So sorry for not updating, but along the way, I found that I lost interest in writing fanfiction for a while, but I'm regaining the motivation as I read through your reviews! I'm really glad that you guys took the time, and I'll work hard for the next chapter and making the characters better! Enjoy!


Mikan Sakura just felt a small shiver at the back of her spine. And it wasn't a good feeling either. She was waiting for Hotaru and the others to arrive since they decided to carpool today. Mikan checked her watch, but the sound of soft engines purring got her looking up.

"Morning, guys!" She greeted cheerfully.

"Morning Mikan!" Anna and Nonoko chirped, and Sumire scowled.

"Don't be so loud in the morning, I''m trying to fix my nails here," She complained. Hotaru rolled her eyes, and stared at Mikan. As usual, her best is in her cheerful state. But who knew if it''ll disappear soon?

Hotaru could remember that fated day like it was yesterday. She had just came home from her company, dead tired. As she was about to open the door to her mansion, a shrill, yet weak cry called her name. She turned around, and there was Mikan, bruised with cuts all over her body. Blood stains was spotted all over her school uniform, which was ripped and tattered.

"Mikan." Hotaru barely whispered her name, and rushed to her. Mikan's tears ran down her face nonstop, and threw herself in Hotaru's embrace.

After Mikan had calmed down, Hotaru called the gang over and they were frantic. Mikan explained to them all about Akira Fuji, the private secretary for her parents that had tormented her since they had first met. She explained that he came to her room drunk, and things got crazy. In order to escape, she jumped down her balcony two stories high, and ran all the way to Hotaru's place. It was brutal, hearing Mikan talking about it was she trembled. Hotaru had wished with ever fiber in her body that she could have been there to help her best friend. But she wasn't. All she could be thankful about was that Akira didn't do it all the way.

"Morning, Hotaru!" a cheerful voice interrupted her thoughts, and she snapped back into reality. She had her stoic face still, but in her mind, she was saying 'thank god you're safe' over and over again.

"Hurry up and get in, baka." she ordered, and Mikan pouted.

"Oh, by the way guys," Anna started to say as they were stopping at a red light, " the headmaster had informed us of a particular interesting thing this morning. He said that a certain Hyuuga was transferring to a certain Alice Academy." Mikan choked on the water she was drinking, and Sumire smirked.

"Oh, I heard about that. I was also told that his friends would be joining him as well. Actually, I also heard that they are actually Alice Academy students already. It's just that they never come to class, and the teachers can't really do anything about it," she implied as a matter of fact.

Mikan laughed nervously, and fidgeted with her hair. "O-oh? I didn't hear about that..." She caugh Hotaru's eyes, and threw her a You-traitor!-You-promised! look.

"Oh, out with it, Mi-chan! We know you've been to the Hyuuga mansion already!" Nonoko said exasperatedly, and Mikan sighed.

"Okay, so I did. But it was because my parents insisted, so I had to. But if it makes you feel any better, I hacked his computer network, and sent him a bunch of viruses." Mikan argued, and Anna laughed. Hotaru cracked a small smile, and mumbled, "thata girl."

"But the fact that they're transferring here means only one thing. Hyuuga has his eyes set on you Mi-chan. Be careful." Nonoko warned, and I laughed.

"Well then, what are student council for? Let's give them a warm welcome." Mikan said mischievously, and her friends smirked. Oh, it is so on now.

"Damn... As expected of the elite school... Once again, we're back here," Koko commented, and the gang murmured their agreement. Actually, my dear readers, these fine, rich gentlemen are already students of Alice Academy. But it's just that they never go to any of the classes. Besides, the teachers couldn't do anything because they didn't want to incur the wrath of Natsume Hyuuga. Much less his friends.

"Hn. Let's hurry up and get this over with." Natsume said in a bored tone. All he want is to give Mikan Sakura a piece of his mind. And to make sure she never challenge him again.

"Who the hell is that?" Tsubasa muttered, and the rest of the gang squinted to see the five hazy figures standing in front of the gates. They walked closer, and they couldn't believe their eyes. It was Mikan Sakura. And four other beautiful, sexy girls was with her this time.

Mikan Sakura smiled, and walked toward them. "Hello. My name is Mikan Sakura and we're the Student Council. We look forward to your cooperation." And the most priceless moment? Mikan and her friends smirked at the expressions the guys had in front of them. Ah, let the game begin.


HEY GUYS~~ Sorry for the really late update! And yes, I know that this story is a bit rushed and all, but I have summer school, so there's still curfew apparently... :( But anyways, I'll make sure to take my time more on the next chapter and make the guys cooler too! I know I might've made their position a bit... lame? I suppose... But I'll warm up their relationships as I go on with the story while adding a few extra twist that has to do with Alice Academy (HINT HINT) ... Have fun~~