I felt cold air hit my face. Fingers closed around my throat. I tried to scream, but just couldn't make some noise. The grip tightened. Panic rushed through me when I felt pain rise in me as a sharp object sank in my flesh.

Gasping for air I woke up, my body covered in cold sweat.

Breathing heavily I peeled my bed linen off and stood up.

My t-shirt was glued to my body, because of the sweat and I stared at my reflection in the mirror. A face, pale as hell, stared back at me. My tomato red hair did the rest to make my skin look like china. Just when I stared at the mirror my eyes got bright red.

I'm a Metamorphmagus like my mother and cannot always control the changing, especially if my emotions are whelming.

I threw a look at the watch. 05.03 am

After I had slipped on some trousers and had pocket my wand, I opened the door.

Maybe my mum's already up.

When I had taken a step out of the room, I heard a noise downstairs.
My body froze. Then the noise was there again. It sounded like somebody walking around.
It could have been my mother, but for some reason I was scared.

Don't be such a baby.

I walked down the stairs very slowly, my breath fast.

When I entered the kitchen I caught a glimpse of something red and whispered: "мама", in Russian, my mother tongue, but suddenly someone covered my eyes and mouth.
I felt demoted to my nightmare and panicked. What was happening here?

Then there was a voice that whispered: "I wanna play a little with her."
A burning sensation crawled up my left arm, an unbelievable pain and sniggering that sent shivers through me. I squirmed and tried to get out of the grip.

Then I heard something I didn't quite understand, because I was just focusing on the pain.

I felt air brush over me as something flew towards me. But when it hit me, it ripped my flesh open. Before I could feel any pain, I felt blood streaming over, hot, sticky liquid.

Completely overextended with the situation, unconsciousness overwhelmed me.

There was wheeze around me and pain I can't describe filled my body.

I tried to bring up my hand to the bright spot that was bouncing in front of me.

"Stop. Don't waste energy", a desperate voice said. I obeyed and tried to relax, everything went black once again.

When I woke up, everything around me was soft and my whole body felt some kind of puffy. Slowly I opened my eyes and it took some time to see anything but a blur.

When finally the silhouettes got clear cut, I saw a room with many beds and nightstands.

Where the fuck am I? And what happened?

A door went open and a woman with a motherly aura minced over to me, saying:

"Hello, my dear, how do you feel? That was a near thing, darling. Are you able to speak?"

I opened my mouth and after a few times of breathing stetorously I chocked out:

"What happened? Where is my mother?"

"Oh, honey. I'm-", she started but suddenly the door behind her went open and a man with long white hair and beard walked in.

"It's alright, Poppey, I will talk to her", he said and the woman nodded, smiled at me and went back through the door, closing it behind her.

"Genevieve, I'm Albus Dumbledore. How do you feel?", the man said. His stare was piercing.

"I don't know, a little numb. Can you tell me what happened? Where am I and where is my mother?", I asked.

"You are in England, my dear, in Hogwarts. And your mother… well I'm sorry to tell you that… she couldn't make it, Genevieve. It was too much blood to lose."

My heart skipped a beat. That can't be possible!

"No… What? No! Please!", I started to shake uncontrollable.

"Genevieve, I know it hurts. I really know that", he sighed, looking to the ground.

I sobbed. Why?

"You can't go back to Durmstrang. I know that this now is making everything worse that you will be away from your friends there, but you have to live with your father, who had moved here from France after your parent's divorce, and he wants to stay here with his family. I'm so sorry, but Hogwarts is a great place, you will see", his voice was soft and convey comforting.

I just nodded. There was nothing to say, I wouldn't miss Durmstrang, because there was nothing about it to miss. The only friend I had was Viktor Krum.

But he wasn't in school anymore and the only thing I was thinking about that I wouldn't see my mother again, wouldn't ever talk to her again.

Dumbledore seemed to notice that there was nothing left to say.

He wished me recovery and left.