Hi Everyone.

Here it is,

after the long hiatus




The last chapter of The Phoenix is Reborn.












I do have plans for a sequel

so look out for it~!

Rin P.O.V.

Len carried me back home in his arms. I could tell from his silence and expression he was thinking deeply about something. He seemed nervous and I wanted to know why. But I decided not to bother him as he flew.

Even though I felt fine now, he refused to let me fly myself home.

When we got there, Len carefully placed me down on the doorstep before knocking on the door. There was no reply. Len checked his pocket for his key, but he told me he left it inside. So Len knocked again and this time someone answered.

"Who's there?" An unfamiliar voice asked from the inside.

I heard Len gulp, "Len Kagamine."

The door opened and all I remember seeing was a bright flash of light before blanking out.

When my eyes opened, I found myself in the middle of a grassy field. Instantly I knew where I was and felt calmer too. This was the park a mile away from my parents' old house. They used to take me and Rinto here every day when I was little and I went there often to relax.

I walked around to a tall oak tree where my father built a swing for Rinto and me to play on. I sat down and listened to the squeaking noise the swing made as I moved back and forth.

"Oh Yuki, I wanted to take you here more than anything," I sighed. I examined the scenery around me as I swung, but stopped once I noticed something in the distance.

Two people, a man and a woman, were walking towards me. In between them, holding the woman's hand was a little girl with light brown hair and hazel eyes. She skipped as the man and the woman walked and a sweet smile covered her face.

As they came closer, I recognized the man and woman. They were my parents. Both of them were wearing the clothes they had on before they died in the crash. However I still didn't recognize the little girl. It clearly wasn't me, so who was it?

Something made me run to them. I wasn't sure what, but I felt the need to go to them. I stopped when I was a few feet away from them, and they stopped too.

"Mommy," the little girl exclaimed before running up to me. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. That's when I realized who this was. It was Yuki.

I bent down so I was her height and hugged her back. My parents walked up to us and I saw my mom smile. Just seeing them made my eyes well up with tears.

"Mommy," Yuki asked. "Why are you crying?"

I wiped my tears away. "Because Yuki, I'm so happy to see you."

I stood up and Yuki still hugged me around my legs. I looked at my parents and felt myself smile.

"Rin," my mother began. "I'm so sorry. Your father and I wanted to be with you, to protect you."

"We've seen it all Rin," my father placed a hand on my shoulder. "And we felt so helpless watching it."

I felt a few tears roll down my cheeks. Yuki tugged on the hem of my shirt.

"Mommy, can you stay with us?"

"I'm sorry Yuki," I knelt down and hugged her. "I wish I could, but I-."

I didn't want to lie to my daughter, but I had no clue what to tell her.

"Your mommy has to go away," My mom bent down next to us. "But she'll come back and we can all play together then."

"Really?" Yuki exclaimed. "You mean mommy will stay with us?"

I nodded my head. "I promise I'll come back Yuki."

"Pinky promise?" Yuki held up her pinky finger. After I wrapped mine around her's.

"I pinky promise to come back," I smiled. Then it all became distorted and the faces of Yuki and my parents faded away.

"Where am I? Where's the field?" I asked when I woke up in an unfamiliar all white room. The walls, floor and bed beneath me were all white. How could I have gotten from the field to here? Wait, my parents and Yuki aren't even alive, "It must have just been a dream."

I sat up in a simple white bed and looked around some more. Besides the bed it was empty. There were no windows so I had no clue of figuring out where I was. Across from me was a door. Carefully I walked over and tried to open it.

"Of course it's locked," I sighed as I landed back on the bed. Then soon after, I heard someone knock on the door. "Who is it?"

"Me," Neru sighed. "Come on already. The Heavenly Council needs to meet with you and Len."

"W-w-what?" I stuttered. "Am I in heaven?"

"Yeah," Neru replied as she opened the door. Her wings were opened behind her and she was wearing a white dress. "Don't worry, you're not dead. They just need to talk to you and Len."

"What about?" I was very confused about what was going on.

Neru shrugged her shoulders. "I have no idea. I was just sent to get you."

I got up off the bed and followed Neru out of the room. There she led me to the edge of a cliff. She told me we had to fly in order to get to heaven. I let out my amber wings and flew next to Neru. The entire flight we were both silent. Neru seemed nervous about something, but I didn't ask. Well I was nervous too. What did the Heavenly Council want with Len and me? Did we do something wrong?

Len P.O.V.

I stood in front of the Heavenly Council. We were waiting for Rin to show up before anything started. Everyone was silent and nervously I toyed with the hem of my shirt. It was so weird to be back in heaven when I've been on the earth for so long. I could feel the council glaring at me, so I reverted my eyes down to the floor.

Eventually Rin arrived with Neru. I assumed they flew here since both of them had opened wings. Rin's disappeared into her back while Neru folded her's back up. Rin stood by my right and Neru was on my left. The Heavenly Council asked Neru to leave after she arrived, saying they wanted to speak to Rin and I in private.

"What do you have to tell my brother that I can't be there to hear?" Neru exclaimed. The leader of the council went up to her and whispered something in her ear. When he backed away, Neru's expression changed and she instantly ran out without another word to either Rin or I. I didn't want to know what the leader told Neru, but I knew I'd soon find out.

"Len Kagamine, Rin Kagani," The leader of the council began. "You have both been summoned here so the council may decide your fate."

He looked over at Rin with a cold and piercing stare. I could tell she was nervous and gently I held onto her hand.

"Rin Kagani, you are the Phoenix. Correct?"

"Y-y-yes," Rin stuttered. I could tell she was nervous, I even felt her hand get a little clammy.

"This angel promised to protect you," The council leader pointed to me, "Did he not?"

"He did," I was wondering what the council was getting at by asking Rin these tedious questions. They knew about my vow and Rin being the Phoenix because I alerted them about that when I began training Rin.

"Was that promise fulfilled?" Of course they were going to bring this up. I was assuming they would.

"Yes," Rin nodded her head. I looked at her confusedly after her response. She knew I broke the vow, so why did she lie? Did she want both of us to get into even more trouble then we will be?

"But he let you end up in the Underworld!" One of the council members exclaimed. "How can you say he protected you when you almost died?"

Rin held tightly onto my hand, "Because it wasn't his fault for me getting captured. I made my choice and you can't blame Len for that."

Everyone was silent.

"Len Kagamine," The council leader turned to me, "Do you know what the punishment is for breaking a vow? Or going into the Underworld?"

I bit my lip as I remembered the punishment. They wouldn't do that, would they? I looked over at Rin who was confused and scared. She has no idea what I possibly got her into.

'I'm so sorry Rin.'

Rin P.O.V.

"Yes, I do," Len muttered.

He looked at me from the corner of his eye. I could tell the punishment wasn't something I wanted to hear. I clutched even tighter on his hand as I expected the Council leader to tell me the punishment.

"Does Rin know?" The leader asked Len.

"No," Len reverted his gaze to the floor. "I never told her." He let go of my hand, making me feel alone and uneasy.

"Well should I tell her, or you?"

"You," Len grunted.

The leader looked me directly in the eyes. He placed his hands on my shoulders and held me tightly so I couldn't move my arms.

"The punishment for breaking a vow is banishment from Heaven. Len is no longer able to return after leaving here today. Len is banned from having any contact to any other angels, no matter who they are to him."

"Is that it?" I nervously asked.

The leader shook his head. "Either Len is forbidden to ever coming near you again, or you have to take his life." The leader let go of me and walked a few steps away from me. I looked at Len and felt my throat turn dry. Why was he being punished for what I did? It's not fair to him!

"Why are you doing this?" I exclaimed angrily and I felt flames form in my hands.

"Rin stop," Len placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me to face him.

"No!" I pushed away from him and turned back to the council. "I was the one who broke the vow. Don't punish Len for my actions. And if it wasn't for the demons and the Devil, none of this would've happened!"

"Rin," Len exclaimed. "Stop this. It's alright."

"No it's not!" I cried. Len wrapped his arms around me as I cried into his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair. Len let go of me and wiped away my tears. "I can't lose you again."

"Rin, I'll always be with you," Len caressed my face as he held my hand. "No matter what happens, we'll be together."

"Len," The leader began, "You may choose your fate, death or separation from Rin. Choose wisely and suffer which ever punishment you choose."

We were all silent as we waited for Len's answer.

It felt like hours and I thought I'd faint if this went on any longer.

Len let go of my hand and walked up to the leader.

I listened to his shoes clanking against the marble floor beneath us.

"Death," Len muttered. I felt my heart sink. "I don't want to be alive if she is no longer with me."

"What?" I exclaimed once I heard his answer. "Len, you can't make me do this!"

Len didn't say a word to me. He looked over at the floor, away from me. He went down on one knee as the leader went behind him and cuffed his wrists. Another council member got up and grabbed Len's wings. They were chained to the floor of the room. Len didn't even struggle or try to break free; he just let them chain him up.

"I won't do it!"

"Rin," Len growled, "Do it!"

I felt my eyes water once he said that.

"Do as he asks," The leader replied calmly, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I pulled my body away from the leader's reach and slowly walked closer to Len. I forced myself to form flames in my hands. I didn't want to, but it was what Len wished. I loved him and if this was what he wanted, I'd do it.

Then I shaped them into a dagger.

Once it was done, I moved it towards Len. As it moved towards his chest, tears ran down my cheeks. Len held his head down so I couldn't see his face or see me cry.

Why did this have to happen?

Why did have to end this way?

I reverted my eyes since I couldn't watch myself kill him.

Still I moved the blade closer.

The blade was inches away from Len's chest.

I didn't want to move it any closer, but I had to.

"Stop!" I heard a voice exclaim.

I dropped the dagger and watched the flames go out once it hit the ground.

"What are you doing?" The leader growled.

"Please Leader, let me explain," one of the council members began, "Rin has a point. If the Devil never sent the demons after her, the vow wouldn't have been broken. Len had nothing to do with it."

"So what do we do then?" The leader exclaimed.

"Well we have to have someone protecting Rin," The council member reasoned. "If we don't they could go after her again. And Len needs someone too. Since he almost killed the Devil and freed Rin, the Devil and the demons will be plotting their revenge against him."

"That's true."

Len slowly and shakily stood up and walked next to me.

The leader thought about everything and then he had an idea. "Rin, Len, I won't punish either of you if you both vow to protect each other and finish what Len started and kill the Devil. If you do so, then what happened will be forgotten and neither of you will be punished. However if you don't then Len what we explained to Rin before will happen. Understand?"

Both Len and I nodded our heads.

"But we won't let both of you go away just like that," The leader grinned. "Len, because you went to the Underworld we'll give you back your memories from when you were alive. They will test your devotion, just so you know."

"I understand," Len seemed nervous about getting his memories back. I didn't know why it was a bad thing, but I knew I'd find out soon.

"And Rin," The leader turned to me, "Because you claim you were partially the cause of the vow being broken, whatever happened because of the demons' interferences in your life, you must fix. If any relationships were ruined or anything of that sort, you must fix them to prove you're loyal to people in past, present and future."

I didn't exactly understand the reasoning behind my 'punishment' if you want to call it that. But I told the leader I understood.

"You two should head back to earth immediately. Rin, Len the council dismisses you."

Len held out his hand and I accepted it. We turned away from the council and walked out of the room. When we left the sight of the council, I felt my eyes fill up with tears.

"Rin," Len exclaimed. "What's wrong?"

"N-n-nothing," I cried. "I just thought I'd lose you forever and-."

"Rin," Len caressed my face. "After all we went through; I don't think you could lose me that easily."

Len cupped my chin and held me close.

Seconds later our lips met in a kiss.

Something I never thought would happen again.

I want to thank EVERYONE who has read, reviewed, followed and/or favorited this story.

You guys made me want to continue this story.

And you made me feel like someone really cared.

I can't thank you guys enough~!

Hope to see you at the sequel and my other stories.

