She was completely overwhelmed and didn't have a damn clue what to do about it. Sure at first the whole idea of being RAW'S new general manager had seemed like a cool thing, but the coolness factor was quickly beginning to fade. Although she did have to admit the whole Daniel going off his rocker storyline was fun. Watching him get chokeslammed about once a week by Kane was fun as hell to watch too. Following the storyline he was only supposed to mess with Daniel till the no way out ppv was over. But during the whole three guys and one girl thing Kane had became a really good friend and he just couldn't seem to stop himself from going after Mr goatface whenever the chance came up. AJ just felt that it served the asshole right for treating her the way he did after wrestlemania.

It wasn't her fault he couldn't beat Sheamus for the win. And it sure as hell wasn't her that only lasted eighteen pathetic seconds in the ring getting ownership of the shortest match in wrestlemania history. Nope that honor belonged to DB.

At first she had felt so sorry for Daniel and tried to comfort him. She spent weeks taking his crap while listening to how all the other divas felt sorry for her and still she tried to make things work. And knowing that people like Beth and Eve felt sorry for her was just plain sickening.

So when Vince came to her with the crazy yet interesting idea to add C M Punk into the mix AJ never even bated an eyelash before saying "sure". After all there was no better way she herself could have thought of to piss Daniel off more than to hang all over his real life ex best friend in front of him every single week. And for his part Punk did his best to rub it in Daniels face after the cameras stopped rolling just to get a rise out of the asshole. It was all going fine and AJ had been having some fun.

Then Vince got the insane idea to throw Kane into the situation for some reason only he and whatever god he prayed too knew. That had started out very awkward considering her and Kane had never really spoken at all. But very soon after the big red monster was added in as another love interest for her she found he was actually a very nice guy. He would sit backstage and just talk with her for hours before the show started. He'd agree to whatever silly chick flick she wanted when they hung out and never made fun of her for crying. And it was him that told Punk to back off when he acted like she was his property in real life. Now she could even say he was one of her absolute best friends in the world not just the company. Yet not even Kane could help her figure out what to do about Vince's newest idea for her.

No AJ was in trouble.

And she didn't have a clue how to get out of it.

How the hell did Vince think she would just agree to his new idea?

Why would he think she would?

And how the hell was she supposed to get Sheamus to agree to do it?


AJ was on a mission.

She was walking the halls backstage at the time warner arena in Charlotte NC looking for the great white Irishman and was so far having no luck in tracking him down. The man had seemed to of done some kind of vanishing act after his match ended and he was announced the winner and still champion. Every crew member and superstar she had asked had all given her the same "nope ain't seen him" answer. There was only one place backstage she hadn't looked and well she was headed there now.

AJ pushed open the very heavy metal door and stepped inside the shower room becoming totally engulfed in hot steam. Her whole body was suddenly hit with heat and not in a good way. She would so need a cold ass shower to cool off after being in here. But that could wait till she returned to her hotel room. First she had to ask the great white a question . That was if he was even in the damn shower room. If he wasn't than some other poor guy was in for shock.

Walking up to the closed shower stall door and throwing it open AJ tried her best to keep her eyes level and not look down at anything below the big white chest in front of her. Yep it was Sheamus in there alright. No one else in the company was as pale as a vampire but him.

"Whoa there what the hell?" Came Sheamus' thick accent along with more steam.

"Sheamus", AJ began sweetly, "I have been looking for your ass everywhere in this building. You are one hard man to find."

"Well lass now that you've found me could you give me a minute to cover my arse?" the big Irishman asked while grabbing the stall door and slamming it shut in her face.

"Fine", AJ huffed, "but you got one minute to get out here or I'll come in there."