((I loved all the reviews I got, especially the plot ideas I received and the character submissions. Don't worry, I'll get the plot ideas eventually, but I've already got like 7 chapters finished already so it'll take a bit. I'm about to start on the one with Airachnid's kid so if you want to submit an idea, better do it now. Now I know this idea concerning Soundwave is nothing new but I kind of enjoyed incorporating it into the story. Oh, and if you're wondering, I've got an actual plot line to this story unfolding in later chapters, and characters are included that aren't in the Prime verse.

DISCLAIMER:Okay, so I don't own any Transformers Prime material, songs, names, books, references, or things of any kind that belong to other people. Can this be the end of the disclaimer? This applies to all chapters from here on out.))


July 29th, 2012

It wasn't long before, as expected, Starscream went for retaliation against Soundwave and the Decepticons in general. Megatron had managed to clean up most of the paint and Soundwave had cleaned off his visor (in private of course) when a notice came up on the computer. Soundwave opened it up only for them to be facing down Starscream.

"Starscream," Megatron snarled.

"Hello Decepticons, Megatron," Starscream sounded positively sinister. "I know Megatron has no doubt been cursing my name for the little...makeover I did. For your information, however, this is a pre-recording so, as much as I'd like to gloat about your folly in person, I have to decline the idea. I'm calling this payback for Soundwave spreading my embarrassing video all over the Internet. And before you try anything, you simply have to see the ending. I assure you, it will surprise you. Enjoy." Starscream winked out of existence only for a video to start playing. It showed Soundwave's berthroom, said intelligence officer stalking in.

"Stupid no good Wheeljack cracking my visor," he muttered to himself, sitting down on the berth. "Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that Laserbeak had been released I would've butchered him right then and there. Slagging little fragger escaped my grasp. And now that bumbling egotistical self-conceited Knock Out has to fix my visor. MY visor. I'm perfectly capable of doing that on my own. Who does Megatron think he's kidding?" Video-Soundwave punched a wall in dissatisfaction. "Megatron. Sometimes he gets on my last fragging nerve. We're already low enough on troops as it is and he sends Knock Out, Dreadwing, and I to recover the relics but he can't do any work himself? Maybe if he'd have gone instead of that glitch-head Hardshell and his vermin troops we'd have the Tox-En in our possession as well. But nooo, he's always got to be so fragging better than all of us. Mechs. What is it with them and their egos?"

Soundwave could only watch helplessly, dodging the glares given, as Video-Soundwave's hands went to his visor. There was a hiss and it was unclipped, the smooth reflective glass being set on the berth. And everyone stared.

Video-Soundwave had a slanting face, thin eyebrows that were almost nonexistence, wide magenta optics, and delicate lips. He, from the looks of it, was definitely not a he. "Why am I always underappreciated?" she continued. "I have to be the only 'bot on here who actually does their job and enjoys it. I like computer work. But do I ever get liked for it? No. Does anyone ever compliment me for it? No. Lord Megatron does, every once in a while, but I feel that's only to make sure I stay in line. It'd be even more hectic if they knew I was a femme." She picked up the visor. "That's why I go to such great pains to pretend I'm a mech. Knowing Knock Out, he'd start hitting on me right away. Better that Airachnid stays the only femme on this ship." There was a slight beeping on Video-Soundwave's communicator and she put the visor back on, making sure it was locked. "Yes, Lord Megatron?" the voice scrambler made it impossible to identify the soft, whispery voice she'd used a moment ago.

"Soundwave, report to the medbay," Megatron ordered. "I want you to work on clearing a bug from the system while Knock Out fixes your visor."

"Of course, Lord Megatron," Video-Soundwave gave a slight little bow before sighing and walking out. The video ended.

For once, everyone was stunned. Knock Out was gaping. Dreadwing looked his solemn self. And Megatron's optics had widened in confusion. All three turned to Soundwave.

The femme in disguise was clenching her fists. By her posture it was evident she was very, very, VERY angry.

"Soundwave?" Megatron finally said.

"Oh, so it's that kind of game, huh?" Soundwave snarled angrily. "Starscream wants to mess with me, does he? This will not go down without a fight." She turned to her computer, typing rapidly. "I need backup." Several Vehicons were sharply whispering to themselves about this, until Soundwave turned on them. "Well, what are you doing standing there? Get to work! NOW!" the roar sent all scattering except the main three, Megatron staring dubiously at his TIC in still confusion. Why hadn't he seen this sooner? It was clear in retrospect. But by the way Soundwave was fuming, he knew better than to bring it up. After all, Pit had no fury like a femme scorned.

"Knock Out, go check up on Airachnid and Breakdown," he ordered. The two had been together for a while now and the only reason Megatron hadn't sent Breakdown to get the relic is that Airachnid threatened to disembowel someone if she was left alone. "Dreadwing, gather some fliers and check out the Energon mine we've recently scouted. I will be in the training room if anyone needs me." Everyone gave Soundwave a lot of room.

The TIC connected up to video chat, gritting her dentas.


Since Optimus's glitch the day before, Ratchet had been careful to keep the Autobot leader from any more possibly crashing incidents. So when he was working and a blip in the corner of his screen warned him of an incoming video chat, he called everyone in there.

"Who is it, Ratchet?" Optimus asked.

"Optimus," Ratchet warned. The Prime turned around so he wasn't looking at the screen. The face that popped up was unexpected.

"Soundwave?" Ratchet asked. "Why are you calling us?"

"I need your help," the Decepticon said grudgingly. "I've noticed that Starscream had also plagued you and your group in the past."

"What of it?" Optimus had turned to look.

"I'm proposing a temporary alliance for a common goal: to smear that punk Starscream."

"Megatron wants to work with us?" Arcee said. "He must be desperate."

Soundwave fidgeted. "He, uh, actually doesn't want to. I alone am wanting this alliance. Starscream has incurred my wrath."

"How?" Bulkhead asked. "Did he break your computer or something?"

Soundwave glared at him invisibly before ripping the visor off. "He has revealed my secret to the Decepticons," she explained to a stunned group. "Which I figure that Megatron will eventually reveal to you as well. So consider this the heads-up." Bumblebee beeped and whirred. "That's right, I'm a femme," Soundwave affirmed. "Laugh it up. So, are you in?"

Optimus nodded. "We will assist you in defeating Starscream, so long as he is not killed."

Soundwave's smile was as evil as they come. "Who said I wanted to defeat him? I want to ruin him. Destroy his reputation. Leave no shadow of a doubt that he is anything but a pansy two-faced cowardly fragger. Then, once that's done, you can destroy him as you feel free." She looked back. "Megatron is coming. I will alert you with my plans for his imminent destruction when I have them ready. Goodbye Autobots." And she hung up.

There was a lot of staring at the blank screen.

"What just happened?" Bulkhead scratched his head.

"I do not know," Optimus shook his head. "But I know one thing for certain: nothing good can come from this alliance."

Autobots: 0 (Optimus didn't faint, so I'll fix it)

Decepticons: 1

Starscream: 2

((Alright, so Soundwave is a femme. I've always thought with his thin frame, hidden face, it might be possible he's really a girl. So, for the sake of this version, s/he's going to stay a girl. However, Ravage, Laserbeak, Rumble, and Frenzy are all guys so...make of that what you will.

I figured I should officially include the Autobots in the war and this was the only way I could think to do it. Don't worry, Soundy and the 'Cons won't go easy on them, even if she is their ally. And they get one in on the Decepticons in the next chapter. Which will be hilarious.))