I present to you the second chapter! My internet was down for a loooong time so sorry for the wait! This one is about 200 words longer (without A/Ns) so I hope you enjoy! Thanks for all the reviews! I appreciate it! And anyone who wants to make a cover for this story, I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

Me No God= Me No Mashima= Me not own Fairy Tail

"Isn't it great? Finally I can set things on fire and get a reward for it!" Natsu grinned widely showing the paper to Happy. The blue flying cat frowned when he read the paper (A/N: Can he read?) and looked up at Natsu who was staring excitedly up at him waiting for his opinion.

"But Natsu? Won't you feel bad for burning down Magnolia's 100 year old trees?"

"I'm sure it's for a good cause. So it should be fine! Plus no one seems to mind."

"Okay then." Happy handed back the request to Natsu who showed it Mirajane. A small frown came across her face as she recalled what happened earlier today but she shoved those thoughts aside and gave Natsu approval to do the job.

The dense dragon slayer ran out the doors a blue cat flying after him and an excited grin on his face. He couldn't wait for the day after tomorrow to come.


The blonde stomped furiously into her apartment and flung the magazine on the floor earning a confused look from Plue, her beloved stellar spirit.

"I can't believe people can be so cruel and heartless. How can they burn down Magnolia's trees?" she grumbled pacing around the room her mind deep in thought.

"I wonder if I can stop this. I have to try! But how?" She said out loud brainstorming.

"Pun Pun."

"That's it! I can refuse to let them burn the trees. I'll just camp out there and when they try to burn the tree, they can't because I'm there too!" The stellar spirit mage said out loud a smile lighting up on her face.

She began packing and planning of what she was going to do, her mind set on somehow saving those trees from the future.


Natsu ran to Lucy's apartment happily the request in his hand on Happy flying close behind. A happy grin lit up on his face as he couldn't wait to tell his best friend about his mission.

"Hey Luce! Guess what? I got an amazing request!" He climbed in through her window waving the request around in the air.

His partner payed no attention as she busily gathered around a bunch of supplies and objects preparing for her task.

"That's great Natsu but I'm busy so can you come back some other time?" she said momentarily looking up at him and then pack to her bag she was packing.

"But I get to burn stuff! Isn't it great?" The smiled slowly faded as he didn't get much of a reaction from Lucy.

"Then you can do it alone! Please Natsu, I'm busy." Her voice grew more insistent and she didn't pay much attention to Natsu's words, her mind more focused on how she was going to prevent the burning of three trees.

"Okay." Natsu replied sadly jumping out the window holding the request a little lower as he slowly walked to his house. He was looking forward to Lucy being happy with him and maybe coming along when they were going to burn the trees. It would much more fun that way.

The sun was setting when Lucy looked out the window. Beautiful shades of pink, blue and yellow colored the sky and she relaxed for a minute forgetting all about the trees and just watching the beautiful view.

Somewhere on the other side of town, Natsu stared at the sunset as he arrived in front of his house. He forgot all about the mission as he stood watching, Happy perching on his head.

If only the moment could last forever. Because little the mages know what was going to happen tomorrow and how much their fates were intervened.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Sorry again for the long wait, I will update quicker now.