Mephiles's POV:

I close my eyes as Amelia reflects Shadow's attack back at him. I am not sure if it hit him or not, but by the time I open my eyes, Shadow has disappeared and Amelia has collapsed in a heap on the ground. She looks still…too still. I don't even see her chest moving up and down anymore, nor does she make any noise. Still weak from the attacks over the past few days that I never had proper time to recover from, I swoop Amelia up into my arms.

"Please Amelia…don't leave me now…I need you!" I yell out, resisting the urge to cry.

Amelia opens her eyes halfway. She looks up at me and smiles a little bit. She reaches her hand out and touches my face. "M…Mephiles…" She whispers. "My time…My time is up…"

"No it isn't Amelia!" I shout. "I refuse to let you die like this. Not after everything you did for me! I need you Amelia! You're the only person that's ever given me a chance in life! You're the only one that understands me! If you died, I would probably do the same."

"I have faith in you, Mephiles." Amelia says softly. "I know…you have a happier life now."

"Not with Shadow constantly chasing me and everyone around me thinking I am a monster!" I shout, wiping tears from my eyes.

"Shadow may still chase you around for awhile…but it will come to pass." Amelia says softly. "I know so…"

"How can you be so sure?" I ask.

"Heh…I can see the future too, you know." Amelia responds. "Just trust me."

"But still…I don't want to lose you." I say. "I love you."

"I won't be leaving forever, Mephiles." Amelia says. She removes the necklace from around her neck. "I will always be with you…in that necklace. That I promise you."

I don't say anything else, as my injuries are starting to pain me again. I put the necklace around my neck silently. It has a heart shaped charm on it. I wipe my eyes, not wanting Amelia to see my tears in her last moments. However, she must have seen them anyway, because I feel her wipe my eyes and I hear soft whispers saying "Shh…"

Amelia hugs me lightly, smiling still. How she can still be joyous at her own death is beyond me. How can she be happy knowing she will leave this planet forever? Even worse, how can she be happy knowing that she's going to leave me forever upset because I would now have nobody who understands me? It all seems very confusing to me. However, I don't say anything. I just sit there on the kitchen floor of Amelia's house, surrounded by trash, burnt floors, knocked down glasses, knocked down chairs, napkins and silverware, holding Amelia as I sit on my knees, unable to stand due to being too weak to. And we sit there in silence, me crying and Amelia wiping my tears until suddenly, he hand doesn't come to wipe my eyes anymore. And I knew that I was now alone.

Although Amelia is now gone, I still sit where I am, my eyes closed. I finally break down crying, wanting…begging her to come back. I wish that I could have turned back the clock and made it be me instead if her who died because of this. Amelia didn't deserve it. She did nothing wrong. Yet she was the one who died. The only one who understood me…gone. And now I am alone with no one.

Sighing, I force myself up. There isn't a point in sitting here crying anymore. Amelia thinks I am strong. And I am going to prove that to her by not crying anymore. I am going to deal with this and I will get through it. Somehow. I grab Amelia and take her outside to be buried. I bury her in silence, using the shovel she had by her garden. I put a few flowers by her resting place.

Goodbye Amelia… I will never forget you…

Poor Amelia! And poor Mephiles! Well, that's the end of this story. I plan to make a sequel to this soon about what the future holds for Mephiles. Hope you enjoyed and your reviews are welcome! Thanks for reading and thank you to all of my reviewers!