Happy Jedi Day to you

Here's a fanfic for you

A fic today, for you birthday

Happy Jedi Day to you

"Is everything ready?" Anakin asked, making sure everything was in order for the party.

There were balloons, confetti, a confetti cannon, disco lights (built into R2), and a lot of food.

"General,sir, we are still missing something."

Anakin glared at Rex in annoyance, "And what would that be? We have the pizza and tacos, the cake, and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream."

The cake was one that their host ordered, so they weren't really sure what was on it. She threatened to throw them out the window if they looked at it, and it wasn't a joke. It had something to do with a "Star Wars", whatever that was.

Rex sighed, "The host and whoever this party is for."

That was another thing, they didn't even have any idea who this was even for and why. As long as the Duck of Epicness didn't push them out the window to fall to their deaths, it was good.

"They'll be back any minute. Places people!" the young Knight yelled, as everyone got into position and turned off the lights.

Suddenly, there was a blinding flash of blue. The whole room was engulfed in it's brightness, and when it went away there were two girls standing there.

The darker haired one, AJSK, was confused. "You never even told me where we were go-"

All the Jedi jumped up, turning on the light, and yelled surprise.

"Happy birthday!" the other one, Epic Duck, laughed.

It was a great party, with dancing and food, staring at Obi-Wan and Anakin, and sugar. Of course, that last one might have been a BIG mistake on the Jedi's part,

"And now, the Duck of Epicness declares that it is time for the ceremonial cutting of the cake!" the host cried in the most dramatic fashion she could.

"But... first we must sing the song of birthday song."

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow at her, "You said song twice."

"You bet I did. Now a 1, 2, some other numbers 3, 4!"

"Happy Jedi Day to you!

Here's a lightsaber, it's blue

Have a duel today, on your birthday!

Happy Jedi Day to you!"

After the cake was cut and eaten, or thrown at unsuspecting Jedi in some cases, it was time for presents.

The first one was a Nexu, which ended up eating a balloon and floating to the top of the ceiling. No one can really explain how that even happened. Actually, no one could explain how they got it in there in the first place. Many many strange and...unique presents later, it came to the last one.

AJSK ripped open the box and grabbed the Ultimate FX lightsaber. It was Anakin's, and it was so much better than she imagined it would be.

The only logical thing to do next was to have a birthday duel. AJSK smiled and ignited the lightsaber, turning to face Epic Duck, who had the exact same lightsaber as she did. They charged at each other, laughing as they did so.

The duel was ferocious, possibly due to the fact that there was a lot of sugar eaten before that. It ended after 2 hours when they practically destroyed the Temple. It was time to say goodbye to the Star Wars universe, and it was a very tearful and sad time. But when they got back Earth, they got back on their fanfiction accounts and did what they did best. Making their favorite characters do whatever they wanted them to.

It was a very entertaining birthday, just wait until mine, though. Muahahahaha!

Happy Jedi Day to you

Hope you enjoy your lightsaber that's blue

This was the best that I could do

Happy Jedi Day to you