Okay all. This story's idea came from katkirkland on tumblr, but she said she wanted somebody else to write it, so I suppose this could be considered a request but she gets the credit no? I descovered she has a fanfiction account too, she's kimikissu07. She got the idea from a manga series called Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo. Anyway, this is my first USUK fic! I made a whole new account just to post it. (more details in my profile) I love you all! Lets give this a try.

I don't own Hetalia!...collapses in the corner and cries.

"Excuse me?"

Alfred stopped and blinked a few times at hearing the unfamiliar voice. He could have sworn nobody in his school had a British accent, though they had a large diversity of people at his school. He turned toward the voice and saw a boy, only a few inches shorter than him. His light blond hair was messy around his forehead and his large green eyes looked very much confused.

"Um, yeah?" Alfred said back after taking a glace at his watch. He couldn't help but notice the halls were emptying and he really didn't want to be late for his next class.

"Could you help me find room 602?" The boy asked quickly.

Alfred chuckled and turned towards the stairs he had to climb then started up them, expecting the boy to follow, which he did. "I don't know room numbers man, I just memorize locations. Tell me what your next class is, maybe I can tell you what hall it's in."

The boy seemed to let out an annoyed grunt, clearly not pleased. "Theater Productions." He read off of his paper.

Alfred was surprised for a second but got over it quickly after looking the other up and down, noting his noticeably large eyebrows. "Huh, that's my next class, so just follow me I guess."

The boy seemed to be in a little better mood after that. "Oh, well that's convenient, thank you."

"Yeah." Alfred mumbled. "I thought that Productions Company was just for Juniors and Seniors who auditioned in." He couldn't help but be a bit disappointed. He had been looking forward to Productions Company because most all of the people who weren't serious about acting had quit during one of the pre-requisites, or not made it through the auditions. But he had never seen this kid before, and he wondered what to really expect from his final class block.

"I am a Junior that auditioned in." The boy seemed annoyed again. "Thank you very much."

Alfred shrugged a bit. "I assumed you were a Freshman since you didn't know the layout of the building."

He glanced over at his green eyes and the two emerald orbs glares back at him. "I just moved into the neighborhood during the summer, and this place is bloody huge, I have every right to be confused."

"Sorry." Alfred responded with sarcasm, making sure the boy knew he didn't mean it. What an immature punk. Al was already sensing that he wouldn't get along with this kid so he decided to play around a bit. "That's an interesting accent...Where are you from?"

The boy looked at him in complete disbelief. "Seriously? I'm from the bloody United Kingdom!" He almost snapped.

Alfred shrugged. "Never heard of it." He said plainly, but unable to hide the smile on his face. Of course he had heard of the United Kingdom. But The kid's face was priceless.

"Are you an idiot?" He said, dumbfounded. "Or are all American's as self centered and oblivious as you are?"

Alfred chuckled a bit. "Maybe I'd know it if you described it a bit more."

"It's an island, an island beside Europe you wanker." He spat.

"Is that near Miami?" Alfred shot him a cheeky grin before rolling his eyes at the Brit's astounded face as he opened the door to room 602.

The noise made from rowdy drama kids met him almost instantly. He smiled at the familiar sight of the small, carpeted stage in front of the rows of desks. A boy Al recognized as a red head Italian named Feliciano looked up at the pair as the bell rang for them all to sit down.

Regardless of the cue, the energetic boy stood up and ran to Alfred, hugging him. "Alfred! It's been forever!" He said happily before letting go. Al was used to the touchy feely atmosphere around the many teenage actors, so he wasn't phased, even though he had never been particularly close to Feliciano or his older brother.

He smiled at his shorter classmate. "Yeah it has." He looked around. "Where's Gilbert?" He asked.

Alfred was answered by the very person he searched for tackling him to the ground, pushing him flat against the floor, and twisting his arm behind his back. "Hey Alfred!" He said loudly with a laugh. "You're loosing so early in the year? Perhaps you've excepted I'm just too awesome to defeat?!"

Alfred laughed loudly and slapped his hand on the ground in surrender. "Oh God I missed you Gilbert." He said, glad to see his old friend.

Gilbert let him up off the ground and helped him up. Before he could say anything however, the teacher entered the room and said loudly "Shut up!"

The room went quiet and all eyes turned to Mrs. Héderváry. She was only in her mid 20's but every person in that room knew not to mess with her, despite her cheerful disposition. However none of them had expected to be yelled at on the first day of the school year.

There was a long silence until she smiled widely. "Is everybody excited?"

There was an audible sound of relief throughout the room and everybody laughed, along with enthusiastic fist pumps and a few excited curse words.

"Everybody take a seat." Mrs. Héderváry said as she circled around the front of the room to the carpeted steps in front of the stage. "I know many of you have been looking forward to this quite a bit."

Alfred and Gilbert hurriedly found seats next to each other in the back row, surrounding themselves with friends from the previous two years of obnoxious theater kid bonding. He sat down and got comfortable with Gilbert to his left, Francis to his right, and Kiku in front of him.

Alfred took a moment to notice the new kid sit on the edge of the mid section of desks. He looked a tad bit uncomfortable behind the Vargas brothers and next to Ivanand in front of two giggly girls Alfred never really bothered with. Though he had noticed before that the taller of the two had a very impressive chest.

The two boy's eyes met for just a moment as they wandered the room, before glaring at each other and looking away.

Alfred shrugged smugly and turned his attention toward the front of the classroom. "Alright, this is the last period of the day, and I know the get to know you games and disclosure documents get old, but suffer through it once more alright?" A few groans ran through the rows of desks, even though they all knew the simplicity of the first day of school would be missed soon. "Most of you already know each other, we have grown close over the past years and now you are finally here at your goal. Everyone in this room is passionate about what we will all be doing. It's your job to make sure you make this experience worth as much as you can."

Alfred's excitement grew inside him. He was determined to make this year amazing. The introductions started soon and he was surprised to see a couple new faces, who didn't seem to have trouble making friends at all. There was some tan chick from an island Alfred really didn't know this time, and a sleepy looking dude form Greece.

Then Alfred smiled to himself as the Brit stood up. "My name is Arthur Kirkland, I'm from England." Alfred took note that Arthur hadn't used the term United Kingdom, no doubt because of their encounter earlier because he glared right at Alfred as he said it. "I look forward to learning about acting in the United States. No doubt it will be a very different experience." He smiled kindly at everybody before sitting down.

What a snob.

Alfred yawned and stepped out into the late August rain, holding his jacket over his head. He found himself glad he didn't wear his favorite bomber jacket today, or it would have been ruined by the rain. He didn't have his license but he didn't mind not driving. Virginia had a pleasant landscape and he didn't live too far from the school if he cut through the thick trees. He had memorized a quick path home by now and usually could make it home within 15 minutes.

Luckily the thick trees served as a good shield from the rain so Alfred's jacket didn't get soaked at least. He only walked for awhile through the trees before taking his jacket away from his head when there was a thick enough protection to turn the rain into more of a mist. His glasses felt out of place on his nose as he rubbed some raindrops away with his sleeve. While he did, he heard a familiar voice, and recognized the snobby British accent in an instant. For a moment he thought Arthur had followed him, but then he realized it was coming from ahead.

Alfred couldn't help but fancy himself a secret agent, or a hero of sorts and he snuck up behind a nearby tree and peeked around it at Arthur. The Englishman was sitting on a rock with his bookbag on the ground. "I don't want to go home yet." He said aloud, for a moment Al thought he had been caught until Arthur continued talking.

"Of course not. William is probably is a jerky mood again today."

What on earth was he replying to? Was he crazy? Should have seen that coming.

"Speaking of jerks, of all the people you could have told me to ask for directions, did it have to be that stupid American? What was his name, Alfonse?" there was a pause in which Alfred bit his cheek. "Alfred? I don't care what his name is, he's a complete moron!"

At this point Alfred felt a little peeved. True he had acted like a jerk to Arthur earlier, but it was just teasing. "What do you mean special?" Arthur said, annoyed.

Alfred rolled his eyes and stepped out from behind the tree. "Hey, dude who the hell are you talking to?"

Arthur looked up with a start. "A-Alfred!" The Brit stood up quickly. "How long have you...did you follow me?"

Alfred scoffed. "Don't flatter yourself." He said plainly. "This is my route home, I live on the other side of these trees. If anything, I'd say you followed me."

Arthur glared. "I'm no stalker, and even if I was you'd be the last person I'd follow. I just so happen to live on the other side too."

Alfred rolled his eyes. "I'm pretty sure I would have seen you by now."

"Shows just how observant you are. You don't even know where the bloody United Kingdom is!"

"I was just joking dude calm down."

"You shut up."

"Whatever, you talking to the air was all I need to know you're nuts so I'm going home now."

"What did you say, git?!" Arthur took a step toward Alfred, looking flustered and angry. "I'm not by any means mad!"

Alfred met his step forward, taking his own. "No, just crazy."

Arthur clenched his fists and stomped right up to the other, not scared in any way shape or form. "I'm not crazy!"

"Then who were you talking to huh? If all Brits are as crazy as you I'm more glad then ever for the American Revolution."

"Shut up! It's not my fault you can't see them!" Arthur got right up into the taller boys face, clearly angry.

"See what? Unicorns?" Alfred wiggled his fingers mockingly in the air to imitate magic.

"No!...Well...Sometimes, but that's not-" Arthur was cut off by Alfred laughing loudly, holding his stomach and bending over.

"Oh you're priceless!" He exclaimed loudly before straightening up again. "You've got to be kidding me!"

"Shut up!" Arthur said again, but this time he seemed to be saying it to all the air around him. He clenched his jaw and said "Not on your life." Before turning back to Alfred.

"You talking to your imaginary friends?" Alfred teased.

"They're not-" He stopped as if he was listening to something then he blushed ferociously. "I don't need to explain myself to you! You're just a stupid jerk!" Arthur promptly picked up his bag and pushed past Alfred, stomping off across the muddy landscape.

Alfred watched him for awhile before the rain got heavier and took him away from his thoughts. "That kid is just weird." He said, pulling his jacket over his head again before walking through the trees toward his home.

The weather made him move quickly, so he got there sooner than he expected. Alfred rented the basement of a family's house with his mom. It wasn't large, but it was quite livable. His mom covered the rent, but in all honesty that's about all she did. As of that point, Alfred hadn't seen his mother for two weeks. He was starting to like it that way though, he found he liked being independent. After all, he knew how to cook, and everything he needed was in walking distance, he didn't need much to live on, and usually his mom would stop by every now and then to give him some cash for groceries. She worked to support him, but he had no clue what she did the rest of the time. His mom was only fourteen years older than him, so he didn't necessarily respect her life experience, but he knew she tried her best. Or that's what he would tell himself...

He had become pretty responsible about living on his own, though last year he had been caught in a vat of depression and his grades suffered, threatening his ability to be in Productions Company. He was determined to keep his grades up this year, though he had fallen behind a little bit. He wanted to at least graduate high-school before moving on to what he really wanted to do. And that was acting of course.

As Alfred stepped through the door he kicked off his shoes and threw his book bag on the counter before shutting the door and laying down on the couch. Since he used it as a bed it was very worn, but he didn't mind at all. He breathed in and smiled a little as he curled up to listen to the rain. He wasn't sleepy, but the sound of raindrops always made him feel at peace, and even safe somehow.

He let his mind ponder on Arthur for a moment while listening. Man was that kid weird, and maybe Alfred had taken the teasing a little too far, but the kid had been talking to thin air.

But maybe Alfred was a bit of a hypocrite. Before he had developed his current personality and made friends with real people, he had imaginary friends. Maybe this kid was just as lonely as had been.

Alfred quickly shook the thoughts out of his head and buried his face in he cushions to listen to the rain paddle on the windows.

A whole month passed, and Alfred's grades were already dropping. Productions Company kept him very busy, staying at the school until almost 5 every day. He was exhausted, but he loved it. He and Arthur had made a point of not talking to each other since their encounter in the trees. But sharing a first and final period made that a bit awkward.

The first show Productions Company was doing this year, was a composer study on the Sherman brothers. Though Mrs. Héderváry had paired Alfred and Arthur together for a musical number, they hadn't started rehearsing yet, and Alfred wasn't looking forward to it.

It was a particularly drowsy morning when he spotted Arthur on the stairs. His face was one of concentration, and he was looking at the small screen of his cell phone. Alfred rolled his eyes as he casually headed up the stairs to their first class. As he passed Arthur, he found he had miscalculated his space and nudge past the shorter boy with his shoulder.

"Did you look up the UK yet? I figure your world map wouldn't be reliable seeing as it probably only comprises the United States." Arthur mumbled as he put his phone in his pocket.

Alfred blinked in surprise. Seeing as they had been avoiding conversation for weeks, he hadn't expected communication, much less a phrase meant to provoke.

He stopped and turned to look at Arthur and smirked despite his surprise. "Couldn't find it, so I figured it was swimming somewhere in those giant eyebrows of yours."

Arthur grit his teeth. "Why you-" He trailed off and sighed. "You really are a jerk. I don't know why I tried talking to you."

"Talking?" Alfred spat. "The first thing you said was an insult."

"You painted yourself into that corner." Arthur said, putting his hands on his hips. "You obviously know where the UK is. I was teasing."

"Yeah and so was I." Alfred rolled his eyes and swung around, his book bag flinging through the air and colliding with Arthur's stomach. He tipped backward and let out a small yelp as he grabbed blindly for the air.

On instinct, Alfred reached out to catch him, but Arthur grabbed his bag and they both fell and plummeted down the stairs.

Everything blurred flashes of black and white, a pair of green eyes, two bodies clinging to each other, pressure on Alfred's lips. Then complete darkness.

Alfred's eyes fluttered open, feeling himself slip into consciousness. He had a splitting headache. He winced as he rubbed his hands on his forehead, as if it would help the pain.

After observing his surroundings he realized he was in the nurses office. He breathed out a sigh of relief in knowing he was safe, and nothing felt broken. He blinked a few times and instinctively reached for his glasses, which had to be somewhere nearby.

In that moment he realized it. His vision was completely clear, and he didn't feel the weight of spectacles on his face. Alfred couldn't be called the brightest of all boys, but he could tell when he was wearing glasses.

He sat up quickly, regretting it as soon as he did, rubbing his head as the pain spiked. He still looked around the curtained area for anything reflective. He found it, a small mirror next to the bed. He saw two magnificently green eyes staring back at him and his face went red.

Alfred quickly grabbed at himself, feeling his slender frame, and running his hands up into his short messy hair. His eyes went wide as he grabbed the mirror to look at his face. Sure enough, he looked just like Arthur.

"Wh-what's going on?!" He said quickly to himself, but covered his mouth soon after. He spoke in a snobby British accent.

No way, this couldn't be happening, this was just a dream.

"Arthur!" A shrill voice proclaimed. "You had us worried!"

Alfred looked up and paled. A tiny green bunny with wings was hovering in front of him. Alfred felt his hand shaking over his mouth as he took in a shaky breath. He had no clue what to say, searching his mind for a solution, or even a response. This was crazy, or was he crazy? He had just fallen down the stairs, how could this have happened?

"Oh God."

So what do you think of the first chapter? I may have rushed it a bit but as this was a request I wanted to get the story rolling fast. I don't expect this story to be magnificent, but worth reading.

Yes the idea for the banter between Alfred and Arthur was from a comedy sketch by Russel Peters.

For USUK art and more frequent updates on this storiy's progress, follow me! amaryka on tumblr!