The Road To Love

Rating: Rated T

Disclaimer: Fairy TailĀ® by Mashima Hiro

Lucy's P.O.V:

'I'm such an idiot' I said in my head.

'But Natsu's an even bigger idiot for not noticing my feelings!'

I started walking faster just wanting to get home and scream into my pillow.


"Hey Lucy, have you told Natsu yet?" asked Mirajane, one of the few people I can talk to about my crush.

"Mira-chan, do you have to bring that up now?" I asked trying to make sure no one was listening.

"Lucy, I think it's time you told him... If you don't, then someone might take him..." said Mira-chan as she looked over at Lisanna, who was laughing with Natsu.

It had been a week since Lisanna came back. Everyone had thought she was dead but she had just gone to another world called Edolas.

"Mira-chan, you know he doesn't feel the same way..." I responded sadly.

"Lucy, you'll never know unless you try!" Mira said trying to encourage me.

"I'm going home Mira-chan." I said as I grabbed my bag and started walking away.

"Lucy..." I heard Mira-chan say to herself.


I know I haven't told him yet, but the least he could do is talk to me. Ever since Lisanna came back, he hasn't really talked to me. The only time Natsu did talk to me was when he was asking if Lisanna would like a heart necklace or a flower one...Even Gray and Erza were ignoring me! I thought at least one of them would talk to me... Looks like I was wrong... I guess I'll just have to admit that Natsu loves Lisanna and there's nothing I can do to stop love... I'll just have to move on now...

Who knew love was this complicated? Probably EVERYONE but me. I was angry at myself now for not confessing to Natsu.

"Dammit..." I mumbled to myself.

As I mumbled to myself, I suddenly crashed into someone and landed right on my butt.

"Oww..." We both groaned at the same time.

"Sorry about that. But you should be more careful when you walk." Said the stranger.

"Uh... Yea. I guess your right" I replied as I looked up to see who I bumped into.

NO WAY... It couldn't be... The man stood up and held out his hand.

"Need some help?" said the man smiling.

The man who was standing right in front of me was my old friend. No... He wasn't just an old friend. He was my BEST friend when I was little. Hiroki Kimura.

He had shaggy light brown hair that sometimes covered his eyes and warm brown eyes that always say 'I'm here for you'. He was wearing a black T-shirt with a cross necklace and long black pants. (A/N: If you can't imagine him, then I'll just say he's really hot XD)

"H-Hiroki... W-What are you doing in Magnolia?" I stuttered.

"Long time no see Lucy!" said Hiroki as he hugged me.

I've missed him so much... He felt so warm and comforting... I couldn't help but hug him back. Minutes passed but we didn't stop hugging each other. I finally pushed away, with a light pink blush on my cheeks.

"H-Hey Hiroki..." I stammered.

I could see him blushing a little too.

"Hey Lucy... I missed you..." He said as he observed me.

"I've missed you too..."

"You've changed a lot... You really are beautiful..." He said with a hue of red on his cheeks.

My face flushed a crimson red when he said that.

"You've changed too. The last time I saw you, you had short hair and you were always dragging me and Chiyo around wanting to explore." I giggled at the memory.

"Those were good times." He said with a laugh.

"Yeah." I said smiling and remembering all the times we had fun.

"Wait. Is Chiyo here with you!" I asked surprised but with joy.

Chiyo was my other best friend when I was little. She had long wavy black hair that reached down to her back, and in addition with her beautiful hair, Chiyo had sparkling light blue eyes. Sometimes when we were together, I would get jealous of her because she was so beautiful. But she told me that I was beautiful too and I soon overcame that jealousy.

"No sorry, she's not with me. Chiyo's back home training, she wants increase her magic power. But she told me to tell you that she still misses you a lot." He replied.

"Tell her that I miss her so much and wishes that she was here."

"But first, answer my question. Why'd you come to Magnolia?" I asked in curiosity.

"W-Well... I..." He trailed off so I couldn't hear the rest.

"Sorry, I didn't really catch the last part. Could you please repeat it" I asked in a teasing tone.

"C'mon Lucy, I know you heard what I said." He said with a groan.

"I'm telling the truth Hikori. I really couldn't hear you." I said grinning.

He sighed and said,

"I came to Magnolia so that I could bring you back home."

My first fanfic! Yay! xD Well technically not my first cuz I already posted this chapter on deviantArt :P

If you wanna add me of deviantArt, my user name is Neongurl1999.

Yeah, it's the name username xD Tell me on deviantArt if you have a FanFiction account and I'll add you here!

Wait, can you add people on here? O.O Sorry I'm new to FanFiction XD

Hope you liked the first chapter! :D