will get Harry he has a way of finding her if she is still in Hogwarts" we run down the halls and to the head's room. I wake harry who opens the map and checks through it.

"There, oh no" he points to the map, we all run out after her and the names surrounding her.

Hermione's Pov

I rustle from behind me, stops the tears and sniffles. My nose blocked mostly with snot is useless, i shiver slightly in my dress, which now has dust and mud marks on it. I shake my head at my imagination, then start to walk back to the castle. I hear a faint whistling sound, i trip and fall to the ground in pain as an arrow plunges into my thigh. I grab it and try to pull it out, with no such luck, i notice a note attached to it. Gritting my teeth i remove the note, still with it stunk into my flesh.


You do know your parents are quite good company. Your mother is great fun to be with. If you want them come to the Black Lake in 2 hours. If you are wondering this written in her blood, she didn't give it up without a fight. Hopefully you won't be as foolish.

Can't wait to see you, also you better get the arrow out werewolf saliva on the tip and all.

I hiss and try to remove the arrow again but it is sunk too deep. Limping up the path, i find it harder and harder, pain starts to spread i collapse again. Stupid me, i'm a witch for goods sake. i take a deep breath, relax try to relax. I apperate into the hospital wing.

Draco's Pov

"She's gone, she just disappeared" Harry states bluntly, as we see her name remove itself from the map, checking over she is in the hospital wing. we run off but Snape stops and slaps his head, grabbing us he apperates us outside the wing.

Hermione's Pov

"OH dear child what brings- oh god sit down" the Medi-witch rushes over to me.

"Werewolf saliva on the tip" i say hysterically, before i start to feel limp.

Draco's Pov

"Hermione!" i rush over to the girl on the floor. She is in hysterics, Pomfrey levitates her onto and bed and tries to pull the arrow out. I feel like my hand is about to be crushed into a thousand pieces as Hermione screams and grabs my hand.

"STOP! STOP!" she screams. Pomfrey lets go and fists her hair.

"We can't let it spread any further" she turns to Snape. His face is covered in fear, he runs to the potions cabinet Pomfrey has and starts find a tiny green bottle. Rushing back, he takes the arrow in his hand, he grinds his teeth together. He looks at me, and with a one swift pull the arrow, is yanked from her leg. She screeches and punches my arm. The potion's master pours half the liquid into her wound, then the rest he makes her drink.

"what's that?" Harry looks at the two pieces of parchment scrunched in her hand. he goes to take them but Hermione tightens her fist and growls at him.

"Hermione?" i ask her eyes are black, her hair has turned black as well. She let's go off my hand and returns to normal. She looks at me and bursts into tears. She wraps her arms around my neck and soaks my dress shirt. Harry rubs her back, whilst Snape and Pomfrey talk in hushed tones near the doors.

"I need to go, i need to go to the Lake. Now" she mumbles. I shake my head and hug her close.

"You are not going anywhere until i know everything, so we can plan" she scoffs. I raises an eyebrow at her then Harry.

"As i said once before, We plan, we get there and all hell breaks loss" he explains.

"Ahhh makes scents" she runs her hand over her thigh. She frowns and whispers something. The tiny cut heals and she relaxes a bit.

Hermione's Pov

Draco refuses to let me go, telling me to stay put. I only respond with a few growls and whining. Running out of time. Okay i'm stupid im a witch.

"Draco sorry, here take these. I promise i will be fine" he looks at me curiously as i pass him the letters then apperate onto the stump.

Draco's Pov

I read through the letters quickly. Harry takes them off me.

"She's gone to save someone who hates her, Fucking Gryffindor bravery, they are going to kill all of them, the whole Granger family" i fist my hair.

"I am going to stop her from killing herself, anyone else?" i ask as i head out the wing. Pomfrey grabs my collar and pulls me back.

"Oi!" i whine but she just glares at me.

"Your plans may go to pot but they aren't going to kill her think, about it. She is a VERY powerful witch, they will want to use that power and knowledge against us. She created a charm that works against the killing curse." Poppy explains. I sigh and rub my eyes.

"Well you have a point so what do you think we should do then? Leave her? Attack them? I know what she will try and do, and what she will do will get herself tortured or killed. So i think we should follow her and intervene if we can" i sound as hysterical as Hermione was. All three think about this, we get McGonagall and meet her by Hagrid's Hut.

Hermione's Pov

"Mudblood, you smell good" i spin to see Greyback, my natural instinct is to growl at him.

"See Severus gave you the potion in time, shame really it would have been nice to curse another" His teeth are covered in blood, i cringe when he grins wildly at me.

"Where are they?" i hiss, he smirks, making a tutting sound.

"Where would the fun be in just telling you, i should show you." He launches himself at me. Luckily i change quickly and leap over his head, running anywhere away from him.

De Ja Vu returns. My claws rip into the ground with every stride. The air is crisp, shouts can be heard behind me and i run faster. I turn to see the chasers but there is nothing. Facing back forwards i hit a wall. No not a wall, Greyback.

"Ahh a pretty putty cat, just what i was looking for" he goes to grab me but i bite his arm and run in the other direction. He smiles then chases after me, throwing hexes and curses at me. The shouts are ahead of me now, i run towards them. Maybe use them against each other. They come into view i stop when i see them, all bloody and beaten, one body lifeless on the floor the other pinned under a deatheater, screaming.

"Good you could join us, too late for him, but her you can save" i growl at the bastard man, who stands near the body. Greyback walks up behind me, i back away from them all, growling.

"Come with us, or she dies too" the man hints. I can barely think with the screams ripping through the air. Greyback walks over to her and leans over teeth showing. I nod my head slowly and carefully step back a few paces.

"Change form, we can't have you biting everyone now can we?" i growl and change back standing in front of them.

"Dirty mudblood, how dare you wear our colour, you taint it with your filth!" Bellatrix, makes herself present. I keep my guard up just in case. Greyback walks over to me. I tighten my jaw. He throws my mother at me. I catch her letting me guard down, he binds me with a simple spell and picks her back up.

"You look a lot like each other, shame really, if you weren't a Mudblood and this pretty thing wasn't a muggle i would have liked to get to know you, but alas" he picks me up by my hair throwing me forward, i spit out the dirt that makes it's way into my mouth.

"Ahh, is this really the Granger girl, look at her all grown up, guess the rumours are true about the aging, so tell me child are they true about your power?" the snake eyed man asks, i pale slightly and he catches it. Laughing he , nods at Greyback.

The werewolf walks over to my mother a smirk on his face, his wand raised.


"Avada Protego Kedavra!" the shield covers my mother. Then they turn to me. Fuck.