Total Drama: The PowerPuff Edition


"Hello and welcome. I'm Chris McLean and this is-Total Drama: The PowerPuff Edition! We traveled to The City of Townsville in search of 12 contestants to compete against each other for: fame, glory, and 1 MILLION DOLLARS in prize money. And now, without further ado, let's meet our contestants!

Chapter 1

Let's Meet Our Contestants

Blossom's confession:

"Hi, my name's Blossom. Actually, the reason I'm competing is for the money, but it's not for me! If I win, I plan to donate the prize money to charity. I'm sure it will be put to good use in one of the many foundations devoted to helping young women in today's society.

Bubbles' confession:

"I'm Bubbles, and when I win the prize money I'm going to buy a huuuge stretch of land. And then I'm going to fill it with: cute little squirrels, and fluffy bunnies, and little puppies, and kittens..."

Buttercup's confession:

"What up, it's me Buttercup. When I win, oh boy, it's a rich man's world for me! How's that song go? 'I work all night I work all day to pay the bills I have to pay...aint it sad'"

Robin's confession:

"My name's Robin. I'm here because I thought it'd be fun. Also winning A Million dollars might be kinda cool...I really want to win that Million dollars!"

Bud's confession:

"This whole thing is stupid!"

Mitch's confession:

"I'm going to win the money and use it to move out of the trailer park! Then Buttercup would have to like me, more than just a friend!"

Buttercup's confession:

" 'If I had a little's a rich man's world' "

Mike's confession:

"I'm Mike, I'm new in town, and I hope that by winning I'll get a lot of new friends."

Mojo's confession:

"This is supposed to be confidential right? I, Mojo Jojo, Will win this petty game show, and then, using the million dollar prize money, I shall purchase a large amount of chemical X! Then, using said chemical X, I shall defeat 'The PowerPuff Girls', then nothing can stop me from taking over 'The City of Townsville'!" Mojo laugh's maniacally. "But before I take over the city, I must defeat The PowerPuff Girls! And in order to do that I need chemical X! But before I can buy all that chemical X, I need to win the prize money! Therefore, I have disguised myself as the inconspicuous 'Michael Jonas' so no-one will recognize me!"

Princess's Confession:

"Greeting my loyal fans. It's me, your Princess. Obviously, I do not need the prize money! The only reason I am here is the publicity. That, and to stick it to those stupid PowerPuff Girls!"

Brick's confession:

"Money and fame doesn't really interest me! I'm here to prove that anything those stupid PowerPuff Girls can do us RowdyRuff Boys can do better!"

Boomer's confession:

"I'm only here because Brick told me to be"

Butch's confession:

"Oh boy, oh boy! I can just tell that this is going to be so much fun!"

The twelve contestants gathered on a small airstrip, awaiting further instructions.

Chris walked in front of them and said in an enthusiastic voice, "Hello contestants, and welcome to- Total Drama: The PowerPuff edition! As you know..."

"Hey!" Princess suddenly cut him off. "Why does it have to be 'The PowerPuff Edition'? Why can't it be Princess's Edition?"

Chris sighed in slight frustration. "Look" he said. "This season's sponsor decided to use the PowerPuff name. If you have any complaints take it up with him, I'm sure he'll be more than happy to replace you."

Princess didn't say anything.

"That's what I thought!" Chris smirked. "Now, as I was saying..."

"Wait a minute!" Bubbles said. "If he's using our group's name, shouldn't we get royalty checks or something?"

"Hey yeah!" Blossom shouted.

"You probably would have" Chris answered. "If you didn't sign a waiver saying you didn't mind."

Blossom grunted in frustration.

"Like I was saying" Chris continued. "You are all competing for a chance to win 1 Million Dollars!"

"Excuse me!" Robin cut in.

"Argh!" Chris grunted. "What now?"

"I don't mean to complain or anything" Robin said. "But with the girls" she indicated the PowerPuff Girls. "And those boys" she pointed to the RowdyRuff Boys. "There won't be much competition."

"If you would let me finish" Chris said. "I was getting to that." He cleared his throat loudly. "Now, since some of you have an unfair advantage, our sponsor acquired a way to neutralize your powers. So if the member of the PowerPuff Girls and the members of the RowdyRuff Boys would please step forward!"

Blossom, Brick, Bubbles, Boomer and Butch all stepped forward to part with their powers.

"Buttercup!" Blossom called to her stationary sister. "Get over here!"

"Sorry what!?" Buttercup said as she rushed to join her sisters. "I had a song stuck in my head and zoned out. What's going on?"

"We're getting our powers taken away, so we don't have an unfair advantage" Blossom told her.

"Cool whatever" Buttercup responded, uninterested.

"So how's this going to work anyway!" Brick, who was the first to reach Chris, asked.

"Our sponsor managed to get his hands on some of this Antidote-X" Chris told him. "You just have to take a needle injection!"

"Needles!?" Bubbles shrieked. "I hate needles!" she ran behind Blossom in an attempt to hide.

"Oh grow up" Brick said as he held out his arm for the injection. "Who's afraid of a tiny little needle?"

Blossom glared at him.

Blossom's confession:

"Who does that arrogant jerk think he is? Taunting one of my sister's like that!"

"Oh shut up you!" Blossom snapped at Brick. To Bubbles she compassionately said, "Don't listen to him. There are lots of people who are afraid of needles."

Bubbles was still reluctant to get a needle as Butch and Boomer got theirs. "I don't care about a lot of people" she muttered. "They don't have to get a needle right now!"

"Come on Bubbles" Buttercup said. You fight giant monsters all the time what's a small needle compared to getting hit by a door sized fist!" she held out her arm for her needle.

"That needle did kind of hurt" Boomer said. Butch nodded in agreement, Brick didn't say anything, but he was holding his arm where he got his needle.

"Yeah well who asked you" Buttercup snapped at Boomer. "I, for one, am not afraid a little prick in the- OW!" she pulled back her arm and covered the area where the needle went."Who taught you how to give a needle!" she yelled at Chris.

"Sorry bro" he said to her.

"Well Bubbles?" Blossom said while walked back rubbing her arm.

"That damn thing hurt" she was heard saying.

Bubbles swallowed and walked up to Chris. She closed her eyes as he gave her the injection. When she was finished she walked back to Blossom.

"That wasn't too bad was it" she asked her. Bubbles shook her head no. "Alright then! We're ready to play this game!"

"Ahem" Blossom heard Chris. She looked around, everyone present was watching her. She laughed nervously.

Blossom's confession:

"To be honest, I'm too crazy about needles either."

Blossom walked towards Chris. "You not re-using those needles are you?" she asked mostly to stall him.

"Individual sterilized needles for each of you" he told her. "Now hold out your arm!"

"That's good" Blossom said. "Because be re-using needles, you run the risk of..." before she could continue, Chris jabbed her with the needle in his hand.

Blossom walked back to the rest of the contestants, rubbing her sore arm.

"Okay then" Chris said. "Now that that is out of the way it's time to..." The sound of a small aircraft droned him out. The aircraft parked in front of them, and out jumped the show's co-host Chef.

"Alright Chris" he said. "Plane's here. Load 'em up and we can ship 'em out.

"Right" Chris responded. "I was just about to announce the..."

"This is the plane we're going to be using?" Princess asked.

"Yes!" Chris simply said.

"'Cause I've seen this show and I was expecting..."

"Our sponsor was very charitable!"

"Of course it's nothing compared to Daddy's private jet"

"I don't care!" Chris snapped at her. "Alright, I was going to announce the teams, but we are starting to run behind. So everyone get on the plane we'll do it in the air"

Everyone lined up to board the plane, when Butch suddenly called out "Wait!"

"What now!?" Chris asked, exasperated.

"I didn't get a chance to interrupt you yet." Butch told him

"Just, get on the plane!"

Brick: damn it Butch stop being an idiot

Butch: hehee

Chris: Get lost, I have to close the chapter. Mhmh, twelve contestants, 1Million Dollars. Who will win? what challenges will they face? Find out right here- on Total Drama: The PowerPuff Edition