Harry trudged to his room and shut the door behind him. He could barely hear the talk in the background, yet they were there.

'Such a shame."

"Only sixteen."

"Found dead on the floor."

"I heard she used the killing curse on herself."

Who, might you ask? None other than Luna Lovegood. Beautiful, smart Luna, one of Harry's closest friends. Sure, she was…eccentric, but Harry could relate to her. She saw thestrals, too. She had also lost a mother. She got him.

Not that he thought of her that way, of course. He had a girlfriend, Ginny Weasley, who was beautiful, and smart, and funny, and…perfect.

For the past few weeks, he had been thinking that she was the taddest bit boring. But that went away when Luna was found on the floor of her room, dead, with her wand on the floor.

Harry held back tears and collapsed onto his bed.

"Harry?" Speak of the devil. Ginny was standing at his doorway, clad all in black in mourning of her friend, holding a package.

"Yes?" Harry got up from his bed.

"This came for you. " Ginny handed him the package.

"What is it?" Harry asked, looking at it.

Ginny turned red. "You'll see." As she turned to go, she gave Harry a long look and said, "Just, don't think too badly of me when it's done, alright?"

"What does that-" Harry asked, but Ginny had already left.

Harry sat onto his bed and, using his wand, opened the package. Inside was a tape player and fourteen tapes. On each tape, a number, from one to fourteen, was written on it in pink nail polish.

Harry stared at the tape player. Since when did tape players work at Hogwarts? Everyone knew electronics didn't work here, especially with Hermione and the Ravenclaws around. Sighing, he put the tape labeled "one" into the tape player and pressed play. Having grown up in a Muggle house, he knew how electronics worked.


"Hello, there. This is Luna Lovegood."


Harry pressed pause. What was Luna doing on a tape? She'd been brought up in a wizardig household. Someone-probably Hermione-had taught her how to use the tape player. Sighing, he pressed play.


"If you're listening to this, I've decided to end my life. And these tapes are the thirteen reasons why I made that decision. If you're hearing this,then you're either keeper of the tapes-I'll get to that later-or one of the reasons I ended my life."


Harry shakily hit the pause button. He was one of the reasons that Luna had killed herself. What had he done?

Clearly, he wasn't as nice as he thought.

Clearly…he was a terrible person.

He hit play.


The rules are simple: One, you listen, and two, you pass it on to the person who comes next in the tapes. Hopefully, none of these will be easy for you.

"In case you're wondering what a Muggle electronic is doing at Hogwarts, I did a little research, and the spell doesn't apply to tape recorders. It only applies to things that could help one videotape or record something at Hogwarts. But tape recorders are fine.

"If you were born in a wizarding house hold, then you will see that I have written instructions on how to use this at the bottom of the box. When you're done listening to one tape, rewind the tape- that's the two triangles pointing to the left-take it out, and listen to the next tape. When you're done listening to all the tapes, pass them to the person who's tape comes after yours.

"There's good news in this: Thirteen people get off scott free. Number thirteen can take these tapes straight to Hell. Depending on your religion, maybe I'll see you there.

"In your box, you'll also find thirteen copies of a map of Hogwarts, which has six stars on it. I'll be telling my story from those six places, and though you don't have to go there, it will help you get more in the mood of the story I'm about to tell.

"And, in case you're thinking of throwing these tapes out and breaking the rules, be warned that I have a trusted friend of mine that has a copy of these tapes of whom will know when you break the rules. If you break the rules, that friend will make sure everyone hears these tapes, not just you. And considering the stuff I have on here, several people will end up in jail. So, I highly suggest listening to these tapes.

"Happy listening."

The tape stopped. Harry hit rewind and hit eject. He put the tape and the tape player in the box, put it next to his bed, and lay down, rubbing his face.

No. It couldn't be. How could he? How could he have driven Luna to kill herself? Hadn't he always been extremely friendly with her ever since his fifth year? Hadn't she been one of his best friends ever since the beginning of sixth year?

Sighing, Harry got out the tape recorder and the second tape. What choice did he have? He had to listen to these tapes and pass them on or Luna's friend would make sure everyone got a hold of them. And considering how Luna had been talking about them, Harry knew that this was not something he wanted to get out.

Harry noticed for the first time that Luna had drawn a brown beaver with huge teeth on it in nail polish. Curious, he put the tape in the player and hit play.


Few! Now I can get to the tapes. Any guesses to who the person on Tape Number One is?

I don't own Harry Potter or Thirteen Reasons Why. All rights belong to J.K. Rowling and Jay Asher.

BTW, please don't give any suggestions on who the next person should be. I have a list with the person's name and the reason they're on the tapes that I composed when I got the idea.
