Chapter One: Gakupo

Theme: Father.

Posted 05/08/2012

Inspired by: Gackt singing GHOST, Gakupo covering GHOST. And Paranoid Doll.

Disclaimer: Nothing is mine. Especially Gackt.


The voice of his sister. Not the family member he wants.

He ignores it, and just keeps staring at the computer screen. Just keeps listening to the song playing in his headphones. More importantly, the voice. That deep, soulful voice, so similar to his yet rather different, singing Paranoid Doll with more realistic tones than he could ever quite manage.

Gumi peeks over his shoulders, and recognization dawns on her as her mind registers the familiar man singing and dancing on stage. "You miss him, don't you?"

He doesn't move, doesn't say anything. Just look at him.

Gumi understands, sort of. She lets him be and leaves to watch several anime episodes voiced by a certain woman.

Gakupo lets the voice of Gackt wash over him, lets him be as close as possible to someone who is, technically, his parent, his father.

He just wishes he is, for real.

A tear slips down his face, and for the thousandth time, he wants to be a real human with a real family.