I thought I would do a little story on Soul and Maka. Right now they are 17 and just started their senior year at the DWMA. M for… well you'll see.

"Soul, breakfast" Maka called as she set their plates on the table.

Maka was still in her pajamas and her hair was down instead of its usual pig tails.

Soul walked into the kitchen.

"Sorry I burnt the toast" Maka said pouring the orange juice.

"It's fine. Cool guys like me don't worry about little things like that"

"Of course you do" She smiled.

Suddenly her phone buzzes. She looks at the text and lets out a sigh.

"That doesn't sound like a good sigh?" He says

"My dad's coming over today. And he won't give my phone a break!" She walks over to the couch and shoves it under the cushion.

"Calm down. I'll be here all day to back you up." He re assured her.

"Thanks" she sets the glasses of juice on the table and sits down in her seat.

"You look stressed today" He says

"I look like a wreck"

"Not really."

"Oh… well thanks I think?"

He flashes her a small smile as he finishes his eggs.

"I'm not hungry" She says pushing her plate away

"Common, just because your dads coming doesn't mean your whole day has to end up a wreck!" He says trying to cheer her up.

"No, its terrible" She pouts and drops her head on the table

"MAKA" Yelled Soul and he ran to her side. "Maka are you ok?!" he says kneeling by her chair.

She laughs quietly "Yeah, that hurt more than I expected it would"

Soul chuckled. "Let's get you into bed before you pass out on me" he gets a firm grip on her waist and helps her up.

He kicks her chair aside and starts to walk her into the hallway. Maka's room was right beside the front door and across the hallway from the kitchen.

"No Soul, I'm fine." Maka says

"Are you sure? You hit your head pretty hard?" he asks

"Yes. Wanna inspect? Do any concussion tests?" She laughs

"Here's my test. Can you feel this" He pokes her stomach.

She flinched back and smiles "Yeah"

"What about this" He puts his hands on her wrists

She laughs, "Yes Soul I can feel that too"

He pauses for a second.

"What about this" He leans in and kisses her softly until she starts to kiss back, then pulls away slowly.

She stood there shaken up by her first kiss. "I don't think I felt that? Maybe you should try again?" She smiles.

He smirked at her answer. And she bit her lip seductively.

He pressed his lips against hers mostly with need, but a bit aggressive. Her hands found their way around his neck, and his hands around her waist. His tongue slips into her mouth and her tongue started to play with his. Makas leg started to go up Souls leg. He takes one arm off her waist and pulls her leg up to his waist where she wraps it around him. He smiled through the kiss. He picked up her other leg and leaned her up against the hallway wall. Not breaking the kiss. Her legs slowly slid back to the ground.

Suddenly the front door opened and her dad walked in. "Maka I'm he-" He stopped himself and started cursing in Japanese. Soul immediately pulled away and turned around leaning on the other wall. Maka stood there leaning up against the wall looking at her dad in horror.


"Well… I… We…" She bit her lip and slid her back down the wall slowly until she was sitting on the floor.

Maka went to her room and locked herself in and sat against the door to listen to her dads 'talk' with Soul. Since she had never heard it before, she was so upset and worried to death that he had to give it to Soul.

Outside her room Soul was sitting on the couch and Spirit was hovering over him.

"So what were you doing with my daughter?" He asked shooting him with questions.

"I just kissed your daughter." Soul said

"It didn't look like that. It looked like you were MAKING OUT WITH MY DAUGHTER!" He yelled at Soul

"Ok. I was making out with Maka." Soul confessed


"I was thinking I've liked Maka for a while now, and the kiss… just happened." He tried to explain

"Those things don't just happen! First you kiss, then you start making out, then you trick her into sex and get her PREGNANT and 13 years later, get a divorce." He angrily said to Soul

"Sir, I have strong feeling for Maka. I would never, EVER, try to hurt her. I would never lay a finger where she wouldn't let me. And I won't do anything until she is ready." Soul said his feelings pouring over every single word he said.

Spirit sat the for a minute soaking it all in. "Yeah I don't want you dating my daughter."

And he walked over to Makas room and knocked on the door. "Maka" He heard crying through the door. "Don't worry Maka! Daddy's here!" He says through the door.

Maka unlocks the door and swings it open. "DON'T YOU SEE THAT YOU'RE THE PROBLEM!" She screams at him then slams the door in his face and relocks it.

"So I'll pick you and your things up around noon tomorrow" He confirms with Maka.

"WHAT?!" yells Maka. She runs over and tries to open it but forgets it locked, her hand slips off the knob and she falls on the floor. "Ouch" She gets up, unlocks the door and opens it rubbing her head. "WHAT! I don't wanna leave!" She yelled at him.

"Well I can't let you live with this boy who claims he loves you." He tells Maka

"He said he loves me?" She looked down the hall and smiled at Soul who was sitting on the couch face in his hands. She runs down the hallway and sits on the couch. She hugs Soul who seemed very upset.

"So tomorrow at noon" he confirms.

"No" Says Maka

"What?" Spirit says

"You heard me. NO"

"I am your father and you will listen to me! You don't tell me NO!"

"Dad, I am a senior at the DWMA. I have lived with my scythe since I was 15. And I love him. I am not going to move just because you caught us kissing." She says firmly, leaning against Soul who sat up and put and arm around her.

"Maka you are still my little girl. And I don't want you to grow up." He confesses.

"Dad, I will always be your little girl. But it's time to let me go."

Spirit fights back tears. "If he gets you pregnant, I am gonna beat the shit out of him." He got up, grabbed his jacket, and walked out the door slamming it behind him.

"I told him the truth. I love you… I've loved you. I've put my life in front of you and taking away another man's girl, isn't cool at all. Maka Albarn. I fucking love you." Confessed Soul

Maka starts to tear up. "I love you too"

Soul surprises her with another kiss. At first her eyes were wide open with surprise, but soon enough she had gotten used to his lips.

4 months later

Maka and Soul lay on Souls bed panting and exhausted.

"That… Was… amazing" Pants Maka

"Your… actually…. Really good… for a…. virgin" He pants, Then chuckles. "Correction, former virgin"

Maka smiles and lay on top of Soul naked and soaked in sweat.

"You've…. Had… sex before?" She asks leaning up

"Once… I…. was… 14…. And it was about 30 seconds…" He laughs at the memory

Maka stares at him a little hurt "Oh… with who?" she asks

"I have no clue. We were in a dark closet playing 7 minutes in heaven. Unfortunately it was winter so we both had a lot of clothes on and it took 6 minutes to get them off and on." He says

"Oh… I just assumed you were a virgin to…" She says with hurt filling up her eyes.

"Why is that?" He asked

"Well you've lived with me for the past 3 years, so unless you've sneaked girls in when I'm asleep I swore you were a virgin" Said Maka sitting up on his stomach.

"Common Maka, look at me. Its impossible being this cool and be a virgin." He explained

"Um… yeah… you're right… I was stupid to think that I was your first." She said getting off him. She grabbed one of his shirts off the floor and put it on. "I'm gonna watch some TV…" She said as she walked out of the room.

"That was odd..." Soul thinks

Soul sat up and grabbed a pair of boxers out of the drawer and put on a pair of basketball shorts on. Then he walked out to see Maka curled up on the couch, and the TV off. "Maka, if you are tired you could've stayed in my bed?" He says to her

"No… I'm fine here." She answers

Soul looked at her confused. Normally she would jump at the option to sleep with him, but not this time? He decided she was too tired to walk and that he would just carry her back to his bed. He walked over and slid his arms under her and picked her up.

"PUT ME DOWN!" She screamed at him.

"Relax. I'm just taking you back to my bed" He told her

"I SAID PUT ME DOWN BASTARD!" She screamed again.

Soul stared at her in shock. She has never called him that before.

"PUT ME DOWN YOU FUCKING RETARDED ASSHOLE!" She screamed at him again.

He practically dropped her on the couch, staring at her with a mix of hurt and confusion in his expression.

She got up and walked to her room and slammed the door.

Soul stood there, in shock for a minute then walked to her room and slowly opened the door to see her throwing his shirt on the ground and going through her drawers.

She turned and saw him there. She threw a pair of shorts at him. "Get out I'm naked!" She yelled at him.

"I just had sex with you. You being Nude barley fazed me. It actually makes my nose want to bleed but I have gotten used to that feeling."

"GET OUT!" She screamed

He backed away and closed the door "Are you having mood swings Maka, because I don't like this?"

She opened the door and threw his shirt at him then slammed the door shut again. He sighed and sat against the wall across from her bedroom drifting asleep, dreaming dreams about him and Maka… Him… and… Maka….

(A/N: What do you think? A good start, maybe? Tell me what you think!)