Long time so speak. Thank you from reviewing. I haven't been in the mood for writing and I am starting my internship tomorrow so enjoy the chapter.

After finishing her work for the day the motherly captain of the fourth set off to prepare for the evening. The certain actions of her lovely Isane needed answering.

While giving her the flowers seemed a nice gesture maybe Isane saw it as too forward. She had never inquired about the girl's sexual preferences, it did seem to her that younger woman had processed a crush on her for sometime though.

Going to her room she prepared a pot of her special blend tea. It was quite soothing and in the past she had found Isane quite enjoyed it after her disturbing dreams.

Pausing her mind drifted to the past, how she wished Isane was to the flustered vice-captain that dreamed of fish cakes once more.

Drifting back to reality by the sound of the kettle Unohana set about finishing her work. Bring the tea out to her spot she took a seat, there was little doubt in her heart that Isane would not be joining her tonight.

Much to her delight she did not have to wait long.

Isane dragged her feet, she knew she had to show up or the soul society forbid the older woman would hunt her down.

"Hello Isane," her voice was warm as inviting.

Inhaling Isane joined her, she didn't really want to fight with her but this was probably going to end up one. Watching out the corner of her eye Unohana saw Isane practically drop herself onto the veranda, there was nothing graceful about it, even Zaraki could sit more gently.

"Captain," even her tone was almost at the point of hostility.

The motherly woman was surprised, it seemed something was eating at her kind heart friend.

"Is something troubling you Isane? You can tell me anything," she gave her a kind smile.

It was grating her nerves that Unohana continued to be so kind even though she was making a mockery out of their relationship.

Letting her emotions to get the better of her Isane gritted her teeth.

"I don't think you want to hear what I think," that was the damn truth.

Taken back by her tone Unohana only wanted to find out more about this issue.

Taking a small breath, normally such an attitude would demand a scolding but she wanted Isane to trust her so she let it slide.

It took a few seconds for Isane to realise that she was not dead, there was being told off or a flash of that deadly smile they had all come to know.

"You can tell me Isane," losing her temper would solve nothing.

Giving into her frustration Isane rose to her feet, she had to get it out of her system.

"Why are you being so nice to me? Why do you care?" Isane went into fall rant mode.

"Why did you send me flowers? Why are you..." Isane needed the words.

Unohana listened, let her speak even if it hurt, once she knew the problem she could fix it.

"Why are you hitting on me when you are sleeping with captain Soi Fon," that got her attention.

That got the older captains undying attention, she nearly gave herself whiplash. Unohana started to rake her brain trying to find out how Isane got that idea into her brain.

Isane was about to keep going but felt a grip on her arm and herself pull back into a seating position. Cutting off her rant before it could continue might save both their sanity before either one said anything too hurtful.

"I am nice and care about you because you mean more to me than you realise Isane. I sent you flowers because I thought you would understand my feelings," Unohana spoke softly stroking her soft lilac hair.

Leaning into the touch Isane felt herself calming something which the older woman was thankful for.

"Now Isane, you will have to explain this to me as I have no idea why you think Soi Fon and I are in a relationship," this she would like to hear.

Isane took a breath. Oops, maybe she had jumped to conclusions.

"Y-y-you're not together," Isane just dug her own grave.

Stuttering, that was a good sign, her shy vice-captain was returning.

"Not to my knowledge," Soi Fon was a little too interested in a certain former captain.

Defiantly not good, Isane realised her mistake. No one likes being the centre of gossip especially her captain, it was not a wise decision to accuse one's superior of anything without solid proof.

Opening her mouth Isane found speech had left her, she had most likely offended Unohana and the fact she was trying to tell her that she loved her was not helping. Deciding for once in her life that running away from her captain would save her from making any more disastrous decisions Isane pulled away from the raven haired captain.

Unohana tried to gage what the young girl was thinking, clearly Isane was in deep thought, she could hear the gears turning. Feeling her pull away tugged at her heart, Isane was conflicted, maybe she didn't feel the same way.

"I-I..." Isane knew she had to get out of there while she still could.

"I-I have to go, sorry," Isane jumped up and flash stepped as fast as she could out of the division.

The motherly captain could only watch on, her heart sinking with each beat. She had scared her away, maybe asking her privately or sussing out whether or not she would have been interested in a relationship would have been better. Sighing she gathered up the tea and headed back to her quarters.

A cool wind was blowing making her think that Isane would get cold if she stayed out to long. Hoping in her heart that whatever was said and done today could be mended in the morning she turned in for the night. She wanted Isane to stay not go, but if being her captain and friend is all she desired she could live with that, Unohana was no fool it was better to keep her in the same light than force a failed love attempt on her.

Isane kept running until she couldn't keep going. Sensing that her captain had not followed Isane took a moment to get her breath back. If no one thought she was acting strange before they would now but at least she had an excuse.

'Yeah, the woman that happens to be so old no one remembers when she became a captain is trying to confess her love to me,' yep that thought better stay in her head because if Unohana ever heard her say it, it would mean instant death.

Lost in her thoughts Isane had not truly appreciated how far she had travelled or that she had started walking until she ran head first into something. The force of the impact knocked her back to reality as she stumbled backwards. Looking up and about to yell at the offending object for being in her way, the sight before made any threat die on her lips.

Standing before her in all his mighty glory, completely unfazed by the impact was the wolf like captain from the seventh. Gulping and gathering her thoughts Isane realised that she needed to apologise and to do it quickly.

"Sorry captain Komamura," Isane bowed her head.

"Vice-captain Kotetsu," he growled though not in a threatening way.

"Are you alright, you seemed troubled?" he enquired, like always.

Isane liked that about him, always straight to the point, never flustering around about what to say.

"I didn't mean to run into you captain, I was just lost in thought," Isane did not lying to him, hell she didn't like lying to anyone but it seemed they did.

"Indeed you were, I am not easy to miss," he looked down at her.

Another reason she liked him was she did not tower over him or see just about at eye level like she did with many vice-captains and captain.

His golden eyes tried to gauge her behaviour, while she might have been lost in thought thankfully it appeared she was still normal, for the moment at least.

"Are you out taking a walk?" he noticed she was a little far from her squad.

Rubbing the back of her head Isane gave a nervous smile, "Kind of, it's a long story".

Understanding the meaning of this came clear.

"I have some spare time, walk with me Isane, I will listen," she needed to talk.

Giving the giant man a kind smile, she gave a small nod. He started to walk, Isane fell in beside him thought a single pace behind his.

Talking to someone else might just be what she needed, after all she couldn't ask Unohana what to do this time.