Well, I see you made it to the very last page of this story. I'd like to thank everyone that read it and I hope that you enjoyed it. If you reviewed it, I answered you and read all the suggestions or comments that made. I may not have used them, but I did read them and I appreciate each of them.

Fannie Awards for 2012,

Best KP Style Name with Dr. I. Nomore.

Best Romance.

Best Single Line "Does my super suit really make my butt look that big?"

To be honest, I have to admit to a few things though.

The idea about the electromagnetic fields and drugs disguised as other drugs came from an episode of NCIS entitled "Psych Out," guest starring Jamie Lee Curtis.

The line that a lot of people liked from Chapter 15, "They just love taking me out of my comfort zone, don't they?" actually came from the second episode of "Avatar, The Last Air Bender."

I borrowed, with permission, some of the wording from Sentinel103's story "The Hunter Book 1," when Kim was calling Ron names in the hospital. "You're nothing now. Just a poor, dumb Pollock Jew boy." I wasn't sure about what would be accepted in this community and the rating I gave this story, and his words worked for it.

In the same story, Chapter 25, he has James Possible in the hospital recovering from a stroke telling Tara and Josh about the time that both Kim and Ron were in the bathtub after trying to make mud pies when they were small. That scene was the spark to my imagination for the hospital.

I have no idea how many lines originally came from Doctor Who. "Hello Sweetie," "real, actually and properly real," for example.

The "agreement," that Team Possible and Global Justice came to was mostly based on a similar agreement from a story by Obbiejoe, entitled "The New Team Possible 'Beginnings."

The Lipski's daughter's name, Veronica Ann, originally came from the story "Union," by G-Go. Although G-Go used it for Ron and Kim's first child's name, for my purposes it worked better for Drew and Shego's daughter's name. For reasons I stated in the story, they felt the owed Kim and Ron a debt of gratitude.

I'd like to thank CajunBear73 for his help concerning a way for Kim to forgive herself for what she saw as how she had treated Ron in the past. I had this one idea that I ran past CB and he didn't tell me it was stupid or dumb, which it was, but he did suggest that I try and find another way to do it. A week later I ran across the article about Japanese women and what it means for them to cut their hair. Now that is something that I will take full credit for and I am actually proud of the way it worked out. Thanks CB for helping me not make a big mistake.

The little blue Geo was mine, up until the trans-axle went out last year and it wasn't worth repairing. God I loved that little car.


A few people asked about what the two Syntho Drones found when they were transported through the rift in space. Here's a quote from the Doctor Who episode entitled "Doom," that sums it up nicely for what I had envisioned.

Imagine that.
no light, no dark, no up, no down. No life. No time. Without end.
My people called it The Void, the Eternals called it The Howling.
But some people call it Hell.


Added extra for those that read this far down on the page.


Day of the Stoppable-Possible Wedding

The young woman wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses, waited quietly in line at the Middleton Bus Station. She had two very large suitcases which she kept within arm's reach at all times and a newspaper under her arm. The people ahead and behind her were grumbling about long the line was and how slow it was moving, but the young women just stood there and didn't say a thing one way or the other.

When it came her turn, she carried the two suitcases up to the counter and laid the newspaper on the counter. The headline was about a new company in Silicon Valley that would house the biggest internet server in the world, along with the newest, fastest as well as smartest computer that would control and manage it.

The young woman asked for a one-way ticket to San Francisco, California, please and thank you.

The man behind the counter looked up and started to ask for the young woman's autograph recognizing the catch phrase. The sunglasses that she was wearing hid her eyes; the baseball cap pulled low obscuring a lot of her facial features. Her long red hair was pulled back in a pony tail. The man stopped when he remembered the latest picture he'd seen of the woman who he thought she was, clearly had very short red hair and was suppose to be getting married today.

Trying to cover his awkward pause, he asked, "Since you're traveling to California Miss, do you have anything packed that they will want to inspect? Fruits, plants or anything like that?"

"No." said the red haired girl. "Just a lot of computer back-up disks. That's all."

She handed the man a pre-paid credit card issued to Global Justice and asked him if the bus had wifi in it. She said she had some studying to do on the trip.

After getting her ticket, the young woman lifted her luggage and walked out to the bus, ready to begin the emergency contingency plan.


Finally finished "The Monkey's Tail" and have started the wedding story, "Something Old, Something New, Nothing Stoppable, Everything Possible."

As always, if you have a question about something PM me or put it in a review.
I always try to answer.

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