A/N: Well, here we are dear readers, the end. I cannot thank you all enough for your support. This was the first fanfiction I have ever even thought of writing. To think that this story that I put down on paper and shared on the Lion King fanfiction archive got 190 reviews and over 3,500 views is unbelievable and humbling for me. I honestly didn't think I would get a number over 30 when I first began to write this. You all have been so generous with your time, thoughts, and advice. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. At the bottom author's note I will go into more detail about my inspirations for this story, and hopefully answer questions that some of you had. For now, I would like to extend personalized details to each and everyone of the reviewers.

Kora22: You were my very first reviewer, thank you for motivating me to continue writing, and giving me the confidence and advice that every new writer needs. Your support has been wonderful, and I hope that you have enjoyed this story.

WolvesHunt101: We have both composed similar stories involving the time before Simba. I have drawn many inspirations from your story, and the wonderful and encouraging reviews you left gave me the belief that I could write a story. Thank you.

WarriorCat119: Upon a review I left on your story, you read mine, and have continuously left encouraging and detailed reviews. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my story, and good luck with your own. And please don't feel that my works are better than yours, they are not. You have developed a great sense of pacing and plot twists that I wish I possessed, but we both have our own style, and I can assure you that I have enjoyed reading your story every bit as much as you say you have mine. Thanks!

PuttingQuillonParchment: Your reviews have inspired and uplifted me so much. Your compliments have been so sweet, you've told me many times that you wish my story could be a movie, and that I should write a novel. Thanks to you, I do plan on writing a book in the near future, and I will tell you if that idea ever becomes anything. Thank you for everything.

Mimoo01: You have given some of the nicest reviews. They've all been positive and detailed. Thank you for your kind support throughout this story, it has meant the world to me.

Milele yako: You have left an encouraging review on every chapter. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about my story with me. I know you have recently begun to write your own stories, I know that you will do a wonderful job with them, and I wish you the best of luck. Thanks!

Snheeta: Every chapter from the beginning you have left a meaningful and detailed review. Many of the thoughts you shared have made me reflect on Jolina, and have helped me to steer where her story would go. Thank you also for reviewing my other story, and for telling me I have a passion for writing, those words will forever inspire me as I pursue the art of writing. You seem to have a very strong connection to this story, and the character Jolina, and your reviews many times make me laugh. Thank you.

NibbytheHedgeHog: Wow, as both of us are new writers, thank so so much for your wonderful support and encouragement with this story! Good luck with your own as well.

YellowFlash67: Thanks so much for your words of encouragement and for following this story!

Queenlioness042096: Your comments have been so helpful, and thank for you for following this story!

GeminiGemelo: Your critique was very helpful, thank you for reading my story!

QueenSimba94: Thank you for reading this story, and for sharing your thoughts!

Lewleon: Your comments have been beyond helpful, and I hope you continue to read this story!

To Johnny2b, Ribbi, Reldor, and JNSx7: You guys read my story after a substantial amount was already written, thank you for reviewing anyway!

To all the guests and readers, thank you for your support, and I hope you have come to love Jolina as much as I do. Thank you.

Chapter 30: Always With You

Mohatu gazed out into the African savannah. He wearily watched as the golden sunlight cut through the thick morning fog. Thought the day was bright, the tired king could only stare into the happy morning with sad eyes.

"She's gone." were the only word that had filled his sleepless night.

His beautiful angel had died, and he could have saved her. If only he'd been faster, he could have got to them both, if only he'd watched Uru more carefully she wouldn't have fallen in the water, if only he'd been more diligent about the kingdom's security, Jolina would be beside him. Giving a gasp, he realized that the small den he found himself in was the same one where he had proposed to Jolina all those years ago when they had first come to the Pridelands. He heaved himself to his feet and slowly began to make his way toward the looming figure of Pride Rock.

Uru pulled herself away from the warm embrace of Holly. Her eyes were glazed over from the fatigue and tears that had traumatized her over the past few days, and as she stepped out of the den, the events of the previous day overcame her. Sinking down on the cool rock, she began to whimper,

"Mama, it's all my fault." she whispered.

Dragging herself back to her feet, she stumbled down the steep rocks to the freshly disturbed ground of her mother's grave.

As Mohatu approached Pride Rock, he saw a sight that made his heart sink. Laying in a heap on Jolina's grave was a shivering, dark-furred cub. Moahtu quickly approached his small daughter and pulled her to him.

"Oh Uru." he said

Mohatu felt a pang of guilt course through him. He had abandoned Uru. He had allowed his own grief to distance him from her. He should, of all lions, know what it felt like to be abandoned by one parent at the death of another.

"Daddy, is it my fault?" Uru asked.

Mohatu looked into her pleading eyes, the same sparkling ones of Jolina. He had not considered that Uru would be feeling the same responsibility and guilt over Jolina's death as he had.

Uru, no. It's not your fault. He said softly to her.

The little cub seemed comforted by this, and buried her head into her father's mane. It was then that Mohatu knew that he could not separate himself from Uru. And that he couldn't let his own guilt prevent him from being a good father to her. Jolina would want him to continue to be king, and he swore to himself that he would teach Uru to be the just and compassionate queen that Jolina had been.

"I promise Joli, I promise."

Somewhere, across the eons, across the ages, to a place so far away that you would hardly know that it existed, a light beige lioness opened her eyes. She found herself blinded by a intense white light, and she hastily shut her stinging eyes. Then a warm voice, one that she had not heard in a lifetime beckoned her to open them. She did as the honey-sweet voice requested and standing in front of her, she saw a light-gray lioness smiling down at her. Jumping to her feet, the beige lioness embraced the other, After what seemed like an eternity, mother and daughter had been reunited. Tears of joy streaming down their faces, the gray lioness gestured her daughter to follow her. But the younger lioness turned and looked down from her heavenly paradise to a place she had left behind. She quietly whispered something to the wind, before following her mother into eternity.

Mohatu and Uru had spent the remainder of the day together. Though he had begun trying to pull the pride back together every step seemed to be an overwhelming challenge to him. Mohatu friend's saw the burden that the king was shouldering, and they all did their best to help him. Kanya diligently organized reluctant hunting parties, and Zuria and Raoul handled the dignitary duties.

Standing on the promontory of Pride Rock with Uru, Mohatu watched as the orange glow of sunset gave into the dark veil of night, a twinkling blanket covering the land.

"C'mon Roo." he finally said as he made his way toward the den where the rest of the pride had already settled for the night.

Uru gave a small smile and began to follow her father, but just before she disappeared into the cave, she felt a soft tickle on her ear. Turning she saw nothing, but as the wind blew past her, she heard a familiar voice, though it sounded faint and faraway say,

"I will always be with you."

The End

A/N: Well that's the end. I had always planned for Jolina to sacrifice herself for her pride and family. I hope that you can see a resemblance between Mohatu and Simba, both physical and emotional. Alright to answer the questions that you all asked me.

Jolina's name

I came up with her name after I had a rough plan of the storyline worked out in my head. I just started piecing random syllables together and then BAM Jo-lin-a and I knew that was the name for her.

Inspiration for story

I suppose my main inspiration was to set up a noble heritage of Simba without overshadowing his story, and I mean taking too many things from the original movies, and creating lions that were greater than Simba and Mufasa. I also wanted to create a feminine hero to my own likings, meaning she was brave, courageous, and regal.

Personal Experinces in Story

I wrote this story as an outlet of many thoughts and ideas that had been building in me over the past few years. This past year and over the summer my family has been dealing with my grandfather being diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. My mother is an only child and my grandfather is no longer married. So while she was caring for him at his house, I brought a wad of stapled notebook paper to his house, and wrote this story. I don't tell you this to make you feel sorry for me, yes, it is sad and hard, but it is life, and we will get through it. I do feel like I have a similar mindset as Jolina's does, and small observations into behavior and emotion inspired scenes in this story.

Culture of the Lions

I wanted to give the Pridelanders a sense of culture and modest refinement. The inspirations for their culture was drawn from The Lion King movies, and roughly from various fanfics and books that I have read. Some of it I simply "pulled off the top of my head".

Thank you all for reading this. This story has been such a growth for me in appreciating writing and reading. Uru story will be up soon! Oh, and please tell me in the review your favorite parts, characters, quotes, etc from the story.
