Loki wishes it was easy falling back into his old body, but instead the transformation back was awkward and he was still clumsy in his 'new-old' body. For the first month, he found himself under and overestimating what his body could do, sure he was lighter, but he also somehow forgot how to move gracefully, Loki found himself tripping over his feet if he started to move to quickly or suddenly. Luckily, Steve was there to tend to his bumps and bruises and Loki let him.

Being a part of the Avengers was certainly interesting however. He definitely had needed to prove himself. While Clint was straightforward with him about his feelings towards Loki, Natasha was more subtle. Items like torn up stuffed animals or dead vermin gruesomely slaughtered would show up around Loki, meant to be taken a threat in case he was to ever step out of line. It was during a mission in Ukraine that Loki had gained Clint's trust. Clint had taken a bullet in his side and while the rest of the team had cleared out to infiltrate the base, Loki carried Clint to a safe area and healed him. After that, Clint was considerably less hateful toward him, and with that, Natasha's threats went away as well.

Loki found himself avoiding mirrors, afraid that he might glance over and Luke would be staring back. He caught himself wearing baggier clothes too, but he supposed it was just habit. Steve was there to help him through that phase, laying with him at night when Loki would subconsciously wrap his arms around himself, complimenting his body, and even having Loki talk with Bruce. Bruce, who knew all too well what it was like to be uncomfortable in one's own body.

Loki visited Andy's diner five month after the event with the Chitauri. He was nervous to return, ashamed that he "Luke" had disappeared without so much as a letter or a phone call. It was Steve who had assured him that Andy would greet him and take him back, no matter what he looked like, but maybe he was overestimating Andy's kindness. He walked in near closing, the familiar tingling of the bells pulling at his nerves. Andy was wiping down the counters and looked up with a blank face as Loki walked up. "Well if it isn't the newest addition to the Avengers." He said, cracking a crooked smile. "What can I get for you?" He began bustling around, grabbing a plate, ready to cook.

Loki swallowed, "Well you see, I was hoping if I could possibly get my job back."

That got him, the plate lowered, "Huh? Get your job back?"

Loki continued, looking into Andy's eyes. "Well you see, you had an employee named Luke who came to you as a spoiled, selfish brat who knew nothing of the real world after his father threw him out. You showed him kindness when he received none even when he didn't deserve it. You were patient with him and you held his hand as he got his feet wet without complaining." His voice started to waver, "and then when he left before he could repay that kindness because he was scared and ashamed that you'd realize that he was the monster that you fear."

Andy's eyebrows wrinkled, his confusion only lasting seconds before he connected Loki's speech to what he meant. He looked at Loki hard and good, "Do you mean to tell me that you're Luke?" He asked quietly.

Loki nodded.

Andy surprised Loki with a huge belly laugh. "Well we better add employing a 1st rate criminal, newly converted Avenger to my resume."

They talked into the night and Loki left with his job back and a weight lifted off his shoulders.

Now revenge was something the old Loki would very much take overboard. The new and improved Loki knew that his previous ideas of revenge wouldn't fly with Steve. So he stuck to something trivial with a little bit of a moral message for Judy. It was a simple appearance spell, and for a week she would have to live as an overweight woman like the ones she so mercilessly teased, "walking a mile in someone else's shoes," as Loki had explained to Steve, using a Midgardian term to help convince him that it wouldn't be dangerous. He will never forget the scream of horror when she woke up that morning and looked in the mirror. Sure he was a new and improved nice guy avenger, but he still liked to have his fun, and to give payback where it was needed.

In the days he worked with Andy, building the business and incorporating his talents into it. At night he would mingle with the Avengers and study the Midgardian lifestyle. He enjoyed his new life, and felt at ease with himself for the first time in a very long while. But it was the time he spent with Steve that were the most rewarding. Steve often would sketch or paint in his flat while Loki played the piano or read a book, they lived a simple life and Loki had moved in with Steve not long after Steve decided to get a place of his own.

Loki had realized one night while looking at Steve while he slept, Steve's hair in all directions and the features of a young man, barely 20 graced his face. Loki had realized that night that it was Steve who he cared most about, and that was what had allowed him to break out of the curse and brought him back to his senses. He settled back into the covers and watched the moonlight shine through and he knew that his life had come together. He'd called asleep smiling that night. Who would have ever thought a Midgardian would be the one to make him happiest?