((Hello everyone. So, I'm currently on a writer's block concerning my story Red and Blue KickAft, and so I thought I'd take the time to write up the sequel to Decepticons Gone Wild! and Autobot Party, more formally known as the INTERNET WARS! *lightning strikes, laughs evilly*. So, the Internet Wars are going to be a bunch of one-shots concerning the crazy antics the Autobots and Decepticons are going to partake in. Oh, and there will be a player that is neither 'Bot nor 'Con, who's identity will be revealed shortly. The one-shots will generally take place a day or so after the last one and will reference events that happened in the previous one, so I'd suggest reading them in the order I write them. If you want a definite scope of the time, it takes place after Toxicity, but Airachnid is still a Decepticon and Breakdown's not dead. I will be keeping score of who gets a point for their prank also.

DISCLAIMER:I do not own Transformers Prime or any other material in here that may be referenced but is not mine))


July 29th, 2012

It was turning out to be a normal day on the Nemesis. Well, normal if you didn't consider Airachnid, in a fit of tempermental rage, tossing three unlucky Vehicons out of the ship after ripping out their T-cogs abnormal. Breakdown had managed to reign her in after that little showing, explaining that it was 'hormones' and 'because of the pregnancy'. All of the Vehicons were stunned enough to leave her alone for the rest of the day, and all shuddered at the thought of a sparkling with Breakdown's strength and Airachnid's attitude. Of course something came along that quickly dwarfed that incident. Something much worse.

Soundwave had been attending to his regular duties, mainly uploading and scanning for important information, when Megatron strode in, servos clasped behind his back as he tended to do. Soundwave gave a brief nod to signify he'd noted his leader's appearance. He didn't give anything a second thought, even when the humming Megatron was doing finally met his audios. He turned slightly to see his leader standing at the controls, rocking back and forth on his heels and still humming. It was an odd sight but the TIC had honestly seen weirder.

"Soundwave," Although, when his leader spoke, 'Wave did blink under his visor. Megatron, instead of his gravelly Frank Welker-ish voice, sounded like, to put it in human terms, the dog Alpha from the movie Up. "We've known each other for a long time, wouldn't you say?"

Soundwave, being the normally solemn and silent bot he was, bit back a laugh and nodded.

"It's been, what, a few thousand years, more? I think it's finally time I tell you the truth."

Soundwave's audios perked up at this. Truth about what?

It was as if Megatron honed in on his silent question. He turned to the TIC with a slight smile. "I am in love with you."

The record scratch noise that Soundwave emitted had come from his late nights of channel surfing. His optics widened and he shuffled his pedes uncomfortably. Megatron didn't have to have him speak to know what he was thinking.

"Yes, I know, it must be a shock for you," Megatron strode up to him bravely and hugged Soundwave, long and hard. "It was hard on me for a while. But I've accepted it, Soundy baby. And I know you will too." His look was full of love. "Just admit it: we are a perfect match."

Soundwave backed up sharply, pedes clacking against the floor. Laserbeak shook on his chest in irritation and Megatron advanced with a stupid look on his face. Soundwave had two options: run or face his obviously deranged leader. He chose the former and raced out of the bridge like he was on fire, startling Knock Out who was just coming into the bridge to talk to Megatron.

"Lord Megatron?" he noted his leader's appearance. "What is wrong?"

"Knock Out I require your assistance," Megatron said quickly; Soundwave was getting away.

Knock Out, not being as disciplined as Soundwave, actually did laugh. "L-Lord Megatron, your v-voice!" His laughter diminished, however, when Megatron grabbed him by his throat and held him menacingly.

"Do not laugh or I'll tear out your audials and see how you like it," Megatron growled. "I said I need your assistance."

"Of course," Knock Out knew when to shut up. "What do you need?"

"Transform," Megatron dropped him and Knock Out did so. That was when Megatron jumped onto Knock Out's back and held on tightly, hands crushing the roof, spikes scratching the paint job.

"My paint!" Knock Out wailed dramatically.

"After him!" Megatron ordered and with a squeal of his tires, the two shot forward, swerving through a crowd of Vehicons who just stared. They turned a corner, clipped a wall, and kept on in pursuit of Soundwave.


"Honey, you've got to calm down," Breakdown told Airachnid reassuringly. The two were walking out of the medbay, where Knock Out had told them to wait, and Airachnid had decided to the Pit with waiting. "I know you're upset but Lord Megatron's gonna get upset if you keep taking out your anger out on the drones."

"It's this little brat inside of me," Airachnid managed a glare at her midsection. "It won't stop squirming. When I get my hands on Steve, he'll wish he'd never been sparked."

That was when Soundwave turned a corner and ran, in an all-out sprint, toward an exit. He swerved around Airachnid, slid under Breakdown, and kept going.

"What was that about?" Breakdown stared. A honking of horns answered their question really quickly. Knock Out, in vehicle mode, came around the same corner that Soundwave had, Megatron riding him like a steed. He slowed to a stop when he reached the two, who both stared in confusion.

"Get on!" Megatron said gruffly. "Let's go! We don't have all day!"

"I'm not a bus!" Knock Out protested, flinching under the weight of both Breakdown and Airachnid. He still managed to continue driving and kept on in hot pursuit of Soundwave.

"So, uh, what's going on?" Breakdown scratched his head.

"Better yet, what has Soundwave done?" Airachnid clarified. "And what happened to your voice?"

"I like my voice!" Megatron snapped. "And Soundy has refused my love. He must be mine! Airachnid, use your webbing to ensnare him!"

Airachnid shrugged. All she could do was go with it.


Dreadwing had just finished disemboweling a Vehicon in the training room and was walking out when the oddest sight met his optics. Soundwave ran by, pursued by Megatron, Breakdown, and Airachnid, who had all climbed on top of Knock Out's alt mode, who was whimpering softly to himself and threatening to topple. Soundwave released Laserbeak only to have Megatron blast it out of the sky with his fusion cannon and for Airachnid to trip Soundwave. The TIC plummeted to the ground facefirst and Megatron leaped off of Knock Out, landing on top of Soundwave. The communications officer had time to struggle before Megatron hugged him tightly and, worse, started kissing him.

Dreadwing took in the sight for a minute or two, then returned to the training room. It was the only sane place to be.


"Here's the problem," Knock Out frowned.

He, Airachnid, Breakdown, and Megatron had returned to the medbay, where KO sedated Megatron and took a crack at examining his central processor. Carefully plucking something out with tweezers, he pulled out a chip. It was small, discreet, and had a black symbol on it that looked oddly like a familiar face.

"Starscream," Airachnid identified it first. "Why am I not surprised that backstabbing traitor would do this?"

"Looks like it was reprogramming him to become attracted to a familiar face; in this case, Soundwave. The voice was also caused by this. With it's removal, he should return to his normal self in a few hours."

"Good," Soundwave stalked out of the shadows, visor still in place, although it was cracked a bit. "Once Lord Megatron is back to normal, we can begin to enact revenge against Starscream for this intolerable crime he has committed." For those who had never heard 'Wave speak, his voice was eerie: it was heavily computerized and, under that, sounded just like Megatron from Transformers Animated. "He shall feel my wrath and never dare to cross any Decepticon ever again."

Megatron slowly regained consciousness, sitting up and groaning in his normal voice. "Lord Megatron," Knock Out was quickly to his side. "How do you feel?"

Megatron looked up at him and grinned, an innocent look in his optics. "Daddy?" the one word was enough to instill in the minds of the Decepticons just how screwed they really were.


Starscream, at the Harbinger, had to smirk.

It had been all too easy to implant the reprogram chip in Megatron upon their last encounter, as the big lug never saw it coming. It had already been removed, he guessed, and it's secondary function of reducing Megatron's mind to that of a sparkling's had already been started. For once, he was glad of all those years he spent learning about computers and technology with Skywarp; they were finally paying off.

He may not have been part of the first of the Internet War, but, by all means, he was willing to start it.

Autobots: N/A

Decepticons: 0

Starscream: 1

((So there you have it, folks! It's the Autobots vs the Decepticons vs Starscream. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will run crying to their creators before it's over? Heck if I know, I'm making it up as I go along. I am accepting plot submissions of ideas to come and especially name/appearance submissions for Airachnid and Breakdown's kid. It will be femme, you can be assured of that. And this will not turn into a slash fic.

R and R.))