Chapter 7: I do not own Hetalia.

A/N: In this chapter we have a bit of background on some of the characters. Also Bold writing = thoughts.

The Date Part 1

Lovino smiled as Antonio continued to drag him, down the corridor and out of school. The pair walked straight out the front door, with no one batting an eyelid.

Lovino tilled his head to the side. "How come no one, seems to care?"

Antonio snorted " That's because they don't." The Spaniard walked quickly, with Lovino having to jog to keep up.

"So... where are we going to on our date darling?" Lovino giggled. Antonio jerked to a stop, his face flushing red. He spun to face the Italian.

" This" he growled "is not a date."

Lovino pouted biting his bottom lip. " Really then how come you're holding my hand?" Antonio's eyes immediately zoned in on their entwined hands. Antonio scowled and tugged his hand free. " There now we aren't holding hands."

Lovino's face dropped and he sulked. "Is this how you are on all of your dates?" The Italian asked, as he followed behide Antonio.

"I don't do dates." Came the reply. The two students fell in to silence as they walked down the road.

Lovino groaned."Honey how much further do we have to go?" Antonio ignored him and focused his eyes on the street ahead. Lovino went back to sulking, his happy feelings squashed. Figuratively a tiny dark storm cloud appeared over his head, complete with small bolts of lighting and thunder. The silence dragged out, till the duo reached the bus stop.

" So ... what made you come here?" A voice broke the stretched out silence.

Lovino startled. " W-what?"

Antonio repeated his question. " I said what made you come here."

Lovino frowned in thought " Well... me and brother got kicked out of our old school. Apparently me redesigning the uniforms, and Feli threatening the school counsellor were the last straw."

Antonio raised one of his eyebrows. " Nice." The silence continued.

"This is boring." Lovino whined after five minutes.

"Well what do you want me to do about it?" Antonio snapped.

Lovino paused to think for a second. " Umm lets play a game!"

Antonio stared. " You have got to be kidding me."

Lovino pouted briefly." Oh come on, darling it'll be fun!" He squealed.

Antonio growled. "No." Lovino pouted again. He didn't even ask what game it was!

Lovino tried again. "Please."

Antonio barked "What part of no don't you understand." Idiot.

"But then I'll be bored, and then I won't have anything to do! I'll die of boredom. Do you want me to die? If I die then no one will ever help you get some fashion style. Although I love your shoes, where it you get them from. I bet they were from Foot Locker. Were they from Foot Locker? Anyway I bet that you never though of wearing something, just a little more fashionable. Like we should totally go shopping, maybe on our next date. When should we have our next date? Hmm. I think maybe on the weekend...? It's only Wednesday. And.." Lovino rambled on.

" Will you SHUT UP!" Antonio screamed. Lovino fell silent, his head tilled sharply to the side. Damn thought Antonio now the idiot looks like a kicked puppy.

Antonio took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. " Now, if you can stop talking for slowly long, then I'll play your dumb game alright?"

Lovino beamed happily and hugged the irate older boy. " Yay"

Antonio shoved the younger boy off of him and on to the ground. "Alright get on with it."

Lovino just smiled and bounced back up. " So honeycakes, I was thinking that we should play, twenty questions."

Antonio rolled his eyes." Really."

"Really" Lovino replied. " Ok I'll start who are your bff's."

Antonio gaped "My what?"

"Best friends forever duh!" Came the reply. Lovino pulled out his iPod and headphones to search for some music.

" I don't have best friends forever, you may not believe this but I'm not a twelve year old girl." Antonio paused for thought " But I guess it would be Francis and Gilbert."

Lovino hummed in acknowledgement. Finding a song he liked, he pressed play and plugged in his headphones. He then gave one to Antonio.

"Describe them." The Italian ordered. This time Antonio raised both of his eyebrows.

" Describe them? Well Francis is Arthur's "brother" but they're really cousins. Francis is going out with Arthur, who is Alfred and Matthew's older brother by two years. Alfred and Matthew are twins. But Alfred was born in America and Matthew was born in Canada. Alfred is going out with Ivan the kid from Russia. Matthew is going out with Gilbert. Francis has this obsession with death and dying. He could probably tell you how and when you're going to die. Also he's French, smokes and hates sex. In all the years that him and the fairy have been dating, they've had sex less than twelve times.

"Gilbert has suicide issues and cuts himself. He also has depression. He lives with his younger brother Ludwig who is a lazy sack of shit. Me, Francis and Gilbert have known each other since before we were in preschool."

Lovino's eyes widen." Jeez that's interesting."

Antonio snorted " Yeah my turn. Where did you live before coming here?"

"Italy." Lovino answered. "My family lived in the north of Italy most of the time, though in summer we would go to our villa in the south of Italy. I'm from the south and my brother is from the north. My family call me Romano as a nickname."

Antonio nodded, then paused. "Are you part of the mafia?"

Lovino gasped.

Antonio just rolled his eyes. " So you are then, not like you're the first."

Lovino frowned confusedly. " B-but aren't you scared?"

Antonio shrugged." Like I said you're not the first person in the mafia I've known, I mean Ivan and Alfred run the Russian mafia." Just then the duo heard an engine.

Antonio turned his head. "Finally the bus. We'll continue the game on the bus." The bus stopped and opened it's doors. Antonio grabbed Lovino wrist and hauled him on the bus.