Author's Note: GUESS WHO'S BACK AND NOT GONE FOREVER! That's right, me :D Sorry it took me like 10-11 months to get back to this, but i told you all I'd be back, and that I'd finish my stories, and I mean it :) I would like to mention... that this might be my last normal chapter. I might do an epilogue and a extra chapter for Betty's date, but ya'll will have to let me know if you'd be interested in those. For the epilogue I might have another Go family reunion, or i might set it way in the future (ya'll should let me know which you'd prefer if you'd like either) but I kind of definitely want to do Betty's date at some point. Anyways, I really hope you guys enjoy this, and I thank you all for sticking with me for so long. This, I believe, is the last of the original 3 Kigo stories I started way back in high school when I first made this account. I'm uh, kind of surprised that this came to an end in this chapter, I really didn't expect it until I wrote it. Sometimes I never know when a story is going to end, but... here we are. I hope you guys have enjoyed the ride :)

"Where exactly are we going?" Kim asked with a raised brow.

Shego only smiled mischievously as she kept her eyes on the road.

"Oh come on, the first date and I don't get to know where we're going? Where's the fun in that?" Kim pouted and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Surprises are always fun. Besides, I know you'll enjoy it."

"Is it hiking? I mean, we are driving through the mountains." Kim leaned against the door and stared out the window.

Shego glanced over at her and smiled. They'd been in the car for about an hour already, and Kim was starting to get antsy. It was their first real date and nothing romantic had actually happened yet. She kind of wanted to compare it to how her dates with Ron went, but considering the extreme difference between her clumsy best friend and her extremely hot ex-enemy, it was hard to say that they could be anything like the other.

The silence seemed to stretch on, and Kim was close to nodding off when she felt Shego's fingers intertwining with hers. She looked in the reflection of the window to see the older woman smiling softly, and she could feel her face heating up a little. Maybe it was good that Shego was taking things slower, otherwise Kim felt like she might get a head rush from continually turning red.

It was another twenty minutes of driving in silence before Shego slowed the car to a stop in an empty gravel parking lot that had started to be attacked by weeds. "We're here."

Kim looked around. "Where is here?"

Shego grinned, "Come on." She stepped out of the car and stretched. Kim already missed having their fingers laced together.

When both were out of the car, they grabbed their bags and Shego led them to a narrow path, almost completely hidden by overgrown grass.

"This place feels like a forest of poison ivy. If I get this stuff on me, I'm sharing," Kim mumbled.

Shego laughed. "This is why I told you to wear long pants."

"I would be better equipped in a hazmat suit."

Shego pushed through the last bit of the path and Kim was surprised to find them in a clearing with a cabin.

"So… our first date is an overnight trip in a secluded cabin in the woods…? Either you like to move very fast… or plan to kill me and bury me out here," Kim said suspiciously.

"Oh relax, Pumpkin. There's more than one bedroom. There's also cell service and internet out here so you can contact anybody you want whenever you want, and you can also submit the daily reports easily. When my family built this cabin they wanted to make sure that at any time of day they could be contacted should 'Team Go' be needed for some emergency."

"This is a family cabin?"

"Yeah, we used to come here when I was younger. Hey, if you want, just contact your nerdlinger and tell him to track this place just in case something happens if you're worried." Shego chuckled and started walking towards the cabin. "I'm not going to do anything to you… well, anything you don't want me to do." She threw a wink over her shoulder and once again Kim felt her face go red. This was going to be a long two days.

After they settled into their separate rooms Shego cooked them a quick lunch.

"How is the food still good? This place doesn't look like anyone's been here in a while."

"Hm? Oh, there's a neighboring cabin a half mile up the road from where we stopped. Our family is friends with the couple who lives there, so whenever one of us plans to come up, we call them and they'll stock some stuff for us. We just wire them the money and add a little extra for the trouble. They try to give the money back, but my mother can be pretty persuasive."

"Does your family know we're here?" Kim asked hesitantly. She remembered that there was some antagonism between Shego and her dad and Hego.

"Well… assuming the couple called the house as soon as I called them, yeah, they probably know. But even then it would take them a while to get here, and since my mom or the Wegos are more likely to answer the phone, they won't be telling anybody else for a few days."

Kim sighed in relief. "Good, because if Hego showed up that'd be weird."

"Well, considering he likes you, yeah, that'd be a bit awkward," Shego chuckled. Kim shuddered a bit.

Kim shoved a forkful of spaghetti into her mouth the second Shego put some on her plate.

"Good?" Shego asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Awthum," Kim mumbled as she chewed. She swallowed before asking, "So what are we going to do up here? I mean, I know there's internet, and I see you've got a TV, but we won't be just hanging out inside the whole vacation, right?"

"Oh please, as if either of us could sit around and do nothing all day," Shego rolled her eyes. "Around here there's a lot to do. We've got hiking trails, mountain climbing, a lake a little way down the mountain, a zip line-"

"Did you just say 'zip line'?" Kim's eyes lit up. She hadn't been on one of those in a while.

Shego smiled, "Yeah, we can go after we finish eating. The couple up the road actually has it set up out back of their place. You zip line down the mountain and they have a cable-car system to take you back up."

Kim's face lit up and she picked up her eating pace. They didn't talk much while they ate quickly. Then they cleaned their dishes and were out the door.

It was nice out so they decided to walk up the mountain to the neighbors. Shego called ahead to let them know they were on their way.

"So… if they have this whole system, they've got to be rich too, right?"

"Yeah, they do pretty well for themselves. I think one is a surgeon like your mom and the other is an author."

"That's cool," Kim grinned. "Sounds like they've got exciting careers."

Shego laughed, "Are you insinuating yours isn't?"

Kim sighed, "Mine's more a lifestyle than a career. I mean, it isn't like I get paid to do it."

They were halfway to the neighbor's when Shego moved closer to Kim, she wanted to see if the younger girl would be willing to hold her hand or if she had to initiate every time.

"Well," Shego continued, "You know, if you were to join GJ – and yes, I know they've been offering you job options since you graduated high school – you'd be paid for saving the world and it wouldn't come out of the people's personal funds. It's from taxes from around the world, and also from the seized assets of villains."

Kim groaned, "I only really work well with Wade and Ron for missions."

"And you think GJ wouldn't want a computer genius working with them or a Kung Fu monkey master?"

Kim looked over at Shego with a slightly surprised expression. Shego never referred to Ron in a capable manner, so this was good progress. She also noticed that the other woman was a lot closer than before. She could feel the heat emanating from Shego's skin even though they weren't touching. Kim almost reached out to hold Shego's hand, but was startled when someone started calling out to them.

"Shego! Hey! This must be your friend Kim!" A guy with short brown hair was waving at them enthusiastically and walking towards them. When he got closer an even bigger grin tugged at his lips. "Wait, is this Kim Possible? Oh I've always wanted to meet you!" He reached out and shook her hand vigorously. "I actually wanted to talk with you about maybe writing about your life, you know, sharing the details of what it was like being a teen hero and how you managed to juggle that and your school, family, social, and love life!"

Shego stepped between them when she noticed how flustered Kim was getting from the attention. "Calm down Lawrence, you're getting all worked up again."

He blinked a few times and apologized, "Sorry about that, I get a little excited when I meet stars. I mean, you should have seen me when I first found out that Team Go had bought the house just down the road from here, Michael almost walked out on me after hearing me talk about it for six hours straight."

"You all don't do anything straight," Shego coughed under her breath.

Kim cracked a smile and Lawrence laughed.

"Where is Michael?" Shego asked. "Wasn't that him I talked to on the phone?"

He sighed, "He's got work in a little bit so he's taking a quick shower before he heads out. So you all get me as your guide to the zip lines."

"Sounds good," Shego smiled.

The three of them talked as they continued up the hill and past the house towards the zip line.

Kim and Lawrence seemed to be getting along pretty well, she actually seemed to be indulging him in the idea that he might be allowed to write a book about her. Because he was getting along so well with her, he even made sure that she got to go down the zip line first, even though he usually let Shego go first out of habit.

As soon as the redhead was out of earshot Lawrence turned to Shego, though he kept his eyes on Kim, and asked, "So, you two a thing or what? Your mom seemed to be giggling on the other end of the phone when I called her earlier. Do you know how long it's been since I've heard that woman giggle? Never. I've never heard her make that noise."

Shego rolled her eyes, "Today's our first official date."


He would've continued making the obnoxious noise if Kim hadn't radioed up saying that she had made it safely to the bottom and was unhooked from the line.

"Alright, your turn," Lawrence grinned. "Also, I'll make sure to set the speed of the lift to super slow, give you all some more privacy." He winked.

Shego hooked herself to the line. "We just drove together for three hours to get here, I'm pretty sure we've had a lot of privacy."

"Who knows, maybe the ride will help."

"What…?" Shego asked carefully. He sounded like he had something up his sleeve. She didn't get to ask because he grinned and then pushed her.

She flipped him off as she went speeding towards the redhead.

When she made it to the bottom, Kim was immediately in her face. She was obviously still high on the slight adrenaline rush and was telling Shego about how awesome the ride was while helping unhook her from the line.

Kim rambled the entire time until they made it to the car and radioed to Lawrence that they were ready to come up.

Shego noticed that her neighbor had most definitely put the cable car on the slowest possible speed. And then she found out why he seemed so mischievous at the top. The car was filled with romance music for mood. Shego wanted to throw him down the mountain.

When Kim noticed the music she looked at Shego quizzically.

"Lawrence," Shego muttered, taking a seat beside the redhead when she couldn't find a way to turn off the sound.

Kim chuckled, "I was going to say, it didn't seem like something you'd do."

"Not on a first date," Shego mumbled into her hand. "I think I need to have a talk with Michael about his boyfriend's inability to not meddle."

"Don't worry about it, I know you better than to think you'd try anything in a place like this," Kim laughed.

Shego quirked her eyebrow and scooched closer to Kim, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "You sure about that Kimmie?" She had a small grin on her face, but the redhead definitely noticed how large Shego's pupils had gotten. Had she ever seen Shego like that before? She wasn't sure. Maybe when they were dancing? Or some time on the beach? Or…

Her brain stopped thinking when Shego leaned closer. The older woman's lips gently pressed into the redhead's cheek, and then she pulled back and chuckled.

"Like a deer in the headlights," Shego grinned.

Kim pouted and play punched the woman's arm. "You butt."

Shego winked.

Folding her arms across her chest, Kim tried to pretend she was still pouting, but she also felt herself leaning into Shego as well.

As the soft music played and they didn't say a word, they slowly inched their way up the mountain. They were still quite a way from the top.

"Hey Shego…" Kim started slowly.


Kim looked over at Shego who had closed her eyes and was leaning her head against the headrest. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"For getting pardoned."

"You helped with that you know," Shego chuckled.

"Yeah, but it was only possible because you knew Dr. Director."

Shego slowly opened her eyes and sat up. She looked over at the girl beside her who was fidgeting a bit. "It was only possible because you made me WANT to talk to Betty."

Kim furrowed her brow and looked over at Shego.

"Look, you could easily have shot me down saying that you would never be interested in me, that you had no interest in women, or in ex-villains, that sort of thing. Instead, you said you wanted to… if only I wasn't evil. That was enough for me. I saw that there was a little hope, so I decided to go for it."

"Yeah, but what I said could have gotten you in big trouble if GJ hadn't agreed. You could've been arrested."

"Maybe," Shego shrugged. "But I figured the risk was worth the reward." She smiled warmly at Kim.

"You're more of a sap than me," Kim mumbled.

"Yeah, probably."

Kim leaned up and placed a soft kiss on Shego's lips. She kept her hand gently against Shego's cheek, staring into her eyes. "I like to think that having all those years where we fought, giving each other scrapes and bruises, was totally worth it."

"You know, that could be construed pretty badly… like we're into rough play," Shego smirked.

Kim rolled her eyes. "You know that isn't what I meant."

"I know," Shego leaned forward and pressed their foreheads together. "I like to think it was worth it too."

They stared at each other for a bit longer before a song change. Kim pulled herself and Shego to their feet.

"I don't think I want our last dance to be our last," Kim grinned.

Shego smiled and made a slight bow, "Well then, would you care for another dance with the devil?"

Kim took her hand and Shego pulled them flush up against one another. Shego leaned down and pressed their lips together once again, and when they pulled back, Kim beamed and said, "Always."

A/N: Once again, I really hoped you enjoyed, also, when I was reading this chapter aloud to do a quick review, I totally read the dialogue out loud in a super sappy voice like holy crap you do not understand. Reading some of these lines i probably said some of the smoothest stuff that's ever left my mouth. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, again, let me know what ya'll think about an epilogue and the extra Betty's date chapter (who knows, if I really like that chapter i might make it a two parter - i haven't really planned it out tho). Thank you guys again for sticking with me all these years, and thank you to those who may have just found this and still like it :) I know I might have let you all down a little with my sporadic updates, but I came back, I told you I would :) Hopefully I'll be able to force myself to work on my other two KiGo stories that are still waiting for me :p I hope you all are doing great, leave a review or shoot me a message, I love to get back to people and I love feedback. Ya'll stay awesome :) Peace out until the next thing I update ;)