Title: Let it Rain
Genre: Romance/angst

Hi, I'm back with a short three-paragraph study. Just a little something to pass the time, and to answer the question: Who does Cloud really love? Enjoy. =]

The Past Sorrow:

I like being near to Zack. His enthusiasm keeps me going in the worst of times. I feel like I can tell him things I couldn't tell anybody else. He is my confidant, my mentor, and my friend. Zack can look nowhere but up. In a world where things are always dragging a person down, Zack jumps up like gravity does not exist.
Around Zack, I can look up, too.

The Present Redemption:

I like being near to Aeris. Around her, plants and trees flourish. She claims that her flowers are able to bloom because the church is a sacred place. I think she's wrong. The flowers are only alive for the simple reason that she herself is sacred.
She brings a sense of peace to everything she touches. Around Aeris, the poison in my soul seeps away.

The Future Happiness:

I like being near to Tifa. She brings me down to earth. She isn't afraid to punch me in the arm if she thinks I'm being stupid. Around Tifa, everybody feels at home. Sometimes I can see the shadows of the girl who once begged for her hero to save her. Sometimes I want to be her hero again. Her bright smile makes everything worth the sacrifice.
Around Tifa, my inecurities melt away.