Eyes red as Blood

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight. This is just for pure entertainment.

First Night: Arisu

"This has gone too far," she said as she stood up from her couch, letter still in hand, "I will be going to Cross Academy."

"But, Arisu-sama, you are under orders not to be seen in public because-"

"I know my orders and whether he likes it or not I will be enrolling," she continued, throwing the letter into the fireplace and watching it burn. She finally looked into his light purple eyes when she was sure the letter turned to ash before moving to look out into the shadow-covered garden, "Besides I'll be joining the Day class, so nobody will know what I am."

"As you wish, Arisu-sama," he spoke reluctantly. Before leaving, he looked at her once more with eyes which once held rage and hatred tbut now only had concern for her. She was dtill gazing out the window when he left.

She walked over to the mirror of her dresser and stood still in front of it. Her dark brown eyes faintly glowed in red. This contrasted her delicate white skin. Her brows furrowed and soon that white skin gained a lively hue, giving off the warm complexion that humans had, and the trace of red was fully gone from her eyes. Arisu almost looked normal. Her eye was caught by a framed picture at the corner of her dresser in which three children played on a set of swings. Three little heads of dark brown hair, two girls and one boy.

One of the girls had red eyes the color of wine mixed in with dark brown. The other had eyes that were a deep chocolate brown. The boy's eyes were red brown like hers, and his skin looked just as white. The girl with brown eyes was smiling happily at the camera. Arisu felt a lump in her throat thinking of how they had been separated and the little girl with brown eyes had grown up not knowing about her.

There was a knock at the door. "Arisu-sama?"

"Yes, come in," Arisu replied as she turned to face the door.

"Word has been sent to Cross Academy," her faithful companion said after he entered, "would you like me to inform Kaname Kuran?"

"No, he can find out when I get there." She thought for a moment before going to envelop her companion in a hug. "Thank you, you really are the best!"

Arisu sreleased him from the embrace with a slight blush, and she kissed him on the cheek making his eyes widen in surprise.

"Now I have to pack," she said, her cheeks slightly pink as well. Her companion soon left again.

Arisu pulled clothes down from her closet and putt them into a suitcase, 'I can't believe I will finally be able to go beyond the gates.' She looked outside again. 'Soon, very soon I will be able to talk to Yuki again.'

Revised 11/30/19