I walked into the room, took my seat, and started on today's problems. 5 minutes later I finished. I pulled out my notebook and started to draw. I saw things fly pass my head. But I was too immersed in my drawing I barely noticed when the teacher came in.

Hi my name is Maka Albarn, also known as the schools play toy/punching bag. I have no friends. People don't like me. I don't stick up for myself. People think I'm weak. When they see me, all they see is a nerd. I get called names, and bullied because I'm smart. I have no family left except my papa. My mama died when I was little. Since then my papa has been abusing me. He doesn't care what happens to me. Just if I'm there so he can vent his anger out on me. I've had to become independent to survive. I don't ever talk at school. Never. The students at school always tease me about it, but I just ignore them and take the blow. When I was 5 I ran away. I stumbled around in the city after one of papa's beatings. While I was walking I ran into this guy. Once he saw me he took me to fight club to bandage me up. He had bluish skin and tattoos on his arms. Later on I found out his name was Sid. While he was cleaning my wounds he asked me what happened. I told him everything, he got mad when I finished the story and through things around the room. He asked me if I could fight. I told him I knew how to punch. Ever since then I've been training with the fight club. I'm 16 now, when I turned 14 the fight club asked me to join them. So far I've been in fight club for two years. They tell me I'm extremely skilled and I'm unbeatable. There the closest thing I have to family. They accept me for who I am, and love me like their own daughter. Joey and Danny are the most over protective of me and would 'kill' anything that would try to harm me. The club knows all about spirit. And trust me he wouldn't even be breathing if I didn't ask them to let me handle him on my own. So here I am now in stein's classroom, reminiscing and drawing while people try to through things at my head (they all have terrible aim) I laugh a little at that thought.

"Maka" my head shot up. I nodded to show I was listening. "Because I must be boring you to death, I want you to answer all of the questions on the board while I look at the pretty picture you've drawn me". Professor Stein said while fixing his glasses and gently taking my notebook. I smiled up to him while nodding and walked to the board. I already knew all the answers. Everybody laughed because I got caught off task (but I was already done smart ones) I wanted to say but I thought against it. I wrote all of the answers out in a matter of minutes. There were 42 questions and now 42 answers. After I was content with my work I walked back over to my seat and sat down. Professor Stein went to go check them. I had to hold back I giggle when I realized he still had my notebook looking at all my drawings. A few minutes later after he checked all of them he came over to my desk. "Maka, congratulations you got them all right" he said not looking surprised at all. The rest of the class was in shock. Stein looked up at the class. "Back to work" he barked at the class while turning the screw in his head. I think half of the class peed their pants. I don't know why everyone is scared of him. If you get past the creepy screw and the insane urge to dissect things. He's actually really cool. "Maka if you can I would like you to stay behind to discuss this" he said handing me the notebook. I gave him a quick nod and he went to go sit at his desk while I just doodled some more.

Time skip: 15 minutes later

"Alright everyone there will be no homework. Enjoy your weekend". Stein said as students practically hurled themselves through the door to get away from the creepy professor. I stayed behind like he asked. I walked over to his desk. "So maka do you know why I asked you to stay behind?" he asked while looking up at me. I shook my head as I mouthed the words no. He chuckled "well it's not because of your grades I'll tell you that". I just smiled and nodded my head. "You have a gift" he stated, I was confused. (Huh?) "Your drawings are very good. They look like a professional did them. To tell you the truth I would probably pay money to see them in a gallery". He looked at me like a father would to his son who just won the championship game. I was surprised; whenever someone sees my art they shun away from it and call it creepy. "You may go now Maka, but since your drawings are all different images I have to ask how you come up with these…..situations?" I nodded slowly then picked up my bag but right when I was about to leave the room. I looked pass my shoulder at professor stein. And said "professor I draw what I see". With one last glance at him I fled, almost missing his shocked but concerned face.

I ran as fast as I could. I had to get out of this place its suffocating me. I can't believe I told him that. Sure he's the only one I trust here but still. Oh well what's done is done. As I got closer to the exit I slowed down to a walk. I pushed open the door and took in a breath of fresh air. I walked down the steps to my normal hang out. A over grown tree with roots coming out of the ground. I breathed a sigh of relief I didn't know I was holding. I sat down and brought my bag on my lap, took out my book and started to read. This was the only place I felt safe at school. No one bothers me here. I still have one more class but I couldn't take the suffocating aroma of the school so I decided to skip. I must have been so caught up in my book that I didn't hear the dismissal bell but I saw kids pouring out the doors eager to start their weekends. Next thing I know my book was ripped from my hands. I look up and there's raven and her followers. Raven Richard, she's rich, mean, snotty, and popular. She thinks she owns the school. She wears shorts that look like underwear, shirts that show more than enough cleavage and wears so much makeup she looks like a clown. Her 2 followers look like cloned copies of her with their hair blonde straight and noses stuck up. I get up and put a hand out for my book. "Oh you want this" she asks pulling it out of my reach when I try to grab for it. Then she turned around and through it into a pile of mud. "Opps sorry "she said mockingly. I went to pick up the book but she stepped on it."Your going to have to talk if you want it back" she taunted and kicked it with her foot. I went to pick it up again but she kicked it farther. "Did you hear me or are you deaf too" she said while taking one of my pigtails and pulling me up by it. I winced but she didn't care because she wasn't done yet. By the time she had me by my hair there was a crowed surrounding us. "awww is the little girl hurt?" she said in mockery puling it harder. "Come on talk! Can you even? Are you scared? Is the little nerd scared of me?" she laughed. I stayed silent showing no emotion, I knew they would keep doing it if I showed anything. "Huh? What was that speak up!" raven said. She brought her hand up and slapped me in the face. My head turned to the side as she did. There were gasps all around us. She dropped me to the ground smirk on her face as she watched me get up. "Well little nerd, this was fun but i grow bored of this. Leave" she said snarling as the crowd parted so I could walk away. They were all laughing at me. "Hahahaha that's probably why your mother killed herself. Because she has a pathetic daughter like you." She said laughing. I stopped dead in my tracks. I snapped. I walked straight up to her. "SHUT UP! YOU STUPID BITCH!" I yelled in her face. I punched her in the face. A sickening crack was heard, she fell to the ground tears streaming down her face. The only thing that was heard was silence. Everybody was probably in shock that I said something and hit her to care about her bleeding nose. "She didn't kill herself!" I screamed at her a single tear escaping my eye . "You don't know a damn thing about me! Don't act like it! You fucking bully me every day! Are you happy now? Are you finally satisfied? I didn't do a damn thing to you! So why? Why try to hurt me? Why try to brake what's already broken!? You're sick if you have to hurt others to make you feel good! I may always be a nerd but you will always be a bitch!" I yelled at her. I turned to the people around us. "How could you all just sit there every day and watch this! Some of you even join in! Does my pain make you feel better? YOU ARE ALL DISGUSTING! WELL ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!" I yelled loud at them. The crowd parted when I moved past them, their faces avoid of any emotion. None of them looked me in the eyes. The students who weren't in the crowd were looking at me no emotion on their faces just looking at me. "Maka!" I heard someone yell I looked at the school and saw Sid running towards me. He got closer and hugged me. "Maka, are you alright I heard you yelling and screaming." He said checking me for wounds looking at me with clear worry in his eyes. I cracked a small smile. "I'm fine Sid. I swear but Richard needs medical attention." I said with loathing in my voice at the end. His eyes widened "what did she say?" he asked with venom in his voice. I looked down at the grass. "She…She said my mother killed herself because I'm a pathetic daughter." I said with sorrow looking away from the grass and at him. He had anger written all over his face. "Sid its okay I know the truth, that's all that matters." I said. I hatted when he was upset about something over me. "Sid I have to go, spirit is waiting, but don't worry he probably won't be home." I knew it was a lie so did he but I really did have to go, if I wanted to be able to eat tonight. "Fine but you are sure you are all right?" he said even more concern etched on his face. "I'm fine" I said a small smile reaching my lips. He gave me another hug and sent me off. With that I went running to the place that I never called home.

Pov switch: Sid

I watched her run. Run to that evil man. Run to face another beating. The worse part I couldn't do a damn thing. That man's so wealthy he could get out of jail in 2 days tops for murdering 7 people. And its maka choice If she wants to leave she can, I just don't know why she stays. "Dad!" I saw black star coming up to me. "Dad, you know maka?" he asked me confused. "Hey Sid" soul said right next to black star. I nodded my head. "Black star I need you to follow her now it's an emergency, when she gets home safely then I want you to come home and tell me everything! Do you understand?" I said hurriedly. Black star nodded his head. "Good go now, you too soul. Make sure she is alright. And black star be careful." Once I said that they took off running hot on her heels. I hope they're going to be fine and not run right into spirits rage.