A/N: Yay, Chapter 19. It's been far too long without a battle moment in the story and longer still since I've actually written one, and I must say, I REALLY enjoyed writing this chapter. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :D As always, thank you for the reviews, favourites and follows, and enjoy the chapter.


"Alison Gunn, I am glad you could make it. Welcome to my home." Donovan Hock was a tall man, though in his sixties he was well built. His hair was black as was his trimmed beard. He wore a fine white suit with a black undershirt. A green rose was pinned to his chest, and fine gold cufflinks were at his wrists. His voice was deep and proud, his accent one that Shepard could not pick up.

"Charmed." Shepard replied, putting on her most confident, enticing voice and extending a hand in greeting.

Hock took her hand and gave it a quick kiss. His beard felt rough against her skin.

"Please, make your way into the main hall and feel free to look around. I'm sure someone of your stature can appreciate some of the fine artworks I have on display."

Shepard gave the man a sly half smile, and made her way into the estate with grace.

Kasumi had not exaggerated when she'd told Shepard, Hockwas a passionate collector of rare and unique, stolen antiquities; the main hall was lined with famous paintings and carvings from every culture in the galaxy, enormous statues and sculptures stood in good light, perfect to view from any angle. The ceiling was set with gold carvings that Shepard recognized as Earthen Egyptian and huge canvases of French and Roman paintings spread across the majority of the ceiling.

Focus. Shepard thought, tearing her eyes from the splendour around her. According to Kasumi, guests were permitted to explore the estate at their leisure, so long as they refrained from entering any locked doors.

And I'm looking for the biggest locked door of them all. Shepard mused silently.

As her eyes scanned the walls, looking for any suspicious openings, she felt a sharp pain in her arm where she had been cut, followed by an explosive wave of agony that pulsed through her entire body.

It took all of Shepard's willpower to maintain her composure. She bit her tongue, making it bleed, in an effort no to cry out.


The virus' voice was as loud as Thresha maws roar, and seemed to echo throughout the house, though no one else heard it.


It will if you don't let me concentrate. Shepard said in her head, directing her thoughts at the virus, and the pain subsided somewhat, leaving a dull ache in its place.

Shepard shook her head, trying to regain her composure. She straightened her back and raised her chin, giving herself an air of confidence and superiority, and walked further into the vast hall.

The other guests were standing around, admiring the artwork and talking amongst themselves.

"I heard that Archangel killed the leaders of all three mercenary groups on Omega." She heard an Asari say, which immediately caught her attention. Word travels fast.

The Asari was beautifully dressed and talking to two Turian men, dressed just as smartly. Shepard approached the trio with elegance in every step. Time to play the part.

"Please, one vigilante taking down three mercenary gang leaders and their men? How do you expect me to believe that the Sun's, Eclipse and Red Pack are so incompetent at their jobs?" Shepard spoke as if the gangs disgusted her, which wasn't hard, as they did.

The group turned to greet Shepard as she approached.

"Allison Gunn," one of the Turians extended a hand in greeting. "I'm sure the Iron Company would have no issue taking Archangel down."

"If the price is right, we'll take down all three councillors and their pet Spectres as well." Shepard smirked, gloating confidently.

"I'm sure the Iron Company is more than capable of such a feat, but would you really want to draw so much attention to ourselves? Your company's methods have never been very discreet." The other Turian folded his arms across his chest and smirked mockingly at Shepard.

"Why would we want to be discreet? We get paid a fortune for a… simple job, and we gain the fear of anyone who would dare oppose us."

"And I'm sure the galactic military would take it with a grain of salt and stay out of such matters?" the Asari questioned. The second Turian let out a bark of laughter.

Shepard frowned slightly. "If you have the right contacts, you can kill anyone, anywhere, with impunity. Besides, I was merely pointing out the capability of my men. Leave the singular targets to the Marked Men, I'm sure they would jump at the chance to take out such high ranking officials."

"My Marked Men…" A Drell walked up to them, obviously aware of the conversation. "My Marked Men refuse to meddle in the affairs of politics, such is our code."

Shepard looked the man up and down, realising who he must be. The Marked Men were a group of highly skilled assassins, almost certainly the most deadly assassins in the galaxy. The reason for their high renown was the fact that they killed the target given, and only the target. They did not kill anyone who tried to get in their way, and were rarely put in situations that might tempt them too, as they were stealthier than ghosts. They left no evidence behind at the scene of an assassination, aside from a single stab wound in a targets heart. Clean and surgical they liked to call it.

"I had no idea a marked man official would here." The Asari said in surprise. "I always thought your preferred to stay away from such events."

"A term of courtesy, from my order to our good host, Mr Hock." The Drell smiled, his voice was calm and relaxed, like the water on a lake.

He turned his head to look at Shepard. "Miss Gunn, my name is Kalibar Thorn. You met one of my contractors, Mr Ivan Strahmn on Earth about a month and a half ago?"

Shit, I don't know anything about this! Shepard thought. She had read dossiers on Alison Gunn's recent activities, so she'd run less risk of exposing herself at the party, but she didn't recall seeing anything relating to an Ivan Strahmn.

Luckily the Asari interrupted. "Strahmn, isn't he the Leading Commander of that human organization… what it is called… Blackreach?"

"Blackwatch." Kalibar corrected. "And yes, he is their leading commander. In fact, Miss Gunn and I were assigned similar targets. They charged my Marked Men to track and kill a human bio experiment Alex Mercer, and they demanded the Iron Company bring in Commander Shepard, who apparently is still alive." He glanced at Shepard, his eyes moving so quick, she was sure the others didn't even notice.

He knows! Her heart began to race. Damnit what am I doing, I have a job to do!

"Pardon me as I must use the ladies room." Shepard said, trying to sound as dignified and unfazed as she could, given the circumstances.

She quickly followed the signs to the restrooms and locked herself in one of the cubicles.

Okay, first step is getting some of Hock's DNA, a hair or skin sample should do just find. Then I have to get a voice recording for the recognitions system. But I don't even know where the vault is yet… damnit I'm running out of time!

Suddenly her head exploded with pain so great, she was sure her head was going to split in half.

She screamed and fell to the floor, writhing in agony, waiting desperately for the pain to stop.

Once it had subsided, she got to her feet, shuddering, and thankful that the cubicles here were soundproof.

She felt significantly weaker than she had before, as if she had aged seventy years. She looked at her hand and tried to summon some biotic energy. There was a faint orange flicker around her palm, but nothing more.

It's starting to weaken me. She realised, as panic bloomed in her chest. She pushed it back down with all of her willpower, knowing that panicking would only make the situation worse.

Okay, I have to move fast now. First step is to find Hock and get the samples, then I'll worry about finding the vault.

Shepard exited the cubical and made her way back to the main hall. The guests were gathering together now, forming a small crowd, so Shepard made her way over to the, curious.

Hock stepped out into the middle of the crowd, striking his wine glass with his gold cufflinks to get everyone's attention.

"I thank you, respected guests, for accepting my invitation to join me in celebration of the year's success."

There was a short applause.

"It was not an easy life we chose to lead. Most of us started off from nothing, desperately trying to claw our way out of poverty and crime. But those of us that made it realised that the only way out was to embrace the crime around us, become part of the circle, and work together as a stable organisation in order to survive.

"We started off as petty tools, true. But those among us here were obviously the ones with the most ambition, the greater determination for more. It was through sheer will, sweat, and blood that we made it to the ranks of leaders, officials, and skilled businessmen and women that we are today. Some of us are killers, some are thieves, some of us whisper in the council's ear in order to tip the scales in our favour.

"What we must all keep in mind is this: we are all one circle, one massive machine that relies of each part in order to run effectively. We are family!"

More applause, longer and louder this time.

Hock raised his glass in a toast. "To success, and the success of the future!"

Success!" a few dozen voices echoed.

"Now I would like to initiate the main event of the evening. Miss Gunn, if you would join me?"

Shepard became fully aware of the attention directed at her. This hadn't been in the briefing… she walked forward, towards where Hock was standing.

"I must first extend my gratitude for joining us here tonight." Hock said in a warm voice… but there was something wrong with the way he said it.

"You're invitation was most graciously received." Shepard replied, forcing a smile.

"I would like to ask a question of you now..." Hock snapped his fingers.

Gunmen stepped out from everywhere; behind pillars, artwork, from under tables, around corners and out of doorways. All of them were aiming their weapons at Shepard.

'Tell me why it is, that Alison Shepard saw necessary to break into my home, posed as the leader of the Iron Company?"


Shepard didn't know what to say. How the hell did he know? Did the Marked Man Drell say something? How had he known?

"Come now, we're all curious… and anxious, to know how you managed to take down the leader of one of the ruthless mercenary organizations in known space?"

Shepard knew there was no point trying to hide it. She forced a smile. "I have a good team." She said.

Hock laughed, and so did the guests, though it was hollow and intimidating.

"Well then, I must say I'm impressed. Perhaps I will contact them, offer them a chance in my service. Or perhaps the real Miss Gunn would offer them the opportunity to be a part of the Iron Company… That is if she is willing to look past the fact that you killed her guards, knocked her out and shoved her inside a utility closet."

Shepard opened her mouth to reply, but was quickly interrupted by a woman's voice.

"I'd much rather prefer to see them dead. Perhaps I will make you watch as my men pour molten iron down their throats, Commander."

Alison Gunn stepped out of one of the doorways, striding over to Shepard with a wicked smirk on her face. One of her cheeks was bruised where Garrus' concussive round had hit her.

Crap, how the hell did she escape?

"Miss Gunn." Shepard said, bowing her head mockingly. "I see you've come to join us. How's the face?"

Gunn slapped Shepard hard across the cheek, making the skin sting and sending Shepard stumbling.

"A lot finer than yours will be when I'm done with you." Gunn growled, striking her again, this time on the other side.

The attacks wouldn't have even made Shepard flinch if she was at her full strength, but she could feel the Whitelight virus clawing at her insides, slowly ripping her apart.

"You're lucky… I don't have my pistol right now…" Shepard growled, splitting out a gob of blood.

"And what would you do with it, dare I ask; shoot me? These men would gun you down before you could pull the trigger." She hit Shepard again, sending her to the ground.

Get up! She yelled at her body, but it would not obey.

"I'm going to teach you a lesson in humility, before I have you bound and dragged off." Gunn snapped, walking over to a display of vases, running a hand over each one. "Tell me, does the fearless commander Shepard like the taste of glass?"

Shepard looked up just in time to see Gunn standing over her with an Egyptian vase in one hand. She brought it down in Shepard's head, smashing in to pieces and cutting Shepard's face.

It was at that moment where her entire body exploded in pain, this time, more intense than the last. Shepard howled in agony, squirming of the floor in a mess of blood and glass.

"Come now, it can't be all that bad." Gunn smiled cruelly, grabbing another vase off the display. "After all, you've suffered exposure to space's vacuum haven't you… or is that just another one of your great deceits?"

Shepard did not care of Gunn's taunts, or the crowds snickering, or Hocks loud laughter. All she could feel was the pain, nothing else mattered, nothing else existed, just the mind numbing, body crushing, life consuming PAIN!


The voice rang out as clear as metal striking crystal, and the shot that followed as loud and a nuclear blast.

One of the men at Gunn's side dropped dead, a bullet wound right through his head. A second dropped an instant later.

That's when it all happened at once. The glass windows at the end of the great hall exploded inwards, the fragments hailing down upon the party guests and armed gunmen.

The crowd panicked, running in all directions at once, desperately trying to avoid being caught in any crossfire or being bombarded with debris.

Thane suddenly appeared out of nowhere, taking down two men that were advancing on Shepard with the speed on a snake, and another three dropped an instant later, killed by an unseen sniper


Gunn grabbed Shepard by the hair and dragged her across the marble floor, out of the chaos.

"You fucking bitch!" Gunn roared, pulling out a pistol and using it to smack Shepard in the face.

"You think you can humiliate me like this, kill my men, and crash my associates party?!"

She brought the pistol down again, not that Shepard felt the impact due to the pain already coursing through her body.

"I can't get a shot!" she heard Garrus' voice faintly over the chaos surrounding them.

"I'm going to make you death slow and painful. But not before I make you watch as I personally tear your crew apart!"

She brought the gun down again, smashing Shepard's nose and splattering blood everywhere. Shepard felt it then, the same feeling she'd felt as she plummeted through space the day the Normandy was attacked by the Collectors… as she felt her body slowly being torn apart from within, as she felt her conscious being smothered, she knew she was going to die.

It was that moment that the virus reached out, and in a last ditch effort, flooded Shepards head with crystal clear images of her crew, her friends, her family being slowly tortured to death… and Alison Gunn laughing menacingly.

Rage ran through Shepard like a flood, washing away the pain and fuelling her with a single goal.


As the pistol came down, Shepard caught Gunn's wrist in mid-air with one hand, and her throat with the other. Will all the physical strength she could muster, she threw Gunn over her head with a raw throated war cry.

Finally free to move, Shepard rolled to her feet, pushing the pain in her body back with her own internal desire to kill Gunn, to make sure she could not harm a single cell on the bodies of those she held most dear.

Gunn rolled to her feet as well, and aim her weapon at Shepard. Shepard launched a kick, tearing the pistol from Gunn's grasp, her speed stunning the other woman for a split second, enough time for Shepard to follow up the an explosive punch to the gut.

Gunn grunted and shoved a hand at Shepard, glowing with biotic energy. Shepard was launched through the air, slamming into the ground ten meters away with a crack, several of her ribs breaking at the force of the impact.

Shepard cringed as she tried to get up, only noticing at the last second the Gunn was hover over her, her fist drawn back. Shepard rolled to the side, barely escaping the biotic fist aimed at her head. Gunn's hand drove into the ground, burying itself up to the elbow.

Shepard used the time to get to her feet, trying to ignore the pain in her back and sides, excruciating as it was. She tried to flare her own biotic, but they would not obey her commands, only flickering briefly in her hand.

Gunn pulled her fist out of the ground with a hard yank, facing Shepard off yet again.

"You just don't know when to fucking give up." Gunn growled, spitting out a gob of blood. She swung at Shepard, who narrowly dodged the punch, ducking to the side.

Gunn let out a roar of anger and swung her leg around to sweep Shepard's feet out from under her. Shepard jumped backward, but lost her footing on a piece of rubble and fell backwards on her injured ribs, letting out a cry of pain.

She tried to get up again, but slammed back to the ground at Gunn sat down herd on her chest.

Shepard felt hands around her throat, and they began to tighten, cutting off her supply of air. She gasped, desperately clawing at the ground for something, anything she could use as a weapon. Her hands closed around a fist sized lump of marble pillar, and she swung it at Gunn's head.

The other woman fell to the side, almost sliding off Shepard, her hands loosening for a second allowing Shepard to draw a quick breath before they closed again, this time tighter than before.

"I'm going to crush you." Gunn snarled, her hands glowing with biotic energy, and her hands tightening further.

Shepard's eyes widened as she realised Gunn intended to crush the vertebrae in her neck.


The virus screamed in her head as black dots appeared in Shepard's vision. Shepard clawed around again, trying to find another piece of marble, or stone, or anything she could use to throw Gunn off.

"Shepard! Catch!" Shepard glanced to the side in time to see the Marked Man Drell throw an object to Shepard. It glinted as it caught the light.

Shepard reached up and caught the ornamental dagger by the handle, grasping it firmly.

Gunn caught the glint of the blade out of the corner of her eye, her eyes widening in shock. Shepard brought her hand around, stabbing the dagger into the left side of Gunn's neck, and out the other side.

Shepard felt the muscles in the other woman clench once, before her hand went slack around her neck, and she slumped forward with a gurgling choke.

Dropping the dagger at her side, Shepard used her remaining strength to push Gunn's limp body off her, and forced herself to her knees.

She glanced over at the Drell who had tossed her the dagger. He gave her a sly smile, before darting off into the dust and shadows.

Shepard looked over to where the wall had exploded, and saw the Normandy hovering just outside the gap. The cargo bay door was opened, and her crew was firing down at the Iron Company mercenaries.

"Shepard!" she heard Garrus yell as he dropped from his perch a few meters away and quickly made his way over.

"Garrus." Shepard said weakly, giving him a slight smile before pain arched through her body like lightning.

She screamed, falling back to the floor wither she remained withering.

No, no not like this! Shepard and the virus thought simultaneously and she felt her muscles and bones begin to break apart.

"Where the hell is Kasumi?" Garrus roared over the chaos.

"Still down in the vault!" Thane's voice responded, sounding worried.

"Just hold on Shepard, just hold on a little longer." Garrus cradled Shepard's head in his arms, looking down at her with fear.

Shepard's vision was blurred as she looked back up at Garrus, and she felt tears roll down her face.

"Garrus…" She whispered, reaching a trembling hand up to touch one of his mandibles. Garrus put one of his own hands over Shepard's, holding it against the side of his face.

"Remember that night on Noveria?" he whispered to her. Despite the sounds of gunfire, and explosions and men yelling, His voice was all Shepard could hear.

"I should have told you… I should have told you how much you meant to me after that. When you died… I never got the chance to tell you, and I regretted it every day since that."

Shepard looked into his icy blue eyes. They were so fierce, so strong, but filled with so much care an compassion…

"I know Garrus… I know that now." Shepard whispered back. "When you gave up everything you had… to save my life… to save me from myself… I knew…"

Garrus closed his eyes tight, and leaned forward to press his forehead against Shepard's.

"Don't go away again." There were no tears on his face, but the fear and pain in his voice told her all she needed to know.

"I will… never… lave you again." Shepard whispered fiercely, pressing her forehead harder against his. "I will… never… stop… fighting!"

With her last strength, she pulled herself up, and wrapped her arms around her best friend, the only person in that galaxy that could possibly ever understand her, care for her, and protect her the way he did.

Kasumi was right. She realised then. He's more than just a friend to me.

"Shepard!" Kasumi voice rang out, and Shepard's eyes snapped open. She looked over at the young thief slide to a stop beside her, ducking low to avoid being put in the fire lines of the Iron Company mercs.

"I hate to break this up, but you have to take this right now!" Kasumi held out a heavy duty syringe; it was obviously designed to survive any kind of trauma.

Shepard gave Kasumi a quick nod. "Do it!"

Kasumi pulled off the metal cap, and plunged the needle into Shepard's thigh, injecting the Whitelight cure into her system.

Shepard gasped as an icy sensation ran up her leg, through her torso, and into her heart. It stung like a bitch.

"It should take a few moments for the cure to take effect, but you should be okay now. Just stay low, and try to avoid detection. Garrus, you and I will cover her."

Garrus gently laid Shepard down and nodded, picking up his rifle from where it lay at his side. His face was full of relief.

"Commander Shepard!"

It was Hock's voice.

It was only then that the three of them realised that the gunfire had stopped. Shepard looked up at the Normandy. Her crew were frozen, their guns pointing down at one particular spot. Shepard craned her neck to look up at where Hock had shouted at her from.

Hock was standing at the other end of the hall, a gun in his hand, pointed directly under Thanes throat, whom he had in a tight lock in his other arm.

"Come out now Commander, unless you want to see your assassins brains splayed against the wall!"

Garrus began to raise his rifle, but Shepard stopped him with a quick motion of her hand. She got up slowly, looking hock directly in the eye.

"Let him go Hock. It's over." Shepard called across the hall. Her body still felt weak, but the pain was beginning to subside.

"Over? You come into my home, destroy millions of credits worth of artifacts and architecture, kill my associates and her men as well as my own, and expect it to be over?" Hocked eyes were wide with rage, and he pressed the gun harder against Thanes neck.

"You have the resources to repair all of this." Shepard tried to reason. "We have what we came for. Let him go and we will leave. Continuing to fight will gain you nothing."

Hock smiled manically. "Do you think I'm just going to let you walk away? After all of this?! No… you're going to pay Shepard, mark my words."

"Then take me." Shepard said, raising her chin. "You kill Thane; my crew will open fire on you and your men. Take me, and I guarantee you that they will stand down."

'Shepard no!" Garrus snapped, making to stand, but Shepard shot him a quick glance, stopping him in his tracks. She looked back at Hock, who seemed to be considering her offer.

"Fine. You tell your crew to lower their weapons, you come over here, and I'll let the assassin go." He finally said, smiling confidently.

"You heard him, stand down!" Shepard yelled back at her crew. They hesitated briefly, before slowly lowering their weapons.

Shepard looked back at Hock and began to make her way towards him.

Hock threw Thane aside once Shepard was close enough, aiming his gun at her instead.

"Thane, get back to the ship." Shepard said calmly, looked at the Drell.

Thane looked back at her, not saying a word, but nodded, obviously understanding.

Hock smile widened as Thane walked away. "You made a poor choice Shepard." He said, stepping forward until his gun was press right up against her forehead. "I'll deal with your crew soon enough. But right now, I kill you"

He pulled the trigger.

Shepard's head snapped back as the round slammed into her head, blood splattering Hock.

Hock stood there, a low chuckle beginning to form in his throat. It slowly died however, as Shepard slowly lowered her head back, to look Hock in the eyes. The wound on her head only made it to the bone, and the flesh was already healing. Her eyes were flaming orange, and the veins on her forehead an unnatural shade of black.

"I said my crew would stand down." Shepard smiled menacingly, grabbing Hocks gun with one hand and effortlessly crushing it.

Hock opened his mouth but before he could command his men to fire, Shepard grabbed him by the throat.

"I never said anything about standing down myself." She whispered, her hand materializing into four, enormous black claws.

Hocks eyes widened in fear, a second before Shepard brought the claws down, slicing Hock in half lengthwise, and completely obliterating his head and torso.

Hock men shouted in fear, and aimed their weapons at Shepard.

Shepard wasted no time, and erected a biotic barrier around herself, stopping the rounds from harming her. Then, with an almighty roar, let loose a monstrous outburst of energy, blasting every remaining Iron Company mercenary and Hocks guards into ashes.

Shepard lowered her arms, letting her power sink back into the darkest corners of her being, and the virus' influence slipped out of her mind without a single thought.

Its mine now. Shepard sighed, allowing herself a relieved smile. My body is mine. The virus is mine. I control it now.

"Shepard." She heard Garrus growl from behind her, and she turned to look at him. He was scowling. "That was a damn reckless thing to do." His voice was low, low enough so that only she could hear.

Shepard crossed her arms, and tried to hide her smile, knowing that was struggling to do the same.

A few seconds passed until Garrus could hold it in no longer. He let out a laugh, of happiness and relief, and pulled Shepard into a tight embrace.

Shepard laughed as well, returning the gesture. She looked around at the destruction, the shadows of the men she'd turned to ash were burnt against the walls and pillars, and soon her laughs turned into half sobs as well, tears streaking down her face.

This battle is over, but the fight is far from over. She remembered, knowing that there would be a lot more death and destruction before the end.

Back on the Normandy, Shepard thanked everyone for their help against Hock and his men before they went off to sleep, worn out from the events of the day.

Shepard walked into the lounge where Kasumi was staying, intending to get some answers from her.

"I planned it all out." Was Kasumi's answer when Shepard asked. "Gunn escaping the utility room, Hock knowing who you were, even the Marked Man assassin who helped you, the Normandy coming in to save the day, all of it."

"Why?" Shepard asked stiffly, surprised at Kasumi's honesty.

"I needed a convincing distraction. I fed information to Hock, posing as one of his informants, and I planned with him to blow your cover. While everyone was distracted with you, I broke into is vault and acquired the cure and the item I was after myself."

"You deceived me and my crew. Why didn't you just go along with what we already had planned?" Shepard demanded.

"It never would have worked, not with a solid guarantee. I knew this plan was far more likely to succeed, because I know what Hock was like; Proud, arrogant. He would have taken too much pleasure in capturing you and delivering you to Gunn."

"The Marked Man, he said Gunn was working for Blackwatch." Shepard said.

"A lie, to warn you that you cover could be blown, so that you might've been more prepared." Kasumi stated simply.

"So you put the lives of me and my crew in danger, to undertake some ridiculously reckless and risky heist that could have resulted in everyone deaths? Including your own?" Shepard knew Kasumi's intentions were good, but she could not trust someone who could so easily deceive her.

"It worked didn't it? Yes it was risky but sometime we have to make risky decisions for the greater good. You know about that, don't you Commander?"

Shepard thought back to when she and joker had stolen the original Normandy against the council's wishes, and put the lives of her crew, Anderson, and herself at high risk.

And that had paid off as well.

"Thank you." Shepard finally said. "I don't appreciate being deceived like that, but I understand the reasoning behind it." She extended a hand. "I'd welcome you aboard the crew, if you can promise to be straight with me from now on."

Kasumi laughed, taking Shepard's hand and shaking it. "I can't make any promises, but I won't make any more rash decisions under you Command. I'll gladly join your fight against the Collectors."

Shepard smiled. I think I'll grow to like this girl. She mused silently.