Disclaimer: No owning Bleach. I'm enjoying playing in Tite Kubo's sandbox though!


From your (wonderful) Beta Reader to the (even more wonderful) author of The World In Black And White, I give to you a gift – a series of little shots based around a (semi)canon Uryū/Ichigo pairing. Only the first two are actually finished...but! But! I'm willing to listen to my readers (and Kyrial, who, the darling that she is, get's first pick) and get ideas. I have a few of my own of course, but I'd LOVE to hear everyone's ideas.

Okay, before you send in suggestions, I'll tell you this – only at the VERY VERY end will I show Ichigo and Uryū's POVs. Until then, I'll need ideas to cover OTHER characters noticing what's...well, unspoken.

For those who have not read The World In Black And White (also known as Why Not To Flatshare With A Hollow And A Shinigami At The Same Time If You're A Quincy) – what the hell are you waiting for?! It's an awesome fic, featuring bipolar!hollow!Ichigo with a thing for candy, pyromaniac!spy!Uryuu with button-induced genocide mode, cats that are not, in fact, cats, a mod soul not named Kon, Chekhov's Gunmen, a whole lot of minor characters being more badass than they are in canon, black humour, quite a bit of misunderstanding, and no ridiculously overpowered substitute Shinigami. At all. As both Beta Reader and fan, I encourage you to check it out at least. Kyrial has an awesome writing style and wit for the readers to enjoy.

Okay, I now present to you the first of my shots – this one from Rukia. Enjoy and review at the end please!


Rukia – Looking

Rukia sees it almost instantly.

The Quincy glares and rants and insults all he wants – but his eyes tell a different story.

That story suggests that he doesn't hate Ichigo – for all that he is a Shinigami, which he does hate (Rukia can tell, there's a lot of pain and anger and despair and guilt mixed up and no matter how many Shinigami he learns to tolerate, and maybe even like, he will still hate Shinigami), Ichigo isn't hated.

And Ichigo looks at him, glares and gets irritated with him, as is his want. He doesn't notice his eyes.

(But sometimes, Rukia thinks he knows more than he lets on, and is merely pretending not to notice for Ishida's sake.)

Then Ishida breaks the Hollow bait and all hell breaks loose. Rukia can only be grateful for the fact that both Ichigo and Ishida can handle it. Not to mention Urahara and his team deciding to help out.

(Later, much later, Rukia is relieved to find out that both Chad and Orihime gained powers just in time to save others as well. It might not have been perfect, but a total massacre had been prevented at least.)

And Ichigo is pissed. The idea of risking others just to prove which is better (Quincy or Shinigami) goes against everything that makes Ichigo Ichigo.

So he yells, purifies Hollows, listens to her explanation about the history of Quincy and then forces Ishida to team up to him.

And then that Menos Grande...that Gillian shows up. And Urahara – the jerk – paralyses her and all she can do is watch as Ichigo charges straight at the powerful being...

...and wins.

Sure, he only chased it off, but for someone who had only been a Shinigami for not even three months yet...that is impressive.

Then his reiryoku goes haywire and Rukia thinks he's going to die (ohgodnotagainnotagain!) in front of her, with her helpless to save him.

Then Ishida steps up and chooses to channel his reiryoku through him, and shooting and shooting and shooting Quincy arrow after arrow to lessen the load on Ichigo.

He collapses, exhausted (and Rukia feels that, at that moment, something cleared up for him) and Ichigo...

...says nothing.

The next day, he is late for school. Hands and forearms bandaged. Ichigo spent his time staring at the Quincy's empty seat before hand, though when she asks, he violently denies caring.

Ichigo asks him to join his group for lunch – and doesn't take no for an answer. And though Rukia is leaving to be by herself, she catches a glimpse of the silent message Ichigo is giving him.

"Look at me!"

"I'm looking."


A/N: ...well? Did you like? Tell me what you think! There's this nice little box at the end, just begging to be typed into...what are you waiting for? Reviewers get magic cake!

~Love Psycho