Thanks for the reviews and hopefully you'll enjoy this one too.

Life was much better now for ichigo. After he had visited his mother grave, He felt content. But as he was leaving he saw the woman who hunted his dream. What was she doing here?

"Tsk, I try so hard to erase that woman out my..." Before he knew it, he was following her. He was determined. He needed to know what she was doing here.




Inoue didn't visit his brother grave in a while now. She was to busy with work. But today she felt like talking to him. It was painfull for her. It brought back memories she long ago tried to forget. She felt the breeze and she quiet liked it. She was reaching her destination and her hart got heavier every step she tooked.




The dark blonde woman had been following ichigo for days now. This was her chance. He was finally alone and her mission came before anything. The trap was set.




"Brother I..." She swollowed hard. Tears were already falling. Her brother was her everything and they took him away from her.

" I found a job" she didn't look at the grave. Her eyes were already red.

"Maki chan is a good person. I often get scolded when I day dream but she.." Again her troath felt dry and words didn't want to come out.

Inoue couldn't handle it anymore. She got up and ran was to much for her. His death was to much for her.





Ichigo saw everything. Seeing her break down like that made his inside turn. But he wouldn't get involve. Dealing with others problem weren't his concern and yet he felt like he needed to help her. Dangerous thought.

Shaking his head, he took a last look at her brother grave before departing.




There was a woman kneeling in front of a grave. She was crying. He didn't want to deal with this.




The blonde saw him coming. Her plan was already in motion Hopefully he won't see the hole in the ground. Her master was specific when he told her to put him on the sidelines for a few weeks.

She didnt like football but one thing was certaint taking Ichigo out would difenitly end team shinigami chances of winning the trophy.




He was debating with himself. Should he help her or not. The image of the crying auburn girl invaded his mine. No, he would do something good for once and he would start with this woman.




He was focusing on the woman. Ichigo didn't bother observing his surrounding. Just when he was about to reach her his right leg fel into the hole. He felt it. The crack could only mean one thing. His foot was broken. The pain was intense.




Her mission was complete. Aizen sama will be pleased.




"Shit,shit" ichigo couldn't fucking believe it. The pain was to much. In his pain he didn't notice the woman leaving.

" Fuck this"

"Where's that fucking woman".

Where did she go? Was he hallucinating?

No it couldn't be she was here. He was sure of it.




Inoue had stop running. She was gasping for air. She loved her brother to much and felt ashamed for leaving like that. No she needed to go back.




Ichigo was limping to his car and driving was out of the question. Just when he had give up he saw the girl.

"Hey you!" He yelled.

That did it. She looked his way and her eyes widen. Before he knew it she was already by his side supporting him.

"The keys are in my pockets." His voice was strain.




Orihime didn't think twice. He needed help and it wasn't in her nature to look the other way. Every now and then, she would look at him, taking every detail about him in.


"What did you say something?" He was sure. He had heard something.

"Eep" she squeak. Her face was red. Gosh he'll probably think I'm a stalker. Ooh no, he'll call the cops on me and tell them what a freak I am. The little blue men will be angry and hunt him down.

He was watching her. Her cheeks were red, which he found odd. But he was sure of one thing she's beautiful. What the hell. Where did that come from? No way, staying away from this girl in the future would be his top priority. How wrong was he?




When they had reached the hospital, every Nurse were in frantic. The women were ogling him, which didn't sit well with Orihime. That's the more reason she had stayed behind. Was she jealous? No, she couldn't be.


"Huh" ooh how embarrassing. She was day dreaming again.

"Miss, could you sign these papers? After all you're his girl friend" the nurse said.

Orihime almost choked on her own tong. She was going to deny it but the look on the nurses faces.

"Yes, yes I'm" did she just lie? Ooh man hopefully no one would pay mine to it. Kurosaki kun won't be mad right?




The news didn't sit well with ichigo. He would be out of action for a month.

"Fuck" he swore.

The team needed him. He couldn't let them down but he did. He got injured.

"Kurosak san you'll need to take it slow. Don't go trying to walk on your injure leg." The smiled she gives him made him nervous.

"To insure you do what we say, we'll be informing your girlfriend."

Ichigo mine went blank. Girlfriend? Where the fuck did she gets that from? He was about to deny it but the look she gives him, made him think otherwise.


"Miss Inoue the head doctor needs to speak to you"




"Aizen sama. The mission is complete.

"Good very good. Everything is going according to plan. Harribel" the smile never left his face.




Inoue was in the room where Ichigo was. When she got there, his adorable scowl had deepened. If only he knew, how handsome he was.

If ichigo thought scowling would scare her off, he was wrong. It had utterly no effect on the girl, which was weird. One look from him and people would scatter but not her.

"Miss Inoue, you'll have to take care of Kurosaki san these following days" the doctor said.

The room was utterly quiet.



The man had heard everything, the auburn woman had said to the nurse. Kurosaki had a girlfriend and the world didn't know about. Well this was about to change.

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