Original prompt on LiveJournal DRRR Kink Meme: Shizaya-Royalty, Forced Marriage.

So, has any one of you read Royal Fiancé? Y want something like that...such a story line:

So, there's a country X (You don't need to give it a name) who is in bad terms with Japan, so Japan decides to get friendly with Country X by sending one person, a Japanese boy or girl over to X Country, to get him/her married with Prince Shizuo, who is about 19 years old (you can choose the age, though).

To make it easier, let's just say Country X allows same-sex marriage in royalty, too. :3

That person gets chosen by pulling out a paper with a name. It has to be Shizuo's age, more or less, so all the much older or younger groups get desserted. Izaya's name justhappensto be the one pulled out, so suddenly, he gets called, and they train him to fit royalty, send him off without telling him anything, to marry him with Shizuo.

The problem? Shizuo and Izaya hate each other the moment they set their eyes on each other. For the sake of X's country and Japan, they get forced to marry, and have to deal with marriage, slowly falling hopelessy in love. I want to see how they deal with each other, and for example, Vorona, flirts with the soon-to-be-king, prince Shizuo, and then Izaya gets jealous and realizes he doesn't exactly hate the protozoan king!

Mii: So I've decided to post my fills on Fanfiction :D

But I will be considerably further on the Kink Meme~!

I do not own the Durarara Cast, only the plot~

Rated M for explicit language and adult themes that will come later in the story. This is also Yaoi, which is BoyxBoy, so if it does not suit to your tastes then what are you still doing here reading this? You have been warned

Orihara Izaya was busy sitting on his living room couch munching on some rice crackers as he watched the morning news. It was a Saturday, Mairu and Kururi were out and his mom and dad were working, so he had the whole house to himself.

"-and so we are now picking the candidate to wed the prince of Country X!"

'Oh so this is the event that Mairu and Kururi were so hyped up about,' Izaya mused to himself as he grabbed his cup of green tea. He had just taken a sip of his drink when they announced the result.

"Orihara Izaya! Congratulations, you are chosen to marry Prince Heiwajima Shizuo of Country X!"

And he ended up spitting it out and into a coughing fit. Did he hear right? No. It can't be. Out of everyone in fucking Japan, his name was picked out! This had to be some kind of sick joke. Marry a prince? What a fairytale!

"Orihara Izaya, if you are listening to this program right now, please come to the address on the screen!"

Just then the door flew open so abruptly that it made Izaya jump in his shocked state. He quickly whipped his head around to face two brunettes, who had big grins on their mugs. Then everything after that happened so quickly, too quickly.

"Oh, Iza-nii we are so happy for you! You get to marry a prince! How lovely!"

"Happy….Nii….lucky." (I'm happy for you, Iza-nii. You're so lucky.)

Kururi started packing a duffle bag for Izaya as Mairu began spinning him in circles in his room. Izaya was too dazed and confused to have done anything in protest. But as they were dragging him out the house and down the streets of Ikebukuro he started to snap.

"Wait- Why must I go and marry this prince? I refuse! Let me go Kuru-nee, Mairu-nee! How could you just send your big brother off to marriage! Plus I'm still underage to marry," Izaya dug his heels into the concrete making the twin brunettes stumble. They tried pulling the raven and it turned into a mini, but a strainful, tug of war.

"Iza-nii, don't you want to marry a prince? I bet he's handsome and so prince-like! Here's your chance on being a princess! So stop struggling," Mairu huffed as she gave a strong tug on one of Izaya's wrist, making Izaya slide a few inches toward their original direction. Izaya's face scrunched up at the thought.

"Like hell I do!"

"Fucking hell I do!"

A fuming Shizuo was standing before the court members. After Shizuo's father ran away from the royal life, along with his mother, the court has been controlling Country X. Being the oldest son, Shizuo was destined to take the throne at the earliest age possible. Which just so happens to be when he turns 19, the minimum age for him to marry, which he had just recently, came about. In order for him to completely take the throne though, he must have a queen. Which is exactly what the court had just informed the eldest Heiwajima.

"Shizuo-sama, you know as much as we do, that you need a spouse in order for you to take the throne," the head of the court stated matter-of-factly. The blond scowled as he clenched and unclenched his fist. Those on the council that feared the prince-soon-to-be-king, shrunk further into their seats.

"What if I don't want to be king! Hell, Kasuka would be more fitting to be king than me. Wait- Never mind, I don't want you forcing my little brother to an arranged marriage. Fuck," Shizuo could feel his head pound. This was so perplexing, he didn't want Kasuka to burden the duties of being king, though he would be exceptionally be better at it than Shizuo. But he didn't want to marry out of duty or custom either.

He glowered at the court members, excluding Celty. She looked like she was choosing to either be angry at the court or worry for Shizuo. He'd had enough, he knew it was childish but he stormed away and stomped down the halls of the courthouse to his part of the mansion.

"Shizuo? What's the matter," as Shizuo neared his room, Tom, one of the butlers, was standing next to his door. He felt a little more relieved as the dread-locked man came into his view. Despite Tom being his butler he looked on to him as more of a friend.

"Ah, Tom-san. A lot of stuff just got dropped down on me at the courthouse," he let out a sigh. His expression turned troubled as he kept his gaze trained on the floor.

"Do you want to talk about it, I've got time. And I can ask Vorona to bring some milk and sweets," Tom grinned as Shizuo perked up at the sound of sweets.

"Well, I guess just a little would be ok," Shizuo said embarrassingly as Tom lead them into his rather large room. Tom just chuckled at the tall blond as he whipped out his cell to call said maid.

And so here he was, being dumped unceremoniously by his younger sisters, to learn to be a 'queen' fit for this so-called-prince. He cursed at all the Godly beings he could think of for his misfortune, not that he believed in them anyways. Izaya focused more on the king's assistant appearance, rather than what was coming out of his mouth, rules and procedures and whatnot. This guy seemed to be roughly about his age, brown locks that were brushed back, chocolate orbs that were so serious, and at least a good 10 cm taller than him

"-and so you must learn all this in a little less under a month, please."

And at that, a good pound of books were set in front of him. He paid no attention to the books gestured in front of him, and stared intently at the assistant.


"Your name. You've never told me your name," Izaya lazily grinned as the guy seemed taken back and flushed.

"My name is irreverent, but...it's Kadota. Kadota Kyohei."

"Kadota...Then I'll call you Dotachin~" Izaya crooned as he took in Kadota's speechless demeanor. He giggled to himself as he superficially looked through the stacks of books. He hummed to himself as he sat the books off to the sides.

"Ne, Dotachin..."

"Please, I wish to not be called by that."

"Aw, but it's cute. And what a formal speech pattern you have. Don't be uptight, you can speak normally," Izaya took in Kadota's exasperated expression, which only made him giggle even more.

"Anyways what if I told you I could learn all this," Izaya made a dramatic gesture towards his lesson books, "In just a week."


"Aww man, I'm sorry to hear that Shizuo," Tom muttered sincerely as he and Vorona patted and rubbed at the blonds broad shoulders. Shizuo took in the comfort that his friends gave him. After a while there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," Shizuo muttered loud enough for the person on the other side to hear. Kadota entered with Celty right behind him, "Kadota, Celty, what's up?"

[I was worried about you! Shizuo, I'm sorry, I tried to reason with the others but...]

Shizuo offered the headless fairy a small smile, "I know you must have tried, Celty."

Kadota had not once lifted his gaze from the floor. Shizuo had caught this and questioned it, "Kadota, are you not feeling well? You look dazed."

Kadota jumped at the sudden attention he had drawn, cheeks a bright pink in embarrassment. He cleared his throat before speaking as to not embarrass himself further if he stuttered.

"I've met your soon-to-be-queen and fiancé."

"...What- What was she like?"


Shizuo stared dumbly at the brunet. After a minute his jaw slowly dropped his mouth forming something similar to an 'o'. It's not like he had anything against males or gays. But what with the way people were saying 'princess' and 'queen', he assumed his fiancé was a girl, "So what was helike?"

Kadota ran his hand through his hair before dragging it back down his face. His eyes looked anywhere but to Shizuo, cheeks reddening, he muttered under his breath, "He...was very beautiful."

Shizuo's eyes widened as Kadota fidgeted under everyone's gazes. The blond thought about the statement. Hearing this from Kadota was quite surprising, and he trusts the brunet to have a good judgment and taste. So Shizuo nodded, seeming to inwardly agree that this person must indeed be a true beauty.

"I'm sure he is," Shizuo said without a trace of sarcasm and allowed a small smile to grace his features before frowning, "But I still don't like this."

"Excellent Orihara-san. Your etiquette is beyond what I would have expected."

"Dotachin, you would doubt me that much. I read that stupid book you gave me and despite my average family status, I have quite a taste for classy meals. Expensive too~" Izaya grinned as Kadota frowned upon hearing the little nick name he gave him. 'Ah, messing with Dotachin is quite amusing.'


"If you call me 'Orihara-san' one more time I'm going to stab you," Izaya stated darkly as a knife seemed to just appear in his hand. Kadota hadn't even seen him reach or grab for the cutting knife. Izaya's smirk was cruel but his eyes gleamed playfully and he soon burst out laughing, "I'm joking, Dotachin. Pffft. You should have seen your face. Haha. Putting the joking aside, just call me Izaya."

Kadota stared at the smaller male's pouting face and sighed heavily, "Izaya..."


Izaya's name rolling off his tongue still felt unfamiliar but he continued on either way, "You are aware that we will be leaving in two days."

"Mmm-hm," Izaya still wasn't all for this thing, but as long as it was interesting, he might as well go along for the ride. And if it turned out to be a bore he could just run back to Japan or something right? Besides this 'prince' must be worth his time somewhat. Maybe he was one of those wimpy types, than he could order him around and stuff. Ha!

Kadota started packing his things and he caught himself staring at the raven, who was looking out into the sun set. 'Beautiful...that was one word to describe him. Elegant, yes. Knowledgeable and good mannerism, yes. But his attitude is quite unnerving sometimes.'

"See ya Later Dotachin~"

'Indeed, unnerving.'

'Wow...It's like from a fairytale outta the book,' was all Izaya could think about the place. Everywhere he looked it just fitted even more to the ideal storybook tales adults created for little children. He looked at the pair across of him, servants of the Heiwajima family, and noted their profiles for future reference. The duo were a blonde male with fox eyes and a Cheshire grin and a peppy raven female who seemed to be staring at him intently. The designated driver, of the van they were currently occupying, had shoulder-length brown locks and a somewhat indescribable demeanor.

"Wah, Kadota was right. He's totally beautiful," the female gushed as she shook the blonde back and forth excitedly. She lifted her hand in a greeting, "Hi, I'm Erika, and this is Yumachi and that's Togusa. Nice to meet you!"

"Ah, Karisawa! Ahahaha, my name is actually Yumasaki, Yumasaki Walker. So Izaya-san, tell us what is it like in Japan. Karisawa and I are actually really interested in your country's manga and anime," Walker inquired as it seemed as he and Erika seemed to have sparkles in their eyes. Izaya mused to himself 'So, they're otakus...'

"Why yes! My country is greatly known for its' talent at anime and manga," Izaya boasted as the pair seemed to be jumping in their seats. Apparently they were all for Japan and Country X's union and friendship. 'Heh, well sorry to disappoint you. I don't actually plan to go through with this whole marriage thing.'

"Stop fussing Shizuo. I'm sure everything will be fine. Right, Vorona?"

"Vorona," Tom looked at said blonde. For a while now she had been quiet and dismissive, more than usual.

"AUUGH, how can I be calm when I'm going to marry someone who I'm just meeting today," Shizuo growled as he gripped one of the pillars, just a tad too hard. The plan was that Shizuo would meet his fiancé in the gardens, alone. And somehow that gave Shizuo a bad feeling, something he couldn't explain.

Tom finally got the blond man to go to the gardens semi-calm and composed. Izaya strolled down the paths of exotic flowers. He was never a flower-kind of guy, but these were indeed intriguing and eye-catching. He soon found a clearing with a single table with two chairs. From what he heard from the peppy raven girl and blond male, this Shizuo, was supposedly handsome but had a slightly dangerous temper and outlook.

'Well, if he weren't much of a challenge, it'd be much too boring~'

Shizuo made his way to his favorite part of the mansion's garden: a small clearing with a single table and a great view of the flowers. But there was someone already occupying one of the chairs, someone Shizuo didn't recognize. 'How the hell did he get in?'

"Hey you!"

Then as amber met ruby, Shizuo's brow twitched in annoyance. This guy, really annoyed him; the way he looked at him defiantly and seeming to stare right through him, "You piss me off."

Izaya seemed to be taken aback at this but his smirk never fell.

"Oya, is that so? How horrible~ I'm sure we could be such great friends and have lots of fun together!"

Going purely by instincts and the first thing that popped up in his mind, Shizuo lunged at the raven. Izaya gracefully skipped out of the way, letting the chair take the demise of Shizuo's wrath. Seeing the chair being totally demolished by only a half-hearted punch, made Izaya's ruby irises widen. 'Oh~ How very interesting.'

The fight continued with Shizuo hefting the table up and throwing it in Izaya's general direction. Izaya twirled away, obviously mocking the blond man, and his smirk widened, "Ne ne~ You are quite the monster."

Shizuo growled as a vein popped at the side of his fore head and his vision started swimming in red. And there went the second chair. It frustrated Shizuo even more that the raven seemed to dodge his attacks effortlessly, "Stop jumping around, ya flea. And let me punch that pretty face in."

"Oh! I'm flattered that you find me pretty, though I could do without the violence. Is this your way of flirting around here?" Izaya was pretty proud of his words, as it hit the blond hard, awarding him with Shizuo's blushing face. 'Wah~ What a disgusting expression on such a monster.'

The raven was soon bombarded with punches and if it wasn't for his in-born reflexives, he would be down by now. 'An animal that acts upon instinct, the brain capacity of a protozoan, and the strength of a monster. What a monstrosity~'

"EEEEEEEH? You're telling me this protozoan monster is Prince Heiwajima Shizuo of Country X," Izaya cried out, pointing an accusing finger towards the said blond. The raven had a slight bruise on his lower jaw and some littered around his arms and torso. The blond was about to lunge towards the smaller man if Tom and Celty weren't trying to hold him back.

"Kill kill kill kill kill killlll-," Shizuo muttered under his breath. Izaya spared him a glance and crossed his arms.

"He's not very prince-y, is he," Izaya pouted and stuck closer to Kadota. Apparently Izaya had stolen the knife that he had pulled on Kadota and used it on Shizuo. They were only minor cuts and the blond had hardly noticed them. Kadota sucked in a breath before stating their current task.

"There seems to be a misunderstanding. So, to reconcile I suggest you guys treat each other's wounds."


Celty clapped her hands, seeming to silently agree to this, while Tom nodded his head in acknowledgement. Izaya and Shizuo exchanged heated looks as both grimace, or in Shizuo's case snarled. Kadota gave both men hard looks. Izaya whined childishly before composing himself.

"Ok, if Dotachin says so," Everyone in the room, excluding Izaya, reacted to the nickname. Izaya gave Kadota a wink, "But then you owe me a favor, ok~?"

"Whatever, just try to get along and please stop calling me that."

"Awww, Dotachin's embarrassed expression is cute!" Izaya reveled in the brunet's expression as they turn to leave. Izaya stared at the closed door one second longer before turning towards his rather 'big' problem.