Disclaimner... as always not mine!

Sam muttered darkly under her breath as she set up the fire in the campsite. She was having the worst day and the guys weren't helping her any bit. Well Teal'c kinda was... by staying the heck out of the way. At least he was perceptive unlike a certain Colonel who was whistling merrily as he set up the perimeter.


Sam leaned back, placing her hands at her lower back trying to ease the dull throb that had settled in mid hike from the gate.

She sighed and began placing rocks around the pit area. It was supposed to be her day off, and she had plans for today, none work involved. All it involved was her cosy pyjamas, a bottle of wine a good book and copious amounts of chocolate.

And possibly a bucket full of painkillers.

Stupid, idiotic, clueless Daniel.

Why did he have to find clues to possibly the answer to the meaning of life, today or all days? The first day of her period was always the worst, if he'd found it tomorrow it would've been fine. But noooo Lady Luck was really out to get her.

'You okay there Carter? Don't want you driftin' off and getting kidnapped now do we?' The Colonel smirked at her as he sat down on one of the logs Teal'c had placed there earlier. He blinked as she tried her best to stop herself from glaring the Colonel to death.

Two weeks, and he had not let up.

Dress jokes, veil jokes and the odd kidnapping quip.

And of course there was the losing her top fiasco.

In many ways he was so much better than any other CO she'd ever had but in many others... God she could just strangle him, or in her current condition?

Castration was definitely an option. It was in the top ten at least. Top five.

As he continued to whistle happily past her, she decided that it was her top choice.

Slowly, with a rusty spoon.

'Sam! Oh this is amazing, you will never believe what I just found!' Daniel came jogging over with Teal'c trailing behind him. Again her luck today was terrible, as Daniel forgot to look where he was going and tripped sending his notes and tools flying... and mostly smack into Sam's stomach.

'Fuck!' Sam could stop the curse from slipping from her lips as she shut her eyes against the pain.

'Sorry! Sorry! Oh god, are you okay?' He exclaimed scrambling to pick up his stuff and shoving his glasses up his nose.

Sam merely sent Daniel a withering glare and she bent over, trying not to whimper.

Always the first day, Sam usually stayed huddled in bed or on the couch and for good reason. Even her Dad was petrified of her on the first day. That coming from a seasoned Air Force officer, well that was saying something.

Sam opened her pack and grabbed a couple of pain killers and swallowed them dry, shuddering slightly as she did so.

Sam just pulled her legs up to her chest and decided to mope. Not very professional, she supposed but in her current state Sam couldn't bring herself to give a tiny rats ass.

She closed her eyes and wallowed in misery as the guys moved around her.

Sam started with a jolt and looked around in confusion. Somehow she was tucked inside a sleeping bag, in a tent and a heat back across her back and one on her stomach.

Explained the lack of pain she was feeling right now. Sam moved slowly but stopped as she heard voices outside.

'Jack you need to stop making those jokes!'

'Oh it's just a bit of fun Danny! Carter's fine with it... I think...'

'You think? Seriously Jack, have you not heard about some of the crap she's been put through? It may be fun and games to you but it's having a serious effect on her!' Sam smiled slightly at Daniels concern but had to stifle a groan at his words.

She knew that she should've told the Colonel about some of the things that were being said about her behind her back but... It never made a difference in the past and she didn't want to drag all that down on her head. Besides it was bull.

'Like what exactly?' Sam sat up straighter as her ears pricked at the serious tone that had snuck into his voice.

'Rumours? About Sam's behaviour... and her...' Daniel cleared his throat awkward and a dull thud echoed, indicating that, most likely that the Colonel had hit Daniel. Her theory was promptly confirmed but Daniels' annoyed huff.

'Some of the 'officers' on the base are convinced that you and Sam are well... involved.'


Oh ouch. Sam couldn't help but wince at that, she found herself, awkwardly enough, slightly offended by it.

She shook her head, mentally scolding herself.

'Damn it to all hell! You should've told me! Heck Sam should've... I'm not used to this... Ack!' Sam could see the Colonel in her minds' eye gesturing widely and scrubbing at hand through his already messed up hair.

'I believe it was a point of principle for Captain Carter.' Teal'c deep baritone interjected quietly.

'And pride maybe?' The Colonel seemed to be thinking more to himself then to the group. And then silence reigned over the campsite.

Sam could sense an awkward CO/Second in Command who so happens to be a woman conversation on the horizon... As long as her cramps decided to leave, she could deal. At least she knew that the conversation with Colonel O'Neill wouldn't be either the 'you're very intelligent and all but...' or you won't get anywhere in the Air Force without some... concessions *wink*' chats.

Sometimes she wondered why she bothered... But it was only on the awful days like today when she was stuck in work.


'I'll take first watch. Then Teal'c and then you Daniel.' The others moved away and the campsite quietened down considerably.

Sam drifted off again for another while, but decided that she needed to get up and try to ease some of her discomfort. She hesitated as she neared the tent flap, a decidedly awkward conversation was about to ensue.

'Carter I'm not going to bite.' Sam mentally kicked herself, of course he had heard her moving around.

She stepped out gingerly holding the heat packs in one hand and looked around. Night had fallen and two moons were hanging low in the sky, but the campsite was warm due to the crackling fire.

'You feelin' any better?' The Colonel watched as she slowly sank down onto her log.

'Yeah, I'm sorry about earlier Sir, I should've-'

'Ack! Carter it's not your fault! You feel like crap and none of us made it any easier for you. No need to apologise!' He then looked warily at her as though expecting her to do something.

Sam arched an eyebrow at him quizzically as she noticed one of Daniels Kleenex packs next to the Colonels boot.

'I'm not a crier so you don't have to worry about that... I just get really grumpy and a bottle of wine is always needed. Shame I couldn't smuggle one off world.' She smiled shaking her head at him as he issued a sigh of relief.

'Oh thank goodness, I never know what to do with crying women...' He trailed off awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. Sam laughed quietly and rubbed the small of her back. The Colonel leaned to his side and produced two newly heated compresses and offered them to her.

'Sara would practically beat me over the head unless I gave her these... Thought they might help you out...' Sam smiled gratefully placing one on her stomach and held the other to her back.

'These things are miracle workers... I promise I'll be a well behaved Captain again tomorrow Sir.'

'Even on your worst day you are a fantastic second in command. Though that does bring me to my next point...' He trailed off looking at Sam expectantly, and she quickly looked away feeling more than a tad ashamed.

'You didn't tell me that my comments were making your life difficult and causing friction between you and some of the other officers on base.'

Sam closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

'I know I should've come forward Sir, but... It's hard for me sometimes. Reporting such behaviour in the past has only made things more difficult for me.'

The Colonel nodded and looked into the fire, clearly thinking deeply, Sam slipped down onto the ground so the heat compress was supported by the log against her back. She pulled a leg up to her chest, wrapped her arms around it and leaned her chin down on her knee and like the Colonel stared into the fire.

'Look, you're the first female second I've ever had, so I'm not really sure about how to well... damn this is just difficult.' Sam could pratically hear him cringing and smiled gently before looking back at him.

'It's a learning process... we'll just have to figure out a way for all of this to work, without it getting...'

'Weird? Or have people talking about 'us'?' He finished making air quotes in the air around us. Sam nodded, smiling brightly before getting up and heading towards the tent.

'I'm taking last watch right Sir?' She stopped and turning around slowly to look at him, as the Colonel waved her off and as she opened her mouth to protest, he smoothly cut across her.

'Ah ah! You're not 100%, if either Daniel or Teal'c... well maybe not T, regardless, if any of us were feeling like crap would you cover from us? Of course you would. Carter we're a team and we're going to look out for each other. It has nothing to do with you being a woman, as I said I am more than okay with that.' He grinned jokingly at her at the last part. Sam chuckled lightly before ducking into the tent where a large Hersey's chocolate bar was propped up on her sleeping bag.

Alright, Jack O'Neill may be an ass but he wasn't a complete jackass.

I'm telling you it is so much easier writing Sam/Jack interactions in later seasons... Season one Sam is triiiiicky! I hopefully managed okay, but I know you lovely people will telll me... right? haha!

Please as always read and review!