The remainder of the summer flew by in a flash and Rose was left wondering where time had gone. She and Harry had spent a fair amount of time at the Weasley's where the twins taught Harry the basics of flying and Harry helped Ginny perfect her football skills. Through it all Harry and Ron were inseparable and Rose delighted in the friendship that had formed between the two. Their friendship was so strong that it was almost impossible to get Harry to return home with her each night.

Eventually, at Molly's insistence, Rose had agreed to let Harry stay with the Weasleys a couple of nights a week which had put an end to the struggles. On those nights Rose often went out with Remus, to dinner, the cinema, shopping, whatever they pleased. They got to know each other all over again and the old feelings between them began to resurface. It was those four weeks that made Rose feel like her life had once and for all fallen back into the category of normal. That normal was what led her to stand on Platform 9 ¾ at 10:45 in the morning on September 1st, the day she would have to watch the Hogwarts Express take Harry away from her for the next 3 months.

"Harry, I want to ask you to do a favor for me."

"What's that Aunt Rose?"

"When you get on the train, I want you to see if you can find a boy, he'll be your age, his name is Neville and you and he are more alike than you know. Just see if you can find him and at least say hi."

Harry nodded and wrapped his arms around his aunt's waist, sad to be leaving her. It had always been just them, together through it all, and now Harry was off to Hogwarts which meant Rose would only see him over Christmas and summer. She would adjust though and no matter what she still had Remus. Finally they parted and Harry boarded the train with Ron. Rose stood there, not ready to leave until the train was out of sight.

Minutes later she strolled along the platform, following the train as it gained speed and left her in a cloud of steam. Once the gleaming scarlet engine disappeared she turned and headed for the barrier, she had places to be now that Harry was gone. She quickly made her way out of the station and to an empty alley down the street. As soon as the coast was clear she quickly apparated away and forced herself not to laugh as she appeared directly next to the visitor's entrance to the Ministry. She'd actually planned on going to the alley beside it but apparently her thoughts had wandered and Rose knew she was lucky she hadn't splinched herself, she was also lucky there was no one nearby to witness her sudden appearance.

She quickly went through the process of entering the Ministry and was glad that getting through the security check point was fairly painless. Once she was through Rose found herself in the crush of bodies, which was both familiar and strange. It felt like it had been a million years since she'd last faced the sea of people but that didn't stop her from jumping right in. She hopped on the first available lift and stood quietly in the back as she waited for it to reach her floor. The lift ride proved that, even after eleven years, she hadn't lost her touch, she could still blend into a crowd without anyone even knowing she was there. Finally she heard the disembodied voice announce that the lift had arrived on Level Nine and she quickly disembarked. It took her no time at all to navigate the halls and arrive at her final destination, the office belonging to the head of the Department of Mysteries.

Rose paused outside the door, suddenly feeling very unsure about herself. Eleven years was a long time to be away and even though her boss had told her that her job would be waiting if she ever wanted it back, well, that was then and this was now. It was a risk but one she had to take. She wanted her work back, needed something to fill her days now that Harry was gone, was itching to feel the stiffness that formed when one stood over a cauldron for too long. Finally ready she took a deep calming breath and opened the door in front of her. As she entered the front office she couldn't help but smile at the fact that nothing had changed in her absence. David was so bloody predictable.


Rose winced at the name, she certainly hadn't missed it. "Hey Leigh, think you can tell David an old friend is looking for a job?"

The girl nodded enthusiastically and rushed for the back office, neglecting to secure the door which meant Rose could hear every word of the conversation taking place inside.

"David, you'll never guess who just walked in!"

"If it's Hawkins tell him to bugger off."

"She is most definitely not Hawkins and she asked me to tell you that an old friend is looking for a job."

There was a long pause before something clattered inside the room, probably a chair, and David Burns came barreling into the room.

"Rose Evans, sweet Merlin it's good to see you girl!"

Rose laughed as she was pulled into a suffocating bear hug but returned it enthusiastically nonetheless. When she was finally released she took a good look at her former boss and shook her head.

"David my friend, you got old."

David laughed and shook his head, Rose Evans hadn't changed a bit. Smiling still, he gestured her into the office ahead of him and let them both get settled before launching into the business at hand.

"Gee thanks kid. So, you really back for a job or are you just taking the piss out of me?"

"I'm here for my job mate, if I still have one that is."

"Job's yours Gorgeous, I'll even promote you. Dawson's retiring so I need a new division supervisor. I offered the job to your old partner Connors but he didn't want it and ever since someone leaked the news I've had this kid named Hawkins riding me for the job. He's not anywhere near qualified for it, even if he thinks he is, so are you willing to take it on or do I have to keep looking?"

Rose laughed and rolled her eyes at the man. "What do I get out of it?"

"A pay raise for starts. You make your own hours, as many or as few as you like, you do the hiring and firing and you've got final say over all projects. The only things you have to do in return are attend a monthly supervisors meeting, submit a weekly report, keep an eye on all the projects and do quarterly performance reviews."

Rose nodded, she didn't have a problem with any of that since she'd be keeping her eye on things even if it wasn't necessary. There was one thing that confused her though. "Define final say."

"What gets done now, what can wait, who works the project, that sort of thing. It's not hard, just boring as hell."

Rose laughed and rolled her eyes, that was David for you. "Alright mate, you win, I'll do it. Say hello to your new Potions Supervisor."

"Glad to have you back Evans, glad to have you back. When can I expect you back to work?"

Rose paused for a moment as she ran her schedule over in her head. Finally she decided that she'd only need a couple of days to get ready and decided on a date. "Let's say Wednesday. Give me a couple days to get things together and then Dawson and I can work together for a couple of days before he leaves entirely, give him a chance to show me the ropes as it were."

"Fine by me. Come here first when you get in on Wednesday, I need you to sign some things, and then you can report to Dawson."

"Sounds fine boss. If it's alright with you I'd like to drop into the lab, talk to Dawson and Jeremy, catch up on the Werewolf Project. That is still going right?"

"Sure is, Connors won't drop it. He was actually the only one I offered the promotion to because he was the only one who deserved it."

Rose had no trouble believing that considering how hard Jeremy had worked when he first joined the division. The kid was a brilliant potions maker and would likely reach master level soon if he hadn't already. The only masters Rose had met prior to her departure were Dawson, herself and her former Potions Professor, Horace Slughorn, though she knew there were plenty more out there.

"I have no problem believing that David, none at all. Anyway, if we're done here then I'll head on over to the lab."

The pair stood and shook hands, both happy with the agreement they'd reached, and Rose left for the lab while David returned to his paperwork. Rose was anxious to see the lab and her former partner so she didn't hesitate to enter the room that helped keep the department's secrets. Once she closed the door behind her, she closed her eyes against the dizzying spin and counted to ten, at which point the room had stopped spinning and it was safe for her to open them again. Smiling slightly she cleared her throat and clearly spoke the word, "Potions," causing the door leading to the potions lab to glow. She entered the lab and sauntered through as if she'd never left. The sight of dozens of men and women slaving over steaming cauldrons made her smile widen, she liked the look of the group. Smirking she stopped at the station she'd once shared with Jeremy Connors, the station he still occupied, and resisted the urge to laugh at the look of concentration on his face.

"Did you glue your butt to the stool Jer?"

The man jumped slightly though his hands remained rock steady as he continued to chop ingredients. "Not on your life Thorn. Unlike some people, I have a life."

Rose laughed and embraced the man as he turned to face her. She'd barely started the WP when Jeremy had become an Unspeakable and she'd snatched him for her team as soon as she was given the chance. Together they'd made monumental progress and two years after she and Harry had left Jeremy finally succeeded in brewing the first batch of Wolfsbane. News had broken just as Rose had arrived in Diagon Alley to send her first update to Dumbledore and she'd nearly burst into tears when she read the article. It had taken five long years to brew that first batch but Rose knew it had all been worthwhile.

"So is this a casual visit or are you here to work?"

Rose rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Starting Wednesday I'm back to work and by the end of the week I'll be your new supervisor."

"Welcome back Rose, you've been missed."

Rose thanked him, told him to get back to work and headed off to speak with Hal Dawson, her former supervisor and the man she would soon replace. She watched everyone carefully as she moved through the lab, trying to get a feel for their personalities. Rose had long ago discovered that talk yielded lies more often than not but how someone did their job spoke volumes. There were a couple of people that concerned her but she'd worry about that on Wednesday. When she reached her future office she walked right in, not even bothering to knock even though she knew the room was currently occupied.

"Get out Hawkins, I don't want to hear it."

"Not Hawkins and not leaving, especially since this will be my office by the end if the week."

Rose laughed as Hal looked up and blinked repeatedly, shocked by the sight before him. He certainly hadn't expected to see this happen before he retired but it had, his favorite Potions Mistress was back and she was taking the reins.

"You have no idea how glad I am to hear that Evans, it's nice to know I can trust my replacement."

"Nice to know I'm trusted. So fill me in on this Hawkins kid, you're the second person today I've heard bitch about him."

Rose flopped into one of the chairs in front of Hal's desk and looked at him expectantly. Resigning himself to the fact that it would be a while before any more work got done he sat back and sighed heavily.

"Matt Hawkins, twenty-seven years old and he thinks he's Merlin's gift to potions. He used to work at Mungo's but decided he wanted a more glamorous job and transferred here three years ago, driving me mental ever since. I have to admit he's good which is the only reason I haven't fired him but he probably won't last long once you take over, you don't tolerate insolence as well as I do."

"You could just save me the trouble and fire him before I come back on Wednesday."

Hal laughed and shook his head. "I'll leave that pleasure for you should you so choose."

Rose rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue at him, Hal was the same prat he'd been when she'd left, but then again, so was she so it all evened out in the end. Either way Rose had some big shoes to fill and she was honored to have the chance. She had Hal to thank for helping her become a Potions Mistress by the time she turned twenty, even if she had left her job only a month after achieving the title. However, that was the past, she was back and it was time to party.

A/N: Oh snap it's an update! I live! For those who may or may not have been anticipating this day I apologize for the long wait. Unfortunately between school and the death of a very close friend I haven't been in the mood to write in quite a while. There are however a few more chapters of this already written and they shall be posted at a hopefully steady pace. Oh and before I forget please note now that Hawkins is a disposable character whose only purpose if to assist Rose in making her point in a future chapter so don't get too attached because he's an ass anyway.