
New story! YAY! I know it's been done before but this is different.

Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN TWILIGHT. The credit for that goes to the amazing and talented Stephenie Meyer.


It's been a month and a half since he left me.

He told me it would be like he never existed. He promised me that. He lied to me.

It was a promise that had been broken the second the words left his mouth. He had left me with something that would never allow me to forget him.

A child. His child.

I was starting to show. Baggy t- shirts wouldn't be enough to hide the fact that I was pregnant soon. People would know.

I don't know how he was able to have a child but apparently he could.

My dad was furious when he had found out. Furious at me, at him, at the world for letting this happen. He suggested an abortion. I screamed at him, yelling about how he didn't care about me and how he was trying to kill the one thing I had left of my life. He saw sense after that.

He was still mad about us not using protection, about being so careless. I made up a story about how he couldn't have children. That when he was younger his doctor had told him he was unable to get women pregnant.

He muttered about how it was still careless, but seemed less furious at me. He hated him for leaving me without a way to contact him, for thinking that a clean break would be better.

I was going to tell him but he didn't love me and shouldn't be tied down to me when he didn't love me. I was tired more often and went to bed earlier now. Morning sickness was getting to me and I never felt healthy. There was a hole in my chest. One that even a little bronze haired, green eyed baby couldn't fix.

I went to bed that night wishing he was here, as usual. I tried not to look out my window anymore, but sometimes it just happened. Out my window I thought I saw a pale, shadowy figure in the tree, but when I looked again it was gone.

I've lost it, I thought to myself, getting under the covers.


Tell me if I should continue the story. I need a story to work on in between the other. Working on one thing drives me insane.