Rebel Fighter

Chapter One

Kayla waited patiently in line for the new Star Wars ride in the MGM Studios. It was the newest thing in the park and the wait was extremely long.

"Are we there yet? I want to ride!" Jordan, Kayla's fourteen year old brother whined, as he stood on tiptoe to see over the shoulder of the seven-foot-two guy in front of them.

"Shut up, Jord, we'll get there when we get there!" Kayla said, irritably, as they took a couple of steps forward then stopped again.

"You shut up, Kay! I've been waiting all summer for this ride to open! This is gonna be the coolest thing since Episode Three came out!" Jordan retaliated. Kayla rolled her eyes. she had agreed to bring Jordan to MGM since their foster parents were too busy to bring Jordan. This was almost too much for her seventeen and a half-year-old mind to take. Finally, after enduring another thirty-minute wait, they entered the cool interior of the ride's outer sanctum.

"Please choose a ship type." A mechanized female voice said, when Kayla and Jordan had arrived at a split in the halls. Jordan went left, past a sign that had a black, wheel-like symbol on it.

"Guess that leaves right to me." Kayla thought, as she took the right hall, going past a red, bird-like symbol. Once at the end of her hall, Kayla came to a stop in front of a steel door.

"Now what?" Kayla wondered, as the door opened with a hiss and revealed the interior. Inside was a wall that was lined with orange flightsuits, just like the ones from Star Wars: A New Hope.

"Great. Now I'm gonna look like the Great Pumpkin." Kayla muttered, as she picked a flightsuit that was her size and a helmet. When she'd changed her clothes and locked them in a locker, she tucked her wallet into her pocket and walked out of the room and into the 'docking bay', where her fellow 'pilots' were waiting to be briefed.

"This is stupid! It's just a ride, not a real war!" Kayla thought, half listening to the 'commander' before being dismissed to the 'X-wings'. As she slid into the seat and watched the cockpit close over her, the screens lit up and a voice came from the speaker.

"Please fasten your restraints and prepare yourself. You're about to embark on one of the most dangerous flights of your life. We are about to take down the Death Star. We have a very short time before the battle station is in firing range. Come back safely, young pilot, and may the Force be with you." A man's voice said, before the X-wing's engines hummed to life and the simulation began.

"Yeah right. Whatever." Kayla muttered, as she felt the ship 'lift off' and ascend into the 'sky'. As soon as the ship had come to the starlit darkness of space and the Death Star appeared on the screen, a brilliant light came from the port side of the ship, disorienting Kayla.

"Whoa!" Kayla yelped, as the ship shook violently from an unseen impact, then settled down again.

"Probably some jerk outside trying to scare me!" Kayla thought, in annoyance, as she followed the X-wings in front of her.

"All wings report in." a man's voice said, over the speaker.

"Red Ten standing by." A man's voice said in response to the first.

"Red Seven standing by." Another voice said.

"Red Three standing by." A voice Kayla recognized as being Biggs Darklighter's said in response.

"Red Six standing by." Porkins' voice said, over the speaker.

"Red Nine standing by." Yet another voice reported in.

"Red Two standing by." Wedge's voice replied.

"What is this? Are they making the other park visitors sound like the original Star Wars pilots?!" Kayla thought, as she listened to the pilots sound off.

"Red Eleven standing by." Another man said.

"Red Five standing by." Luke's voice said, calmly.

"Red Four, are you all right back there?" the first voice asked.

"Huh?" Kayla asked, "Are you talking to me?" Kayla asked, again, startled by the sudden attention she was getting.

"Who do you think I'm talking to?" the first voice asked, crisply.

"Erm………Red Four standing by!" Kayla said, satisfying the man on the other end of the transmission.

"Lock S-foils into attack position." The first voice, obviously Red Leader, commanded. Kayla did as she was told and listened as the wings on her X-wing opened.

"We're passing through their magnetic field. Switch your deflectors on. Double front!" Red Leader ordered.

"Look at the size of that thing!" Wedge said, sounding almost frightened by the immensity of the battle station. Kayla had to agree.

"Cut the chatter, Red Two. Accelerate to attack speed. This is it, people!" Red Leader shouted, as they swooped in for the attack. Within seconds, Kayla found herself in the thick of some heavy laser fire. Amidst the sounds of chaos, Kayla heard Luke declare that he was going in. With some difficulty, Luke took out the gun tower.

"Are you all right?" Kayla and Biggs asked, at the same time. They both heard a slight chuckle from Luke's end.

"Got a little cooked, but I'm okay." Luke replied.

"I can't believe this! I'm actually beginning to think that this is real!" Kayla thought, as she rolled her ship to avoid a blast from another tower.

"You're quite good, Red Four." Biggs commented, getting a blush from Kayla.

"Thanks. But keep your attention on the Death Star, Red Three." Kayla said, casually, as she blew the tower into oblivion.

"I'm going in. Cover me, Porkins!" Wedge said, as he turned and started the famous, yet failed, first attack run.

"I'm right with you, Red Two." Porkins replied, as he followed Wedge in. With lasers blazing, the two fighters made an attempt to hit the target, the result of which ending in Porkins getting killed.

"If I'm right, then the part where Biggs gets killed isn't too far away. What if I changed that? Would I be able to save his life?" Kayla wondered, as she listened to an alert that was coming from the Rebel base.

"Squad Leaders, we've picked up a new group of signals. Enemy fighters coming your way." a man's voice calmly stated, even though there was an undertone of anxiety in it.

"My scope's negative. I don't see anything!" Luke objected.

"Pick up your visual scanning. Here they come!" another man's voice said, as TIE fighters screamed towards them.

"Oh, just perfect!" Kayla shouted, sarcastically, as she dodged to avoid getting hit by a barrage of laserfire.

"Watch it, you've got one on your tail!" one other pilot said, as Biggs desperately tried to avoid the lasers.

"They're on me tight! I can't shake him!" Biggs shouted.

"I'm right with you, Red Three!" Kayla shouted.

"I'll be right there!" Luke said, as Kayla got in behind the TIE and blew it to pieces.

"Nice shot, Red Four!" Wedge commented.

"You can say that again!" Luke said, as the announcement came over their speakers that the Gold team was starting its attack run. Just as they did, the guns stopped firing.

"Enemy fighters! They're coming in! Three marks at two-ten!" one of the Gold team's pilots shouted, as three TIEs flew into the trench. Seconds passed and Gold Leader and his wingman were blown to pieces by the TIE fighters.

"Red Leader, this is Base One." DoDonna's voice said, through the speakers of the X-wings.

"Copy Base One." Red Leader replied.

"Keep half your group out of range for the next run." DoDonna commanded.

"Luke, take Red Two, Three and Four. Hold up here and wait for my signal to start your run." Red Leader said, as they all followed the command. With that said, Red Leader led what remained of his group into the trench.

"We should be able to see it by now." Red Ten muttered, as he kept his eyes open for the target.

"Keep your eyes open for those fighters!" Red Leader ordered.

"There's too much interference! Red Five, can you see them from where you are?" Red Ten asked.

"No sign of any…………..wait! Coming in, point three-five." Luke replied, as Kayla chewed her lip, nervous about the final run.

"You nervous, Red Four?" Biggs asked, as they watched Red Leader and his wingman attempt a run down the trench.

"Yeah. Don't know why, though." Kayla said, being perfectly honest.

"Don't worry. It happens to the best of us. Just stick close to me and you'll do fine." Biggs reassured.

"Okay." Kayla replied, almost blushing because Biggs was being so kind to her.

"Biggs, you'll have time to flirt with the lady pilot later. For now, let's pay attention, okay?" Luke asked, sounding a little exasperated.

"Okay, Luke. You sure know how to ruin it for a guy, don't you?" Biggs asked, sounding jovial even though they were in the midst of a life and death struggle.

"It's away!" Red Leader shouted, jubilantly.

"But it won't hit the target." Kayla thought, as she watched the proton torpedo impact on the surface.

"Red Leader, we're right above you. Turn to point oh-five, we'll cover for you." Luke said, as he, Biggs, and Kayla went in to cover for Red Leader.

"I just lost my starboard engine. Get set up for your attack run." Red Leader replied, grimly, before his X-wing exploded. Kayla shuddered as a cold feeling passed through her.

"What was that just now?!" Kayla wondered, as she and her fellow pilots got ready to do their attack run.

"Hey, Red Four, what's your real name?" Luke asked, suddenly.

"M-my name's Kayla Devans, sir." Kayla replied, startled that he'd asked for her name.

"Okay then………Biggs, Wedge, Kayla, let's close it up. We're going in and we're going in full throttle." Luke said, with daring in his voice.

"Right with you, Boss." Wedge said, crisply.

"I'm right with you!" Kayla said, trying to sound brave.

"Luke, at that speed, will you be able to pull out in time?" Biggs asked, sounding concerned about his friend.

"It'll be just like Beggar's Canyon back home." Luke replied, confidently, as he led them into the fray.

"We'll stay back far enough to cover you." Biggs said, as he took up a defensive position behind Luke.

"Here we go. Now to see if I can save Biggs from his fate." Kayla thought, as she took up a position behind Wedge and Biggs. As they flew full throttle down the trench, Kayla started wondering where her brother was; was he in one of the TIEs behind them? Or had he already been shot down?

"Fighters coming in, point three." Biggs said, as Kayla tried to see if she could possibly save Biggs.

"If you desire to protect Biggs, then draw strength from the Force. The Force will help you." A man's voice whispered, in the back of Kayla's mind.

"I'm hit! I can't stay with you!" Wedge shouted, as sparks flew from his X-wing.

"Get clear, Wedge. You can't do any more good back there!" Luke shouted, as Wedge's X-wing veered off.

"Sorry." Wedge said, as he limped from the trench.

"Biggs! They'll be aiming for you next! Stay alert!" Kayla shouted, as she buried her feelings of fear and drew strength from somewhere to say that.

"Okay. Thanks, Kayla!" Biggs replied, then shouted over to Luke, "Hurry, Luke! They're coming in much faster this time!" Biggs shouted, as he avoided volley after volley from the three TIE fighters. Then the TIE in the middle fired a blast………only to have it deflected by an invisible barrier.

"Ha, ha, Vader. Let's see you hit Biggs now." Kayla thought, smirking as she willed the shield around Biggs into existence. She didn't know that she was tapping into her hidden strength, but she knew that she wanted Biggs to survive. Just then, Luke's voice came over the speaker.

"Kayla, Biggs, go ahead and veer off. I'm going to take out that target." Luke said, calmly.

"You sure, Luke?" Biggs asked, noticing that Luke sounded way too calm for being in the middle of battle.

"Yes. You and Kayla both head out. I can take care of this." Luke said, with confidence in his voice.

"Let's go. When Luke hits that thing, I want to make sure that I'm clear before it explodes." Kayla said.

"All right. See ya in a few, Luke." Biggs said, as he and Kayla both veered off. It wasn't seconds later that the Millennium Falcon appeared and took out the TIE fighters that had been behind them the entire time.

All looked up when Han Solo's war cry filled the speakers.

"You're all clear, kid! Now let's blow this thing and go home!" Han shouted, as Chewbacca roared in the background.

"Thank goodness!" Kayla thought, as she and the rest of the remaining Rebel fighters watched as Luke fired his proton torpedo into the vent and then started high-tailing it out of there. Kayla relaxed back in her cockpit, relief plastered on her features. Seconds later, the Death Star exploded into a giant fireball, then even that disappeared.

"Great shot, kid. That was one in a million!" Han shouted, enthusiastically. As they all regrouped, Kayla became aware that she had just changed the course of one man's life and also that 'Star Wars' was no longer just a movie; it had just become real.

"So, what kind of food is there gonna be at the victory celebration?" Kayla asked, getting laughter from Biggs and the other survivors.

"I guess we'll find out, Kayla." Biggs said, as they all headed back to the Rebel base. When they finally touched down, Kayla got her first good look at the base; she was amazed by its immensity.

"Pretty big place, isn't it?" Biggs' voice said, as she got down from her X-wing.

"Yeah. It is." Kayla said, as she watched Luke reunite with Han Solo and Princess Leia.

"You know, I don't remember seeing you around before. You're new around here, aren't you?" Biggs asked, as he took Kayla gently by the arm.

"Erm…………yeah. You could say that." Kayla said, not wanting to tell him that she had initially just entered a ride and somehow ended up in his universe.

"Biggs! Get your butt over here! I want you to meet some friends of mine!" Luke shouted.

"All right, all right! Keep your flightsuit on!" Biggs said, as he and Kayla hurried over to where Luke stood. As introductions began, Kayla let her mind wander; was she really in the 'Star Wars' universe? She had to find out.

"Hey, Luke, would you happen to know anybody by the name of Mark Hamill?" Kayla asked.

"Mark Hamill? Nope, can't say that I have. Why? Is this 'Mark Hamill' a friend of yours'?" Luke asked, confused by the question.

"No!……………Uh…………..Just curious! That's all!" Kayla replied, with a cheesy smile. Luke laughed at her embarrassment.

"Don't worry, we're all in this together. Our adventures have only just started!" Biggs said, grinning ear to ear.

"Miss Kayla, would you mind coming this way, please?" Leia asked.

"S-sure thing!" Kayla said, as she followed Leia out of the docking bay and into a spare room of the temple/base.

"There's going to be a fancy reception after the presentation of the Medals of Honor. Would you like to borrow a dress for the occasion? I could also help you fix your hair, if you like." Leia offered.

"Um………….Sure! Thank you so much!" Kayla said, amazed by how nice Leia really was. After a little bit, Kayla chose a gold ensemble that had transparent silk sleeves and a low cut front. The sleeves and collar were trimmed with amber beads that matched her hair.

"That dress suits you! It matches perfectly with your hair." Leia said, as she gently brushed Kayla's long, honey blond hair into a petite bun. Kayla blushed. She couldn't remember ever being fussed over like this by her foster mother!

"Does it really?" Kayla asked, suddenly self-conscious.

"Absolutely! Take a look in the mirror!" Leia said, as she motioned to the full-length mirror that stood in one corner of the room. Taking Leia's advice, Kayla slowly approached the mirror and looked at her reflection. The reflection was that of a beautiful and dignified young woman, not the Kayla she remembered looking at every day in the bathroom mirror!

"Oh wow………." Kayla murmured, as she looked herself over. Leia chuckled at the reaction.

"I take it that you like what you see?" Leia asked.

"Oh yes! Thank you! Thank you so much!" Kayla said, ecstatic about the way she now looked. Leia smiled warmly.

"You're quite welcome. Now, it's time for me to get ready, since I will be presenting the medals. It would be rather embarrassing to be late and have to push through Luke and Han to get to the stage!" Leia said, as she chose a flowing white dress. Within the hour, both women were ready.

"Princess Leia, they are all waiting on you." Threepio's voice said, from outside of the closed door.

"Be right there! Come along, Kayla!" Leia said, before rushing off. Kayla followed without question. Soon they found themselves in the audience chamber.

"My, my! Kayla Devans! You shine up like a new credit! You look beautiful!" Biggs remarked, as he walked over to her. Kayla blushed; it wasn't often that she got compliments for looking nice.

"What an honor! To be allowed to borrow one of Princess Leia Organa's own dresses for this special occasion!" another woman said, as she admired Kayla's dress. They all fell silent when the trumpets sounded and the Alliance March was played. Kayla smiled when Luke, Han, and Chewie marched down the aisle, with their heads held high. As the medals were placed about the necks of the two men, Kayla felt a sense of pride well up within her.

"Welcome to the Alliance, kid. You're one of us, now." Biggs murmured, then cheered for his friend, as Luke and Han turned around and showed the Alliance their medals.