Blaine glared at Sebastian and pulled the lightsaber from his back pocket, activating it and going for Sebastian. The taller brunet ducked each swing and grabbed the light, breaking it in half. Nick and Jeff looked shocked.

"No one…can…" Louis whispered.

"I can." Sebastian grabbed the other half and yanked, throwing Blaine against the opposite wall. The boy groaned and sat up. "I'm much more powerful than you think. None of Herlihy's little eBay weapons can hurt me." Blaine stood up and threw himself at Sebastian, punching every inch he could reach.

"Go, Blaine!" Nick and Jeff called out. Blaine was easily overpowered and was propelled across the room again.

"Anderson, you can't win against me. Why are you still trying?" Sebastian sneered, brushing off his suit. Blaine was leaning against the wall. Kurt walked over to Blaine and helped him up. "Thanks, Kurt," Blaine panted.

"Mr. Smythe, I have your…" A tall blond boy walked in and his eyes widened at the events in front of him.

"Not now, Jonathan!" Sebastian snapped. Kurt and Blaine saw the boy's eye twitch and watched as the coffee cup sailed across the room, hitting Sebastian in the chest.

"My name is Chandler, not Jonathan. I've worked for you for three years and you never bothered to remember my name," he yelled. "I quit!" Without another word, the boy stormed out of the room.

"Kurt, what are you doing?" Kurt had turned and walked back over to a still-smirking Sebastian.

"Our love was nothing," he said. Sebastian winced at this and sat down quickly. "I never loved you. I just wanted to feel like someone loved me." Each proclamation made the brunet flinch and look down. "You're nothing to me, Sebastian Smythe. You're a coward and a whore and a fucking psychopath. We were never an item."

"Blaine…" Louis whispered, pushing something across the floor. It was Thor's hammer. "It's not real, but it's freaking heavy." Kurt was still going.

"I know your parents kicked you out when you came out to them. You told me everything: how you spent the night at Scandals and lost your virginity to a 40-year-old. As for all those claims about being in France before Dalton, you just told everyone that to avoid the fact that you prostituted yourself until you had enough money to get in." Kurt was on a roll and Sebastian was now curled into a ball on his throne.

Blaine picked up the prop and nearly collapsed from the weight, but dragged it over to Sebastian's throne and lifted it up.

"Goodbye, sicko," he hissed, bringing it down on him and the room was showered in gold. Everyone looked on in awe and when it came raining down shrieked and shielded themselves.

"Is this madness over?" Blaine asked Kurt, who nodded and kissed him passionately.

"Klaine!" Nick and Jeff shouted; the two looked at each other and chuckled.

"You're Kurt, right?" A new voice asked. Kurt looked up to see Sebastian's recently-quit assistant.

"Yeah, and you're Chandler?" The boy smiled at the acknowledgement. "You need anything?"

"Um, yeah, you see, before Sebastian abducted you guys, he trained me and I'm supposed to stop you from getting away." Chandler pulled a sword from his belt.

"Do we have to?" Blaine whined. "I just smashed the biggest douche in the world. Can't we move on?"

"You don't even want Kurt, do you?" Louis interjected.

"No, but I told Sebastian I'd do this," Chandler replied.

"He's dead. He doesn't have to know," Louis muttered. "Chandler?" The blond looked up. "Since you're out of a job, we'll take you back to Dalton and maybe you can live the normal life of a prep school teenager. How does that sound?"

Chandler seemed to mull this over before smiling. "Okay." He put the sword down and walked out of the room with the five boys.

When the six returned to Dalton, they found the rehearsal room dark. Blaine flicked on the light, only to find both the New Directions and the Warblers.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Nick and Jeff texted us with the news that Kurt's free of that psycho, so we came over," Artie explained.

"Who's this?" Cameron asked, slinging an arm on Chandler's shoulder.

"That's Chandler, Sebastian's assistant. He quit because Sebastian could never remember his name," Louis said. "I just remembered something, who won Sectionals?"

Rachel crossed her arms and sulked. "We tied."

"So we're all going to Regionals!" Sam said the obvious.

"Uh-duh." Louis made a face. Nick swatted his shoulder.

"Louis, be nice," he hissed.

"You know what I feel like doing?" Kurt said. "I feel like performing." He and Blaine moved to the middle of the room as the Warblers began harmonizing.

"Looking in your eyes, I know I'm right

If there's anything worth my love, it's worth a fight

We only get one chance

But nothing ties our hands

You're what I want

Listen to me

Nothing I want

Is out of my reach

"(I'm free)

Heaven helps the man who fights his fear

Love's the only thing that keeps me here

You're the reason that I'm hanging on

My heart's staying where my heart belongs

(I'm free)

Running away will never make me free

And nothing we sign is any kind of guarantee

But I wanna hold you now

And I won't hold you down"

A/N: Alas, my readers, we are over. I love your reviews and your follows and your favorites. See you in another fic.