AN: Happy Sunday all. Just had this idea please let me know what you think so far, PLEASE REVIEW.

May 25th was he date flashing on my bed side alarm clock. No way, this is impossible, it can't be; I realised as I sat down on my bed counting back the days in my head, my period was 3 days late, I've never been late in my entire life.

I dressed in a flash putting on the first things I could find not caring what I looked like, I grabbed my phone and keys and ran towards my truck. I sped down the small quiet streets of Forks looking for the local mini market. I cut the engine jumped from my truck and ran towards the feminine hygiene isle and grabbed two different boxes that read 'pregnancy test' and ran towards the check out. When I thought that I had made it without being seen I caught sight of Mrs Stanley making her way into the store; as soon as she caught sight of what was in my hand a shocked expression flashed across her face but was suddenly replaced by a smile. URG this was going to be spread around town like wild fire now that Jessica's mom knew. Ignoring Mrs Stanley I ran toward my truck ignoring the strange and disapproving looks I got from everyone in the now full car park and sped home.

I ran up the stairs towards the bathroom in a flash so grateful that Charlie was on the day shift this week. I peed into a small plastic cup allowing me to take both the tests now, after following both sets of instructions to the letter all that was left to do was wait.

What if these tests read positive I thought to myself was I ready to be a mother at 18, would Edward want to help me raise this baby. Oh no what about Charlie, he would flip out especially after what happened to him with Renee and me. What about money, Edward and I both had nothing…

I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts by the buzzing of my phone signalling my two minutes were up. Here we go, this is it… I flipped the first test over in my hand and their it was a little pink plus, maybe it was wrong. I grabbed the second test of the floor and turned it in my hands to find a small definitive pink yes.

Knock…Knock somebody was at the door but I could not manage to get my body to cooperate and move.

"C…c…come in." I called from the bathroom floor. I suddenly heard footsteps making their way up the stairs towards my body frozen in shock.

"Bella, love are you okay?" Edward's sweet velvety voice called through from the hallway.

"I'm in here and I...I…I have something to tell you." I replied in a barely audible whisper.

Suddenly Edward come through the door and a whole new set of worries hit me; what if Edward did not want this baby or did not want me anymore and wanted to call of the wedding. Suddenly the tears started to pool in my eyes.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Edward asked with clear concern filling his voice.

"I…I…I'm pregnant." I practically whispered as I passed Edward both of the positive pregnancy tests from my lap.

The second Edward registered what I had just told him shock covered his face but he knelt down to comfort me. "We'll get through this." Edward whispered as he placed a delicate kiss on my temple.

"S…So you're not going to leave me?" I questioned

"Of course not, Bella I love you too much to leave you, no matter what life throws at us I will always be there for you, is that clear?" Edward asked as he took my hands in his.

"Y…yes." I replied as I lent in and placed a gentle kiss on Edwards lips.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." Edward said as he pulled me into a big strong hug.

After spending the rest of the afternoon curled up on my small bed discussing our options Edward and I decided we were going to get Saturday jobs and do whatever else it took to earn enough money to raise this baby.

Edward and I were sitting on the love seat when Charlie walked in through the door.

"Hey kids." Charlie called through

"Heyy Charlie, Bella and I have something to tell you." Edward said calm as ever whilst I sat beside him sweating bullets.

"Hey Bells, is everything okay?" My dad asked as he took a seat across from us on the couch.

"Yeah everything is fine dad." I said causing Edward to cringe a little because of course he would have used a word more like wonderful or magnificent.

After a few minutes of silence Edward squared his shoulders and turned towards Charlie to speak when I whispered to him. "No wait, it will be better if I tell him and not you." I said.

"Okay if you're sure." Edward said as he tightened his arm around my waist in reassurance.

"Dad." I said just above a whisper. "I…I'm pregnant."

As soon as the words left my lips I regretted it. Charlie froze in his seat and his face went red in fury. Edward gently squeezed my shoulder trying to reassure me that everything would turn out okay.

"YOUR PREGNANT!" Charlie yelled making me jump.

"Yes." I whispered worried about how Charlie might respond.

"YOUR NOT KEEPING IT, ESPECIALLY NOT UNDERT MY ROOF." Charlie continued clearly furious.

"What, yes I am you can't tell me what to do, this is my choice." I retorted.

"Where will you get the time or money to raise this baby?"

"Charlie, we can handle this were engaged and getting married in four months and we can get Saturday jobs for extra money, we'll do whatever it takes to raise this baby." Edward said in his calm as ever voice. Just hearing these words cancelled out my worries, just hearing how much Edward cared and how hard he was willing to work for us showed me that yes we can do this.

"How could you be so irresponsible? I need some time to think, I'm going to go stay with Billy for a few days." Charlie said as he walked out the door.

I sank into Edwards side as the tears began to flow down my cheeks. My dad was gone.

"Bella, love we'll get through this." Edward whispered as he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

AN: Hope you enjoyed and PLEASE REVIEW. I cant wait to hear what you all think. :D