A/N: Okay, so it's been a while. First off, how are you guys? I hope you're all doing well :)
I've been very busy with life. Marine training, looking for a job and finally getting it, family affairs and so on. Also writer's block has been a bitch. Felt like writing angst because I feel kind of crappy and wrote out this baby. Hopefully the next chapter comes up sooner than this one did. I love you all! Enjoy Sebastian feels~
Peace & Love,
~MizzRawr :)

To be quite honest, everything didn't hit Sebastian until he stood in the middle of his hotel room. He fell to the bed and stared off into space with his hands sitting between his legs. Sebastian let everything wash over him and he had blinked a few times letting it all process. Kurt was dating someone. Now he let that thought marinate in his mind. Kurt. Was. Dating. Someone. Sebastian let out an angered yell as jealousy flooded through him. He had tried his damn best to contain his self when he had seen that guy wrap his arms around Kurt, and for Kurt to fucking lean against him made his blood boil.

When Sebastian had hit on Vitaly in the bathroom it was mainly for his own personal entertainment and when his advances were denied because Vitaly had a boyfriend, Sebastian had shrugged it off and suggested that his boyfriend could join in if he wanted, he didn't mind sharing. Vitaly had declined him again and Sebastian had shrugged and said how it was his loss before walking out.

What he didn't expect was that Kurt, his Kurt, to be Vitaly's boyfriend. When he saw Kurt with Blaine, was he surprised? Yeah, but it was nice surprise. He hadn't seen the man in over a month; of course he was glad that he saw him again. It had been too long since he had seen Kurt and the sight of him took his breath away and the sound of his voice brought him back to life. The urge to take Kurt and hold him in his arms was strong. Sebastian had to refrain himself and keep a cool composure. Then Vitaly comes and Sebastian really had to keep himself in check.

The anger that had sizzled inside of him under his skin had been enough to make him internally explode. Honestly, he was shocked he made it back to the hotel without punching a wall. By keeping his composure the entire time while in their presence was something he was pretty proud of himself for. Being separated from Kurt for this long had given him the control to refrain from causing a scene in the theater and for not blowing up at Blaine when he repeatedly questioned him about Kurt and how he was dealing with it all. Of course he had lied to Blaine and Darius when they inquired him about how he was handling the situation with Kurt and seeing him with Vitaly. Yeah, he had said that he didn't care.

Jesus fucking Christ, was that a huge lie. Of course he cared. In fact, he loathed the fact that Kurt was with another guy. Kurt was fucking his. Just the thought of another guy's hands on Kurt made him want to fight just to feel the satisfaction of skin colliding with skin.

Sebastian strips his clothes hastily, his nerves buzzing with energy, energy that needed some form of physical release. He opens a drawer and grabs a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt and then grabbing his tennis shoes and lacing them up on his feet. He grabs a bottle of water from the mini fridge and heads out of the room to the hotel's gym. He needed to release his anger onto something that wouldn't get him locked up.

Its better this way, for him to be angry than to really face what he's feeling. To even think about the shit that's affecting him deeply. Like the pain that tore through him and reopened wounds that were just starting to heal. The hurt that made Sebastian want to curl up and never be bothered again because Kurt actually got over him and moved on. He even looked like he was happy with this Vitaly guy. That alone really hurt. Seeing Kurt happy with someone who wasn't him made him uneasy because he wasn't the one to give Kurt what he wanted in his life and everything that's ever happened between them made Sebastian regret not treating Kurt right and for not fighting for him when they had broken up.

Sebastian went to the gym that the hotel had within it and worked out until his body was screaming to rest, his muscles aching, sweat drenching from his body. He had ran on the treadmill for over an hour, beat the punching bag for thirty minutes, throwing all his aggression and pain into the bag and then lifting weights until his arms quivered from overuse and his body was yelling and pleading for him to stop. He sat in the corner of the gym against the cool wall and stared up at the ceiling his chest heaving up and down trying to get as much air to his lungs as he could. He brought his water bottle up to his lips and sipped it, closing his eyes and just letting his body cool off.

The workout had eased his mind slightly. Though, the pain in his heart was still there eating at him. He dragged himself back to his hotel room and stripped himself of his clothes once again as soon as he closed the door behind him and made his way to the bathroom, turning the shower on. He stepped into the shower and a low groan fell from his lips and he rested his head against the shower and let the hot water rush over his body. He had to admit that he felt a sliver of happiness when he saw Kurt after over a month and even though Kurt's tone when he spoke to him was of disdain, it was good to hear his voice again. He had been trying to push all thoughts of Kurt to the furthest corners of his mind and he had succeeded slightly. It was just that after tonight, he can't get the thoughts of Kurt out of his mind.

A range of emotions flooded through him. He was far too tired and exhausted to be angry and he settled with sadness, he felt fucking defeated. He shut the shower off and grabbed his towel and dried off. He walked back into the room and fell to the bed not even bothering to put clothes on. He grabbed a pillow and held it close to him and felt himself finally let go, doing what he hadn't done in weeks. He cries until sleep overcomes him, thankful for the few hours he gets unconscious.

A/N: I apologize for this chapter being like extra short! But something is better than nothing right? So yeah. There isn't much to go over with this chapter but I can assure you that things pick up from here. Well, not in a good way but after the next chapter, (or maybe in the next chapter) there will be Kurtbastian interaction. So look out for that!
What did you think of this chapter? Like? Dislike? Let me know!
Love you all!
~MizzRawr :)